---) Your Name: Karl Raffan ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date: 21-03-818 A.S.
-) Any Information you wish us to know: To confirm and Clarify Mr McClouds O.R.F. Report follows.
---) Your Name: Karl Raffan ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 21-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Cobalt Ore --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 10790 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Ingolstad Station, Munich
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Under.Probation, |ZoE|Ban'Eyk -) Name of the Transporter: |ZoE|Ore.Runner -) Number of Runs Made: One -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 3,600 -) Total Credits Earned: 38.844.000 -) Any Profit cuts: 3.500.000, Piracy by ProjectX Paid for |ZoE|Ban'Eyk -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 8.844.000
We wish to make this clear to all miners please avoid BMM fields and or mining in there fields. As this would be stealing ore gentlemen this would be terms for immediate termination. This also applies to any field not authorized by ZoE.
The authorized fields are:
Omega-7 ~ Silver, Cobalt, and Copper
Kansas ~ Iridium
---) Your Name: Karl Raffan ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date: dd-mm-818 A.S.
-) Any Information you wish us to know:
Had enough funds to commission a new vessel.
|ZoE|Raffan's.Hauler a Hegemon DU5-7Y Civilian Mining Ship
Made its first run today. Report follows.
---) Your Name: Karl Raffan ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 22-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Cobolt --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 10790 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Ingolstad Station, Munich
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Ban'Eyk, |ZoE|Raffan's.Hauler -) Name of the Transporter: |ZoE|Raffan's.Hauler -) Number of Runs Made: One -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 2750 -) Total Credits Earned: 29.672.500 -) Any Profit cuts: Zero -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 4.672.500
---) Your Name: LEGION ---) Your Position: Chief Science Officer ---) Current Date: 23-03-818 A.S
-) Any Information you wish us to know: Ship Names - Callsigns - Ship Class:
Argyle - |ZoE|Argyle - Zoner "Corvo" Deep Space Explorer
More ships are being fitted for my use, i will resend the data when these ships are ready.
Sorry about the late sign in, A Radiation leak in one of the Argyle's labs caused a lockdown. The lab has been purged and all staff and myself are unharmed. Upgraded seals on the Rad-Chamber should prevent further incidents.
Chief Science Officer,
The Argyle, Shasta Orbital Sky-hook, Baffin
-) End (-
Sion: Why is there a sirius credit card at the shrine?
Aiolos: Um... Nomads like shopping?
Keepers.Telchine: "Excuse me sir, you're a Nom and I must destroy you" "***...-Accept-...'this'...***" "OMG! Welcome back, Mr. Nomson, make yourself at home!"
Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever: We would fully be going to communism if we gave those nasty factionites the control of the BS's.
Kazinsal: No. We'd be going full communism if everyone had a BS for free, to simplify it. And each BS would be shared. Stick that in your solaris turret, Cam.
Dodike: No, there would be only one battleship for all of us to share
Kazinsal: In soviet Russia, battleship share you!
' Wrote:I had to fight Chuck Norris's great great great great great great great great great great great great grand daughter or something just now!! Link First I was like :O, then I was like Q_Q, then I was like PEW PEW PEW! Then she was like BOOM!! Then I was like ^_^
---) Your Name: Karl Raffan ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 22-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 4085 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Scarborough Station, Newcastle
-) Name of the Miner: |ZoE|Raffan’s.Hauler -) Name of the Transporter: |ZoE|Raffan’s.Hauler -) Number of Runs Made: One -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 2750 -) Total Credits Earned: 11.233.750 -) Any Profit cuts: Zero -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 2.000.000
Hail all,
I am pleased to announce that we have gained access to a new line of bomber sold by Ageira Technologies. Due to increased piracy in our work we found it necessary to gain access to a superior bomber design.
The Havoc Mk II will assure that we gain the upperhand against those who would bring harm to us.
The catch here is that we need to regulate the purchasing of this model as stated in our original agreement with Ageira.
The number of ships to be purchased is currently limited so I will need official request applications here so I can review and assign pilots. When accepted, pilots will need to register vessels here in our secured comms so that we can add them to our roster.
Any unregistered ship will be considered not part of the ZoE both personally and electronically so please do make the effort.
Also if purchase of ships are done without permission then the person involved is liable for immediate termination. As harsh as this may sound we need to set a standard and act responsible with what we have. I do not believe this will happen but nonetheless I need to make sure my people are informed.
The Havoc can be purchased at Waterloo Station outside Planet New London in Bretonia.
Another option for purchase is at Planet Los Angeles in California, Liberty.
I await your applications gentlemen...
Regards, Security Chief,
The Beaconsfield, Shasta Oribital Skyhook, Baffin
---) Your Name:LEGION ---) Your Position:Chief Science Officer ---) Current Date: 23-03-818 A.S.
-) Any Information you wish us to know: Greetings, I would like to request permission to purchase and fit out a Havoc MK II Bomber for my personal use. Having a bomber aboard the Argyle would help balance out the current ship line i am carrying, I intend to use it as an escort for use during mining operations. Plans are already drawn up to allow proper ship integration and will be implemented upon purchase in the Argyles Maintainence bay.
Registered name that will be applied to the ship upon purchase from Ageira - |ZoE|Cataclysm
Chief Science Officer,
The Argyle, Shasta Orbital Sky-hook, Baffin
-) End (-
Sion: Why is there a sirius credit card at the shrine?
Aiolos: Um... Nomads like shopping?
Keepers.Telchine: "Excuse me sir, you're a Nom and I must destroy you" "***...-Accept-...'this'...***" "OMG! Welcome back, Mr. Nomson, make yourself at home!"
Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever: We would fully be going to communism if we gave those nasty factionites the control of the BS's.
Kazinsal: No. We'd be going full communism if everyone had a BS for free, to simplify it. And each BS would be shared. Stick that in your solaris turret, Cam.
Dodike: No, there would be only one battleship for all of us to share
Kazinsal: In soviet Russia, battleship share you!
' Wrote:I had to fight Chuck Norris's great great great great great great great great great great great great grand daughter or something just now!! Link First I was like :O, then I was like Q_Q, then I was like PEW PEW PEW! Then she was like BOOM!! Then I was like ^_^