I would think if you wanted to distance yourself (something done quite easily once you have your own ID) you would get rid of it then, but meh.
*removes his head from the doorway*
' Wrote:Also, gotta conclude that the whole smuggler situation is just such in nature that it does not allow for much RP in the 'talking sense', unless the smuggler is prepared to stop and RP in a case when he's utterly outnumbered and it's his only choice.
No smuggler will stick around if he can run and no lawman will let a smuggler go if he can catch him.
It's an unfortunate situation this.
I know the CR is aware of what CDs are no? Use them.
The only reason I can think that smugglers don't stop for the CR other than the CR always calling in overwhelming numbers is simple.
You don't care about the other player. You stop them and make them drop their cargo 100% of the time. Guess what, that makes them not want to stop or ever interact with you again.
I was running a load of black market munitions from the Omegas to Yukon. I ran into a BPA in Leeds. He CD'd me and we had a long chat. I played innocent (counter measures got dammit!). He called one person to assist. I ended up trying to run when I neared the Magellan jump hole. Once in Magellan they shot me up but didn't kill me. We talked for awhile again. They ended up taking 200 of my cargo and making me dock on Freeport 4.
We all got some good RP and I has able to retain my cargo and thus still make a profit at a later date.
Consider that the smuggler is smuggling for a reason. Not only is he after RP but credits to. If he doesn't ever make any credits. He won't come back nor will he bother with trying to RP with you guys. Am I asking you to do something that is ooRP in the way of letting them keep their cargo or some of it? Yes. Point is; no one likes to lose everything all the time. You give a little, you get a little. You can bet I'll run into another BPA or BAF on my smuggler again. Simply because I enjoyed the encounter. They could have easily killed me or taken my entire load. They however considered my stake in it. (And the fact I RP'd with them for so long. Smugglers in 23 should try that too.)
PhantomBlade dude aside. I don't know his exact situation.
But the fact that in-RP we will never let someone get away with illegal cargo is another thing...
It's possible that some of you will think of good enough RP and excuses to perhaps get away with it, but most will run.
But yes, some people are too trigger happy at times and should not play too hardball and let people at least try and talk themselves out of a situation.
(And cease with the 'You've got 30 seconds' thing if that's still around)
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
I don't know, I wasn't there, but it does happen sometimes.
Both sides have an excuse, for all I know, though.
The smuggler one we have already pinpointed, and the one of the law is that smugglers also often secretly call for Outcast assistance while they chat up the law.
There's mistrust.
Everyone should try to work around it a bit I guess. Or not take the game too seriously and just RP.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
' Wrote:Phantomblade, honestly, your sig proves a point wich you fail to see.
It proves that you will ignore and bash anyone aslong as you win.
If you have anything else to say, provide evidence or stay quiet.
What does this have to do with what we are talking about?
I have several chars, and that applies to them not my traders/smugglers.
You on the other hand seem to only be using my sig, which means you only have that to go off? Really?
If YOU can only use "your sig proves a point", then you obviously have nothing to say. Provide a valid arguement or just stop trying.
When life gives you lemons..... throw them at your enemies!!!
Quote:*pops his head in*
Never seen you guys in the Omegas.
Don't pay a whole lot of attention, though.
But it seems like you're rather focused on '23.
Just sayin'
We got the 88th Battlegroup, at least as far as I know they should still fly around down in the Omegas.
And now use this thing as a feedback thread, there is still the possibility of PMs or Skype for your little love letters, which dont belong in here.
I will never forget how well Swift roleplayed with the ZTC to allow us a Zephyr battleship, something that in turn has provided us with the largest Events on the server (57 participants).
I remember how the CR escorted the Leonardo out of Tau-44 and how the KNF took over from there through Kusari, while we kept getting reports of the Nomads waiting for us outside. Then the amazing chase from Sigma-17 to Omicron-100 and the epic battle that followed. And it all started with one small thread and some wonderful RP by Swift. Good times.