*bzzt* "How do yah work this damn thing..." *a man appears on the screen, dressed in a simple commoner's outfit from within what appears to be a Rhino with magenta carpeting* "Ah, here we go... 'Ello, Liberty, I got a bit o' a story to tell yahs... You can call me Laibach if yah please... So anyways, I was behin' Erie in Pennsylvania, jus' minin' some helium, when up flies an LPI officer... Me bein' the lawful citizen I am, I assume 'e's 'ere tah fight tha immense amount o' rogues constantly flyin' around in tha cloud. But, 'e starts talkin' about 'ow I'm on an emergency frequency an' blah blah blah, an' this conversation ensues...
"An' now 'e's tellin' me to pay 'im a fitty credit fine, which is juss' ridiculous... So ah refuse, bein' as he smashed tha light an' all, an' he starts tah shoot at meh... So I made it to Erie, an' I'm hidin'... I'll give yah a tip, ya donut eatin' fatarses, I'm in the Southern hemisphere! See if yah can find me, hahahahahaha!!!" *the message ends as he continues to laugh manically*
-:message ends:-
On behalf of an Employee of Turpis Heavy Industries I would like to humbly submit this piece of evidence to further your case.
-Gary Owen
THI Director of External Affairs
*bzzt* "Eh, thank ye fer yer assistance mate. Liberty is full o' corrupt cops an' 'ardworkin' folks like us will see to it that all tha corruption is weeded out an' these donut eatin' losers get their juss deserts. If anyone else 'as had any bad experiences with them LPI or the Na'y, please submit yer stories!"
-:message ends:-
Admiral Hale is gonna be absolutely pissed if he hears about this. Same problem every week. I can only imagine how cluttered his desk is with paperwork right now.
The police better get their act together, or we may be obliged to start investigating them next.
-Francis "Squints" McCintock
Senior Agent
Liberty Security Force
*puts on fedora and trenchcoat* Now I know what sort of community you really are. *walks off into the rain*
*bzzt* "Well wha'ev'r you fellers need to do yah best do et fast. Corruption's rampant an' th'citizens're gettin' fed up. Wha' the police SHOULD be doin' is killin' rogues. Ah've seen 'unders o' rogues fly right by p'lice officers who were too busy eatin' their damn donuts ter do anythin' about it. En' transmissen."
-:message ends:-
Your obviously fake Black Box footage and complaints have been noted and have subsequently been placed in the men's bathroom on Police Plaza to be used as toilet paper.
Any more communications like this and you will be arrested, made a fool of and put on trial for a section 5, public order offence.
Thank you for your time.
:::Message Uploading Complete:::
:::Transmission Ends:::
Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid. - David Hackworth (1930 - 2005)
*bzzt* "Excuse me? Fake? Ye seem to be in a bit too much denial. Who else thinks that this man's jess in too much denial? I smell somethin' fishy 'ere an' if ye try an' arrest me fer postin' a public comm log ye will be findin' yerself in a world o' political hurt, mate. En' transmission."
-:message ends:-
Matt Myers eases himself into his chair after a long absence. Luckily, the paperwork had been routed elsewhere so there was no immense stack of papers awaiting him. Of course, it didn't take long for the old pipes to start churning and for the papers to start falling. First thing to cross his desk was a transcript of this communication.
"FRED!" he snaps to his secretary, who is slow to bound to attention. He had grown soft in his time off the job. "FRED GIT YER ARSE INTO GEAR!"
That got his attention, and he leaped to the desk. "Yessir?"
"Take a letter," he says, leveraging himself up and pacing all the while. "Yessir." Fred jumps to the small alcove made for such occasions and starts the computer, typing as the Chief speaks:
"Dear idiot. No wait, scratch that. Dear citizen,
Such slanderous libel I have never before seen in my life. A good officer of the law points out that one of your running lights was broken, and you take offense? Do you know why ships have running lights? For safety. So of course we have laws that say you have to have all your ships lights in working order, and of course we're going to fine you for having a broken one. What disgusts me is that you describe that as police brutality. Police brutality is when excessive physical force against people to force them into submission with no lawful reason.
What I see in those transmissions is an Officer fulfilling his duty. You can take that 'proof' and shove it where the sun don't shine.
Sincerely, the Chief."
Matt Myers nodded to himself, then said, "That sounds good. Send it."
*bzzt* "To Mr. Myers;
Stupid or blin'? Which one are yah? Did ya realize that ah took a picture o' an officer smashin' a dockin' light? Now that's destruction o' my property, imposin' a false fine, an' abuse of authori-tay! Now if ye wanna argue with me, get yer arse ter Freeport Ten an' start shootin' at me an' then we'll see who's right an' who's dead. Stupid arse."
-:message ends:-
Officer: Is that a broken tail light? I think that's a busted tail light.
You: Ships don't have tail lights.
Funny. They do. Running lights on the back and all that. I don't see no pictures there. Smashing a running light? That's kind of ridiculous. I see an officer doing his job and a person too ignorant to know his ship even has a tail light, so obviously it was uncared for. Stop your moaning or you can take your choice: deal with our lawyers, or a couple tazer-happy officers. With nightsticks.