This may strike you as a little odd, me talking to you, but I feel we need to discuss some things concerning other things and what not.
First up comes the brutal smack down of my Rogues by members of your reserve fleets, some of whom have decided that dreadnoughts are fun to come rage on solitary pirates. Now those are bountied up the arse so you know. LNS-Ingham is our next priority target.
The main thrust of this missive though is to set a little space where we can work things out if ever there's a real problem. Now we understand that with just a little effort the navy can roll up to our bases with enough firepower to end our existence. Now that's not what I want, and frankly if you did that you'd make your own lives harder when it came to catching high profile targets. Easy to find them now, wouldn't be if you vapourised Buffalo, must be said.
Now I don't want you to ignore our petty pirates hanging around making traders lives difficult, if they're daft enough to get caught they can pay the piper, besides we all know Sugarland is pretty much the Rogues prime recruitment centre these days.
So what is it I'm suggesting? Well here's the rub, right now other than pirates who've made your lives difficult I see no traitors or high profile terrorists on my bases, but I'm fairly certain that they'll come at one point or the other. Now in return for your pulling rank on the reservist fleets concerning lone pirates and the exploding of with giant ships of excessive doom and misery, we'll agree that certain high profile terrorist chaps and treacherous swine can be handed over.
As I said though, as yet all we've got are pirates and more pirates and a few more pirates for good measure. So even if you say yes to the offer we won't be handing over any pirate featured on your criminal database. This offer is good for folks who make everyone's life difficult. It's hard to rob folks when they won't leave their home's because some butcher is carving skin off traders for kicks. Can't be good for the regular economy either, truth be told.
Anyway, looking forward to hearing your derisive and snarky response.
Sylpheed Out.
-------Transmission Terminated-----------
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=red]High ENCRYPTION:VICIOUSLY GNARLY COMM ID:Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:'Crime Boss' Sylpheed, CC: Liberty Navy High Command, Director Copperfield LSF SUBJECT:Say what?
Well Sylpheed, this provided my High Vommand conference this morning with no end of giggles and laughter. Basically, what you're saying, is, if we wanted to, we could put Alcatraz, Buffalo, Montezuma and so on out of action, causing massive losses to your people. Well, you're right. We could, but honestly Slypheed, I'm not entirely adverse to their existence. Nice easy gateways into your little world.
Have you ever wondered how many of the mercenaries which land on your bases are our men?
Ever considered that the girl who served you your drinks last night might have been ranked captain in the Liberty Navy, and only fakes the Cardamine addiction?
And how about all the places we 'don't know about'. Ever wondered if we might have men among your guards, looking at every last aspect of your life?
Why should we demolish the bases that you talk about so publicly? They do us a massive favor.
The hilarious thing is this. You rely heavily on outside trade, Cardamine, Artifacts and so on. That means you have to have men who are not your own landing on your bases all the time, many of them will be our men. You recruit people from prisons, well, I'll be honest Slypheed, so do we, and many of those people we recruit will likely end up sat in your bases stealing your secrets and possibly sleeping with your current 'interest'.
Aside from making Commodore Robinson nearly spray coffee out of her nose with laughter while she was reading this little transmission of yours this morning, you've actually achieved nothing with it. Well, nothing we'll deliver anyway.
You're asking us to not protect our own men. Well... That's not going to happen. I can't allow billions of credits of taxpayers' money to slip away from us in a time of war, I also can't allow the souls of thousands of crew members to be on our collective conscience, due to our deliberate negligence of men and women whose lives are in danger.
You'll be more than aware of how hard it is to keep Secondary Fleet and Reserve operatives in line. They have the tendency to wander off and do their own thing, and legally there is little I can do to prevent that. I'm aware that despite not having the same legal issues, you are lacking in control over both yourself and anyone else who may be under your supposed command.
Often secondary fleet captains are prone to wasting vast amounts of money in their own right. They don't do things my way, and that is no end of a pain, but, they do have a kill count, and often they hurt your operation.
If you want to start paying people to blow up a few ships, then I doubt we'd notice the dent Slypheed. Most of the ships you'd offer money for, are in fact already on other people's lists. I like it when I see someone has pissed you off. It means they're doing something right.
Just another note. How would the criminal community feel if I were to inform them that you believe your bases aren't safe? I could very easily do so. My High Command and the Director of the LSF are aware of your own feelings of insecurity. But just imagine how all those Rogues and assorted filth who live and work out of Alcatraz and Buffalo would react if you were to let slip that they could all die at a moment's notice.
You'd be lynched.
Well go frakk yourself Hale, or maybe you can get your handmaidens to do that for you? I hadn't expected a yes vote, to be fair. In fact i hadn't expected you to answer at all. By doing so you've fulfilled all my expectations and more. First, you've confirmed the presence, that our Rogues had only guessed at, of Liberty operatives on our bases, secondly you've confirmed that despite being the Liberty navy Fleet Admiral you find it difficult to control your forces. Fractured forces make for great targets.
First thing we'll be doing is conducting a full sweep of Buffalo and Alcatraz, Hacker background checks should work with a suitable cash payment, if any of your operatives a re found they'll be summarily executed and flung out of a transport whilst passing West Point.
As for having them close to me, you think I'm stupid? My intel on the Liberty navy may be a little out of date, but I know a cop when I see one.
I'll continue on my merry way, and maybe one day we'll meet face to face in a bar. Then I can show you how I keep these pissant Rogues in line. It ain't because I protect them I can tell you. So long as they make money and I can kill any idiot who tries to take me down, I'll stay, regardless of what you might choose to say or do.
Give your whores a tip from me....
Overcharge, beauty fades with time, and then where will you be?
Sylpheed Out.
-----------Transmission Ends------------
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Battleship Durango, High Maine Orbit
Regarding "Crime Boss" Sylpheed's transmission;
I really don't know what Sylpheed was trying to achieve with his transmission to you, David. It's just a simple confirmation of what we already know, mixed with a missive about the primary target being, ironically, the Secondary Fleet.
Even though it is a well-known fact that I prioritise the Primary Fleet over the Secondary, I agree with David. None of us will let tax-payer's credits get wasted or their friends and family get seperated by planes of existence by the Liberty Rogues 'just because you asked nicely', regardless of any grudges which are pretty small in comparison to what you're asking; that is, for the Liberty Navy to stop adhering to its primary purpose, protecting the economic interests of Liberty.
To be honest, all of us question your intent in contacting us about this ridiculous proposition of yours. Unless it was to confirm the reports of the defenselessness of your bases, of course.
Rest assured that we will not make the same mistake as you, disclosing the movements of our fleet. I'm not even going to bother taunting you regarding this.
Fleet Admiral Hale;
Quote:Aside from making Commodore Robinson nearly spray coffee out of her nose with laughter while she was reading this little transmission of yours this morning, you've actually achieved nothing with it. Well, nothing we'll deliver anyway.
Thankyou for disclosing that flattering fact about my reaction to the responsible transmission. I feel all the more wholesome now that you've spread yet another 'quirk' about me, to the enemy no less! It's not just the maintenance of the quote's board now, oh no...