That was happening till they decided that the updates would be too far apart for it to make sense, I forgot where the thread was though.
Like, remember the scrapping thing in near pittsberg, or the increased platinum price in Rheinland (not sure about the latter one).
Edit: Also, Independent trader ID, train, armor, stunpulse turrets, RP and take it easy, hire an escort or two, you'll make money, and won't get bored. It will allow you to trade for ages.
I still don't see why clustering is so bad... People will ALWAYS cluster. I go to New York, not ebcause ther eis money, but because there ar epeople. I ejoy the chaos.
There is always going to be a "best place" that everyone gathers to, no matter what steps are taken to make things even everywhere else. You can't be exactly thorough enough to prevent that from happening.
What happens to these high-player areas?
In practical experience - nerf.
I understand and agree with what Zapp posted. I do not know why something good has to be nerfed all the time. However, I believe admins are trying to make it better. They just aren't going to let you make billions of credits each day. What I hear is that people cannont make the "money" they want to make.
Since I have been on this server all I have heard is how it is an RP server. People rant about the powertraders, powerminers, powerpirates, and the power whatever is next. Funny isn't it. How people's true colors come out when there way to make money has been taken away so to speak.
Lets look at this mining situation. Before one miner with 5 transorts could make 32.5m (50/50 split) per transport before being nerfed. If all five transports made it to Narita that equals 162m for the MINER in one trip! If the miner does it for lets say 5 hours that is 812m!!! While the transports were only making 162m in the same 5 hour span!! If that is not unbalanced I do not know what is.
I have always said you cannot spend RP, but lets be reasonable here. 812m in 5 hours is rediculous and unfair! I have a miner and this is what I do. I can currently mine silver in about 12 mins and fill the ship. I drop the ore and tractor it with one of my two 5k from another account. I do that until both are filled plus my mining ship. I haul it when I need money. That is currently 100m sitting on my two transports whenever I need it, because quite frankly I just do not want to sit and mine forever. I want to get out and do other things in game. I now only need money when I want to start another character. I always have money on my trader and replenish it with the ore when it starts to dwindle.
Here is what I propose for mining and trading. I call it 4x4. Find four places to sell ANY ore in each house except where it is mined. Ex. Diamonds mined in Rheinland cannot be sold in Rheinland. Also make the farthers point the most profitable.
For trading. Give each house 4 high selling points and 4 low buying points. That will cause people to move around Sirius and not congregate in one place hopefully. Place them in systems with not alot of traffic or where people only pass thru like Manchester or Frankfurt. Maybe give bonus' to traders/smuggler for carrying their appropriate goods.
Many people do not want to RP the merchant/miner. Due to the fact that they need money, they are forced to make one. their heart will never be into it, and they will never really be able to RP him. Either that, or the Boredom stuplifies them. When someone forced into a tedious task that they never wanted to do or RP as in the first place, they will react VIOLENTLY, to any increase in the amount of time required.
Improve RPm before actually attempting anything that really needs RP.
Capitals and ships bigger than a Grizzly included.
When the ship is huge, you need crew or an AI. Improve RP.
And that ois that.
Oh, and I agreewith Elsdragon:
Many people do not want to RP the merchant/miner. Due to the fact that they need money, they are forced to make one. their heart will never be into it, and they will never really be able to RP him. Either that, or the Boredom stuplifies them. When someone forced into a tedious task that they never wanted to do or RP as in the first place, they will react VIOLENTLY, to any increase in the amount of time required.
So true. I hate trading, but I suck at fighter combat so any mission I do would be from Missouri...
It's not always about the money. Even if everything is completely identical profit-wise, people will STILL cluster. Because it's just more fun with other people.
What is disappointing is the belief that one can develop the 'perfect' static trade system.
Utterly impossible! Any Developer who thinks he/she can develop such a system with enough tweaking and adjustment is going to fiddling be with it forever.
And you have been fiddling with it since this server started.
And you will keep fiddling with it until this server closes.
Why? because economics is inherently dynamic, and subject to human nature, a fundamental principle of economics.
Human nature exhorts us to get the best possible price.
It is why people use FLCompanion.
It is why a veneer of RP (and sometimes not even that) follows around the BEST POSSIBLE place to make money.
Every time.
Every, single, time.
You want a solution to this problem? You want to stop having to chase up all these little fixes and tweaks and nerfs?
How about making the PLAYERS do the chasing?
How about rotating a percentage bonus across a certain number of prime RP routes? Make the powertraders and miners follow that around. There will still be an amount of clustering - but it will be rotated around the server so everyone gets a piece of the pie.
Whats disappointing is the people who buy a Salvager with rep to suit and the next day find the ore they are about to start mining yields half what it did they day before.
Buying a mining ship with the rep to suit and find the field you are about to mine has had it's yields dropped by 90%.
Thats disappointing. You could say frustrating or better yet bloody disgraceful and extremely aggravating.
Perhaps if a little restraint was shown?
If this is a beta, it's no-way to fix it. Turn on, turn off.
Try reducing the yields/prices by 15%?
If that doesn't achieve what you want, then turn it down another 5%.
Dropping yields by 90% overnight is ridiculous. You might as well delete it. No-one will use it and a lot of people will feel cheated by the massive outlay for almost 0 return.
Next time, try turning it down a little at a time. Keep moderating it a piece at a time. You can blame market fluctuations. That way, you find a happy medium.
It won't take long. Drop a 15% first time and 5% per week. In one month, the price has dropped over a third and you can see movements in the mining population and all the people who feed off it.
Take a view and move on. Adjust etc.