but srsly....... yeah I know its a game mechanichs thing, still good to get discussion on it. Who knows, aside from all of the bickering maybe someone will come up with a solution even.
' Wrote:Another riddle: How did Gallia build Trade lanes and Jump Gates? This is Ageira Technology and they never failed to recover a white box:P
So they CLAIM.
Plus lane hackers could sell infos for cardi.
theres ones lost in the texas during the disaster (RIGHT beside the junker guard JH too ...... ) that could be recoverd even.
but srsly....... Is it needed to post flood pictures into the General Discussion section?
Also removed the unnecessary spacing between the picture and the text.
Please save forumspace wherever you can.
Err...another question: What currency do the aliens use,like nomads and phantoms? ..or everything is free :mellow:there?...neah..everybody would be alien now:lol: