Transmition : Battleship Missiouri - Lt. (jg) Brown
As I checked my radar for launch, I realized Rogue_63 was in CA again, shooting down pilots and creating general chaos in his cruisr.
Knowing i was outmached, i recruited and mustered up all the pilots at hand willing to help. in around 5 minutes i had assembled a small liberty millitia of 3 fighters.
At my command, we moved in on rogue, who we found, was attacking Willard. I got a pilot to circle around rogue_63 while me and the other unloaded our whole arsenals on him. We were doing alright, slowing dealing damage while evading his guns, when rogue_63 called in some reinforcemnts. Poopsie arrived on spot, and with a cruiser-HF combo, we were turned into miced meat.
We moved in a second time, and i made a call to avalible units in the NY and CA systems, as well as the above transmition. We rendevouzed at CA minor and were about to plunge back in to Tahoe when, luckly, Admiral Osorojo came into contact. Myself and one of the millitia went back inside the ice cloud for recon, but were cut down from behind by rogue's guns.
As we I moved in to CA again, the millitia member back in CA was shot down (g2g) and we met up with Admiral Osorojo at Mojave and completed a task for the Navy before plunging back into the cloud. Admiral Osorojo sent us into the cloud to pickup the location of rogue_63. Unfortunately, my attention was pulled off by a engine malfunction (someone calling my name) and i took a crash-landing on CA minor.
When i respawned (to my surprise) Admiral Osorojo and the remaining millitia attacked the rogues, who now had rogue_81 in their fleet. Our makeshift fleet was taken down by the rogues, and the rogues escaped to Cortez.
I am afraid to say that this is the second succsesful kidnapping of Navy pilots this weekend. May god help those pilots, and we need to stop this chain of rogue attacks/kidnappings...
Johnson Brown, out
Transmition End : . . .
Loyal SA Commander
-It's simple. Houston has the best BBQ, and Denver has the best doughnuts! -Belkin (snack conversation)
ooc: i just wanted to ask...:unsure: if i cover my own expenses, can i get a cruiser? hehehe, just asking though. if not, i'd still like to cover for my own expenses so as not to burden our forces:cool:...
To: SA
Comm ID: Lt. greg911
-missed all the action mentioned below... hope i can lend a hand next time...
-liberty was clear most of the time i was partoling
-continuing patrol runs... *hoping to bring down a few pirates*
Nothing further to report,
Lt. greg911
I see you've been bothered by Rogue*what's his number?* for the past few days... I still remember when we went against that capital ship, you handled yourself quite well. I hope next time you encounter the Rogues, I'll be there too. We'll get him next time. I bought the most expensive legal cruise disruptor than money can buy... I've had it with their running and all. And hopefully i get a bigger ship :D hehehe
As you can see Lt. Cmdr. greg911, you have earned the right to command a Cruiser. From my own personal observations, and glowing reports from fellow officers, you have earned the responsibility. Congratulations. Take command of your new ship at your earliest opportunity.
In a different vein, the LNS-Bruin suffered a setback and has been forced into drydock. It shall be in full operation within next few hours. Fortunately, the SA-TeddyBear's performance has forced the Rogues to change tactics from Bombers to Light Fighters making up for the setback.
It has been such a great privilege to be flying with all of you. The SA gave me a higher purpose in life rather than just flying around Sirius and burning fuel. I shall carry this new responsibility with pride. I will do my best to keep Liberty space peaceful and prosperous. I truly cannot fully express my gratitude for the promotion you have granted me... continuing patrol runs...IN A NEW CRUISER :yahoo:
I have acquired a cruiser and have named it [SA]-LNS-Bataan. I tested its systems and everything seems to be working fine. After which I proceeded to my patrol route. An individual "Prospector" has been spotted in the Texas system. He claims to have massacred countless numbers of SA pilots and our allies as well:nono:... In a frenzy I tried my best to locate his ship but even the scanners on the new cruiser couldn't pick up a signal. I enlisted the help of the LSF but they were hung up on business. A [T.N.O]FS-Trident was also present in the system and offered help in exchange for safe refuge in Liberty Space. I agreed to this just so we could spot this "Prospector" character and turn him into scrap metal:mellow:. Still the individual evaded our scanners... I let the anger get the best of me. I'm sorry guys, I'll nail him for sure once I get the chance. I think he was helped by a new nuisance character {BDR}-DE4DPOOL. I could not fire at him because of level restrictions:rtfm:. *sigh* Sorry guys, I feel like i have let you down. I put a nice dent in the engine compartment of the ship to release my anger... now my hand is swelling... Continuing patrol runs...:(
I have recieved an odd transmission. It seems there is a low yield distress call coming from Omicron Delta. The troubling thing is that whoever or what ever it is, they are using Admiral Adamson's command code. I am ordering the Hammer to investigate. Please scramble any assistance availible thanks. Rhaegar out.
-Transmission Terminated-
P.S. Sorry I haven't been too active as of late. I promise to be around more in the future.:)
<span style="color:#CCCCCC">"BOLT FROM THE HEAVENS"
"Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country, you win wars by making the sorry SOB's die for theirs!"
Transmition : Battleship Missiouri - Lt. (jg) Brown
Been running patrols around in vairous systems.
(note: all times recoreded in mission log from launch)
00:06-Settled down some arguing players.
00:19-helped a player escape from a faulty airlock
00:30-helped a convoy and multiple police units fend of a group of pirates.
00:35-destroyed a rogue base
00:40-helped some stranded players in the badlands
-01:07-liberty space quiet other than occasional rogue attacks
Transmition End : . . .
Loyal SA Commander
-It's simple. Houston has the best BBQ, and Denver has the best doughnuts! -Belkin (snack conversation)
After base hunting with Greg, I explored Virgina a little, and, shortly, SirRed found his way into the complex.
Rogue_63 had been spotted in CA going for his usual runs, and I was suiting up to join Admiral Osorojo when i noticed SirRed being chased by Pilots.
I then explained that it was a private system and that politely asked him to leave.He did not comply, andthen fired at me, at which time i called Admiral Osorojo. Once Admiral Osorojo had arived. He covered the JH as I scouted the astroid field.
We uncovered his location and converged, but i was taken out shortly before Admiral Osorojo arrived. SirRed shorly dis-and reapeared and the fighting ensued, he then, outmached, fleed the system and attemted to escape to NY.
Admiral Osorojo fortunatly arrived in time to block the JG and SirRed fled, only to double back and escape to NY.
Transmition End : . . .
OOC: I think i my have an idea for preventing intrusions like this... -PM-
Loyal SA Commander
-It's simple. Houston has the best BBQ, and Denver has the best doughnuts! -Belkin (snack conversation)
WAR has been declared by the AW upon the SA. All commanders of Commodore and up place into affect Top Secret instruction relayed earlier in this crisis. The gloves come off is the word.
(ooc: hehehe, "The gloves come off is the word" is just a turn of phrase not our Key. Commanders should already have the Key for Top Secret sent couple of weeks ago:)