Bretonian [color=#cc0000]NewsService Bringing you the news from the realm
"Good morning Bretonia! I'm Jeffery Dixon, bringing you news from the realm!"
He cleared his throat and shuffled a few papers, then he put his hands together and interlocked them, placing them on the desk.
"As many of you know, our services where cut off from Channel 34, by the Bretonian Police Authority for playing a live feed. What many of you do not know is that we have since moved to a new channel, Channel 95."
He smiled lightly, "We will, of course, continue coverage of the Bretonian Kusari war. I will be reporting live from the field, and interviewing pilots of the Armed Forces, and hopefully the Naval Forces, to get their opinions on the war."
"That is all our broadcasts for this hour. Tune in later for any updates we may have made."
He unlinked his hands, and raised his right, grinning and pointing at the camera. "This is Jeffery Dixon, bringing all the news of the realm, to you. Signing off. Have a wonderful morning!"
The Camera turns off, and Jeff stands up from the desk, and leaves to the side of the room.
<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]Bringing you the news from the realm
"Good morning one again Bretonia!"
He smiles lightly,
"We have breaking news from Dublin today. The newly constructed destroyer, the Plymouth, was seen in action. Fighting alongside a Gunboat, the Albion. The Plymouth was rushed out of the shipyards before we could make it to the ceremony, as they needed to deal with a threat in Dublin."
His smile went away, "We're going to bring you coverage in a moment. In the meantime, we do have a public service announcement from the Bretonian Police and Bretonian Armed Forces."
He paused, glancing down at some paper infront of him then looked back up at the Camera. "The Bretonian Police and Bretonian Armed Forces would like to remind all citizens of the crown, and that of other nations, when transversing through Bretonian sovereignty that if you are being pirated, or your minerals have been stolen, that you contact the authorities immediately so that they can catch the pirate."
His smiled appeared again. "Now we'll be going on a short break, and when we come back, feed from the engagement in Dublin!"
"And we're back. We had to change the standard frequency as our Network said we were killing the air-service time. Sorry for any inconsistencies that may have been caused."