I came accross this when browsing youtube.
I searched on the forum for 'Freelancer intro' but didn't find anything.
I suppose some poeple have seen it already, but here is the link for people who didn't see it yet.
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THats why the nomads deserve to die.
To qoute me and a friend while playing a Digimon game on his GBA, while playing as Agumon and being turned to Omnimon and firing his awesome beam gun thingy-
Oh my God, I remember all that...
*transmission os cut*
The Nomads are one and the same.
To assume otherwise would be very silly.
Keep in mind that Nomads have hypergates and whatnot and that the structure of the universe would be very different for them with this technology. Of course, that would explain the "Why are they in Sol?" question, but not the "Why are they active centuries before they were activated?"
So, to answer THAT question, I have made up a theory that explains things.
It seems quite natural that this Nomad doom-machines hasn't been developed by the Nomads of Sirius, otherwise humanity would be dead. Right? Right. It's not much of a stretch to think that the Nomads could develop something like this in the future, though. So, keeping that and the anachronism in mind, it is not hard to posit that this large Super-Marduk was brought from the far-future of the Nomad/Human war. The Nomads weren't activated yet, right? So time-travel obviously explains why there's this massively advanced (moreso than "modern day" Nomads) gargantuan Nomad that can blow up stars. See, in the distant future, humanity and the Nomads are at war. The Nomads captured enough human data to realise just where the humans came from, and used the Daam K'Vosh technology to develop a time travel system. They sent their most "evolved" vessel, even more fearsome than the future Marduk, back to the human's home system in an effort to kill them before they ever reached Sirius. The Nomads were off by just a few seconds and failed, thus not altering history at all. (This was probably inevitably the case, if you're of that school of time-travel theory.)