Inspekteur Putzkanner stood on the upper level of the Message Dump Coordination Centre (MDCC). He could hear the hundreds of men and women in the room, typing at their computers to organise the constant stream of reports that flooded into the database. Their job was to sort, file and maintain the security of the database.
The cubicles were identical, but Putzkanner could see the individual marks left in them. Pictures, mostly of family members. Posters, most with jokes involving Monday's or cats. He had seen a very funny one once, when walking down the empty hall. He couldn't remember it now though. And thousands of other nick-knacks that lay all over the place, like toys that had been abandoned by children.
Putzkanner remembered when he once worked in the MDCC, but only for a short time. He knew how it was run, and he hoped those who sat the computers also knew. It could determine the state of the entire organisation.
Here is my report for today:
I moved up to Hamburg and controlled the cargo of passing by trade vessels, nothing special happened there, all in all I checked 3 Vessels, all were free to pass, as none of them violated our laws.
After this, I moved back to New Berlin, were I checked the cargos, The only vessel that passed by, was an IMG Atlas, supplying the capital with new Niobium ore.
**Incoming signal
**Target: Rheinland Federal Polizie Report Database
**ID: Kadett Hans Regenkurt
**Subject: Patrol Report on 21.01.818 and 22.01.818
Guten Tag Kollegen
Mein patrol was interesting on 21.01.818, since I met a bomber flying under ze identifikation of das Wilde! The ships call sign was Wesen. After finally catching up to ze ship, I've questioned the pilot. He claimed that he is part of a secret Military operation. That was most interesting, since I am not aware of anything like such. The ship was holding multiple pilots captive. After I ordered the vessel to drop ze pilots and he refused me every time, I had no other chance but to force him to. However, he was using strange weaponry, which cut my ship in half without any problem.
Today, on 22.01.818, I went to Halle to pick my Phantom fighter up. When returning zu New Berlin, a trade vessel informed me about possible Corsair activity in Stuttgart. I went there to investigate. I found a Corsair gunboat by the call sign of Fusion pirating at the trade lane towards the Omega 3 jumpgate. The pilot was obviously suffering from a serious case of mental problems. I figured this from ze fact that he tried to tax me for traveling through ...
After my ship was destroyed, I sent a tranzmission to all ships to be careful with the mentioned gunboat, and feel free to take it out.
He was a tricky one, fired a pair of missiles on me taking my shields out. I've answered with a torpedo, however I was too close to the explosion, which my ship couldn't handle. I arrived back to New Berlin, thanks to a freighter which picked me up and will be back on duty.
Comm ID: Polizeidirektor, Otto Hildebrandt
Receiver: Database
RE: Patrol Report 14
Date: 22.01.818:1900 New Berlin Time
Message Reads:
"Guten Tag.
On this Patrol I first hooked up with a new recruit, to show him around a little bit, and to give him landing clearance on Elbe station in Halle.
During some trial runns on the New Phantom fighters, sensors picked up a hostile signature.
An Outcast VHF penetrated the Halle defences and was running loose inside the system, and near both bases there. I ordered a pursuit and destroy, witch I eventually carried out, and scattered the remains of his ship throughout the Muechen system.
The patrol getting easy and dull after this, I inspected the trade traffic and came across this Bowex Shipper, who tried to bring 4700 ton of Diamonds into Liberty, in and GMG ship to.
Well after some persuasion, including persuasion with a Tacyon cannon, he eventually tunred back and landed on Planet Hamburg.
The in Hamburg Orbit, and Lpi IFFed transports came across, I politely showed him the way to The Police ship workshops on Hamburg, to have that fixed, witch he did, and later moved on with his trade business.
The rest of the day I spend helping some Kadetts to get the hang of policing.
Guten Tag,
here is todays report:
I did a round through new Berlin, I was able to show a Interspace Vessel, that undocked from Dortmund, the way back to Liberty, not sure if he can sell the MOX there, but that shouldnt be our problem. After that I moved to Dresden, where I checked the lanes up to Leipzig. Everything was fine there, so I did another patrol through New Berlin, which ended at the Capital.
**Incoming signal
**Target: Rheinland Federal Polizie Report Database
**ID: Wachmann Hans Regenkurt
**Subject: Patrol Report on 23.01.818
Mein patrol today was quite busy and effective. I've took off from Planet New Berlin in my Mjolnir, since my Phantom fighter is still not finished. I've took the trade lane zu Dortmund Station , where I started security scans on transport class vessels. I didn't find anything except a freelancing trader, who was carrying illegal weaponry on his ship. After some talk, I've made him to drop those weapons for destruction.
After this, I've continued towards Dresden, all the way till ze end of the trade lane. Since I didn't find anything, I've continued to the Omega 11 system using the jumphole, and from there zu Stuttgart. There I found some interesting things. And a bit dangerous as well. Right at Planet Stuttgart, I've ran into 4 Red Hessian gunships and a bomber. Since I was outnumbered, I've tried to negotiate and talk with them, then left towards New Berlin jumpgate and called fur support! Rheinland Military ships arrived, but by the time they arrived, the hostiles have moved to Omega 7, but returned shortly chasing a Corsair fighter. They didn't really care about us for the first. But once they finished with each other, we've began cleaning the system from them.
Things went quite well, even though there were 2 gunships 1 fighter and 1 bomber against us. But more and more backup vessels arrived, so there was no problem. Destroying one of the gunships was done by Mich!
Suddenly, two more fighters, members of the Red Hessian Army arrived and engaged fight with us. A few minutes after, a sudden Ion storm shut our systems down, but by the time we got everything back online, andother Hessian arrived. Some ships were unable to return to combat, which left mein ship, ein Military fighter und ein Gunboat fighting ze Hessians. I got into a tight situation, I've tried to cover my back with some mines, which was not the best idea in close combat.
Guten Tag,
Here is my report for yesterdays activities, after I got the message that hostile forces moved into New Berlin, I started an emergency launch, unfortunatelly, I arrived after the problem was solved...
I followed the orders given by Polizeidirektor Hildebrandt, which contained patroling the Hamburg System, I took position near the planet, in the time I watched the place, 4 vessels passed by, a Dauman, a Kr?ger and 2 Junker ones, all were cleared to pass as they didnt violate any laws.
-Kadett Meyer
:::Starting Transmission:::
:::Transmission started::: ::searching for comm ID::
::Comm ID Found:: :Report - NB-001.2701818:
Guten tag Command
the Hessen forces are too strong around in Neu Berlin,
however I maneged to take one down,
but had to do a tactical retreat to Planet Neu Berlin heavilydamaged and chased by a Hessen Gunship,
and two thor class ships, I reached Planet Neu Berlins
planetary defence grid, this resulted in them to quit the chase.
I was then helping 2 Military pilots, defending Planet Neu Berlin,
one of them released a Nuclear class Mine to my rear end of my Mjolnir
they said it was a mechanical failure, I trusted them on their words,
but I do have threatened them if it happens again, I would fill in a form
Guten Tag Kammeraden,
Today wasnt one of the best days, I was able to track down a IND vessel, with a cargo hold full of Cardamine. I ordered him to stop and to drop it instantly, after around 3 Minutes without a respond I opened fire and he suddenly made the decision to talk, so I talked to him...
After that, he tried to escape in Cruise speed towards Bering, I chased him and was able to get him on the other side of the hole, where I opened fire again, he tried to bribe me with a "donation", which I refused!
Unfortunately he was able to damage my Mjolnirs hull too heavy, so I had to use the escape pod. I was able to make it back to Hamburg...
This IND vessel is to be seen as smuggler, embargo breaker, guilty of trying to bribe a Police officer and attempted murder on a Police officer.
Comm ID: Wachmann: Kurt Meyer
Location: New Berlin
Guten Tag Kammeraden,
Im out of the hospital again...
Yesterday wasnt a good day all in all, I was patrolling New Berlin with Inspektor Putzkanner, we were called to the Stuttgart gate, where Red Baron forces were waiting...
So Wachmann Schultze, the Inspektor and me tried to get rid of them.
The Inspektors ship was destroyed, and mine followed a bit later.
So I had to use the Escape pod, after i arrived at new Berlin the Doc wanted to check me...
But everything went good, so Ill be ready for active duty again!