You want a Rogue fighter to shoot folks with? Good luck with that. It doesn't exist anymore. Buy a sabre. Although Rogues in borderworlds ships makes me cry. Especially if they are mounting Krakens and an inferno.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
' Wrote:You want a Rogue fighter to shoot folks with? Good luck with that. It doesn't exist anymore. Buy a sabre. Although Rogues in borderworlds ships makes me cry. Especially if they are mounting Krakens and an inferno.
Dont know why they would, Sammaels are far better than krakkens (IMO), and infernos have crap efficiency on fighters with smaller power cores.
' Wrote:You want a Rogue fighter to shoot folks with? Good luck with that. It doesn't exist anymore. Buy a sabre. Although Rogues in borderworlds ships makes me cry. Especially if they are mounting Krakens and an inferno.
The Were should never be flown solo, since it is rather more of a support ship for bombers with enough power to keep transport and gunboat shields down.
All debs, a mini, a TCD is a nice combo, but be careful.
It has a "SN ME" painted on it's side, so do not turn horizontally.
Aaanndd you have five class 10 slots. Use them if you have codenames as you can fire them for quite a long time, Mine has all Diamonbacks and a deb turret.
Now, the mini slot has an odd firing arch, seems like it has the tendency not to shoot to the right side.
' Wrote:usually, yes, but it isnt always an option. Where are we to run when liberty lolboats are camping buffalo?
dont even get me started- thats all i see challenging unlawfuls in liberty, is gunboats and cruisers
' Wrote:Aaaand did I mention it looks like a duck?
you have to tilt it forward to make it look cool:)
i'm serious, look at the indp pirate id!
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