First of all, parralax is how we measure the distance between stars and other objects in space. Since we don't have a 5ly meterstick, we have to make an imaginary one.
Its clever how it works. You set up 2 observatories, and look through both at the same time. Then, you only look through one, then only through the other. It's a lot like closing one eye and watching everything jump.
By measuring the change in position of objects at known distances, we can determine how far another object is.
So what does this have to do with Freelancer?
The distance scales in freelancer do not conform to parralax distance scales. I have calculated that, based on objects in the skyboxes, the sirius sector would be 157,000 ly across.
The best objects for this are the black holes in the alpha/23 and the galaxy in the sky in gamma. Also, by using nav map nebula sizes, and the skyboxes, I have determined that the average distance between systems would be about 2,000ly-20,000ly depending on where it is. This does not make sense and needs to be corrected.
Do feel free to re-write all the coding then please ... Let us know when it's completed, we'll see if we can
integrate all the changes. And that is parallax by the way ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Note that an object from 1 meter high reaches an approximate speed of 7.2 million kilometers an hour when hurled to the surface (based off gravitational law, no one can actually try this). The escape speed for the gravitational pull is 100,000 kilometers an hour, 1/3 the speed of light. Why can we fly past this in Omega 11? and why isn't everything like asteroids and such thrown into it?
Or try playing X: Beyond the Frontier. After all, you start without SETA there. Distances are shorter than in X3, but... you will notice how boring it gets after 10 minutes. So boring you will trade just to get that thing to speed up time.
Liberty capships camping New york will have a hard time circularizing their orbit; and traders will surely reconsider hiring escort when they know it will take them their whole life to reach their destination.
Every planet in Sirius will become a molten ball. And Id love to see everyone adjusting their orbit in a normal or anti normal orbit to intercept the docking ring; and watchin them burn in prograde to stay in orbit and not crashing in the planet. And dont let me start about docking and synchronizing
If you want to learn all that you can play Orbiter.