I'm in love, for two reasons first it would make a sick Troop Transport and second because I hate the Mastadon and it'll be great to have something other than it to fly.
Awesome ship my friend, like the othey guy said: looks like one of those powerfull oiltakers we have nowadays working for the petroleum companys. For sure looks likes one truly liberty ship, maybe a new super transport 5000 tons?!?!
And yes it would be easy to snac, but its a transport and they should get snacked shouldnt they? hehehe.
Well I really would like to see that big boat on 4.86, i just love those ships that somehow look like boats, like the kusari big dragon, kusari gunboat, rogues gb, etc etc...
Nice job mate!
The Mandalore's Office Signed, Mandalorian Alor'ad: Vau.Bendak, Mandalorian Mercenaries. Slaver: Cpt Fernandez, on board of -SE-Arabian.Nights, Slavery Enterprise Corp.
Dude that sheild bubble is huge. Can you try to make it more fitting? if the sheild box is like flying a hindenburg then the end result will be the same.