Everyone knows the Corsairs and Outcasts are the epicentre of lulzycaps nowadays, surpassing even liberty on the wtfarmada scale. But now they've achieved this new level of capspam and reduced RP. Is it putting you off flying with them?
Yes, it is. There's a reason a lot of my characters are around Magellan.
In Magellan, Corsairs are rare. Outcasts are slightly more common, but still rarely seen besides the occasional tridente with a very poor grip on the concept of roleplay or a Cartel member(who I prefer seeing FAR more than the former).
I can't see myself playing an Outcast or Corsair character anytime soon with the state the two groups are in(though through no fault of the associated offiical factions).
Characters Alan Markson: The Hellfire Legion's Lord Commander The Perihelion: Freeport Four's guardian, and yet much more. Missing and assumed Lost with all hands. Eric Dresmund: Junker, smuggler, thief. Last seen drunk on Beaumont Vayrn Wyard: IMG Recon pilot turned Neo-Terran Captain. Last location unknown
While Outcastland and Corsairland are about as filled with lolwuts as New York...land, it isn't nearly as bad because of one simple thing: The places are way more one-sided. In New York you can always spot people from enemy factions. In Alpha, for example, you can spot Outcasts ... and some more Outcasts. Seeing as everyone isn't shooting everyone else, it is way easier to conduct RP there. At least, that is what I learned with my BH slave trader back in 4.84.
Liberty is worse than Alpha/Gamma IMO, reason why can be documented in the average conversation in one of those systems:
In NY:
LNS: stop rogue
Rogue: lol u cant catch me
LNS: ok u not stop u dai
Rogue: i call my frends we kill u lol
LNS: so i call other LNS we kill u more rofl
*5 minuites later*
Rogue: lol we has 10 tridents u goin die LNS nub
LNS: rofl we have 10 LABCs u r go get pwnt
*massive fight ensues, and is repeated every few minuites in different systems*
In Gamma:
Corsair #1: *silently does missions*
Corsair #2: *silently does missions*
Corsair #3: *silently does missions*
Corsair #4: *silently does missions*
Corsair #5: *silently does missions*
Corsair #6: *silently does missions*
Corsair #7: *silently does missions*
*Once every few hours an Outcast will wander in*
All Corsairs in unison: OC u going to die
OC was put out of action by *various Corsair caps* (gun)
*Everyone goes back to silently doing missions*
In Alpha:
See Gamma and reverse roles.
At least if you try to RP in Alpha/Gamma you can make out your lines of text, as there is usually very little else being said, in NY you are constantly drowned out by lines upon lines of 'stop trader pay 2 mil r die' and 'stop rogue u pirat i kill u'.
That said, they are both pretty bad, but i still go Corsair-ing on a regular baisis for no apparent reason.
What puts me off flying for the Corsairs is that they don't seem to have a coherent history, but rather a back story built to make them the bogeymen of lower Sirius. They're brutal pirates, but not, according to the info-cards, any starvation, which is far to often portrayed(what the info-cards do portray is population control and a martial need for a larger population, hence the desire for more food).
Its not because they're at all lulwhutty, but rather because their rp does not make a great deal of fine detail sense.
"Lolwuttery" is everywhere but more frequent in highly populated areas. There have been epic Role-Play in Liberty, Gamma and Alpha just as there has been in any other system. You just gotta find the right crew to do it with, and as much as you want to go all conspiracy on me, it usually is with Official Factions, especially when it comes to these "highly populated areas."
Regardless, the main point being, Role-Play can be found anywhere.
Well'p, I have several characters that operate in Liberty, and despite the crap it -is- possible to find RP there.
I also have a Corsair who is a member of [TBH]
Granted, I've been so infuriated by some of the Sair lolcaps that I've almost snac'd + nova'd them to death myself...I like Corsair RP, and when you find other Sairs who RP it's quite fun...
Outcasts, I have an independent Outcast who I hardly ever use...but I'm in that region a lot with my Phantom, and despite the nubs who run around doing random things, there's some quite easily found RP over there, so it's not that bad, you just gotta know who to talk to.