[color=#FFFFFF]MESSAGE:[color=#FFFFFF] It brings me great pleasure to announce the destruction of another Battleship at the hands of Washington and supporting bombers. A special mention to Mr. Gee of the LSF forces I believe without him the Battleship would have gotten away I would gladly have him at our side in battle again. The Tripitz XXXXI was destroyed running from Texas, we caught it in Hamburg and finished it as it fled for safety.
To the crew of the Coral Sea you may rest knowing that your crew have been avenged, I praise them for the sacrifice they made trying to take that ship down.
Incoming Transmission.. Source Verified. Sender: Dean Winchester Destination: Liberty Navy Recruitment Offices Displaying Transmission..
Good evening.
Just dropping in my report of this afternoon's engagements. After being ordered to the Texas by Commander Casero I encountered two separate fights. One was an Outcast that was marked as a hostile on my scanners. Two of our {TLG} ... associates, went off to fight him. The second fight was one involving two reserve Navy pilots flying Upholders, against two Falcatas with broken transponders, who showed no IFF. They both carried Pirate IDs. I let the fight continue without intervention, as they seemed to have the situation under control.
Within about ten minutes, one of our Upholders was destroyed, so I jumped into the fight, when another Outcast Falcata joined as well. I scored three kills.
After my second kill, an Outcast Sabre called Ally joined the fight. I managed to take out a third Falcata. Somehow, this third Falcata came back within five minutes, and in my complete confusion as to how he was able to obtain a ship so quickly, I was gunned down by Ally and ejected. My pod was picked up by a Defender patrol from the Missouri, and I reported for duty in the California system as soon as my ship was spaceworthy.
Commenced flight operations at 0200HR SMT from Battleship Mississippi.
Headed to Norfolk Shipyard for to rendezvous with nearest unattached tactical asset, AEGIS-Iwo.Jima (LSF vessel).
Reported to Primary Fleet Officer Vic. Thorn at Norfolk who gave me leave to patrol at my discretion. Held position at Norfolk with Aegis-Iwo.Jima.
At 0214 Vic Thron reported an Outcast Gunboat (Call sign "Tri-Edge" near Planet Manhattan.I moved to Fort Bush and offered Bomber support.
0217 SMT Moved toward last sighted position of contact
At approximately 0221 I sighted Vic.Thorn holding position with the Outcast ship, at grid co-ordinates D-3
The Outcast gunship was confirmed by Vic. Thorn to be illegally holding a Liberty Police pilot, whom he threatened to harm unless he received 2 million credits ransom. I held position above the Outcast contact.
(At 0221 I received a transmission from =LSF=Jack.Norris of the sighting of a second Outcast gunboat at Fort Bush, after action report Id'd second vessel as "Outcast_GunBoat:Shadow:")
At 0224 the Gunship hit his engines and escaped fire. Began pursuit and received authorization to use lethal force.
Lawful vessels sucessfully stopped the vessels escape at 0226 and he commenced fire on us. I landed several hits on the Gunship my my SNAC, but took severe damage to my bomber in the process.
At sometime in the battle, the second outcast gunboat (Outcast_GunBoat:Shadow:) arrived in support of the Tri-edge, however, it's opening volleys actually hit the Tri-Edge, destroying the ship.It then retreated, with lawful assets in pursuit. My bomber was unable to engage the second contact.
At 0231, the Second gunboat was brought down by Liberty forces. I docked with Battleship Missouri, where I was issued a replacement Upholder while the first is repaired.Returned to space and entered position above Norfolk.
At 0237 Aegis-Leyte.Gulf reported sighting of a Rhineland Super heavy fighter, call sign "gilglamest" and ordered the vessel to Norfolk Shipyard. At Norfolk, we stopped him . We were joined by Liberty Police Off.Matt.Murphy, who took primary action in the interdiction. My own scans of the fighter showed it to be a "Mjolnir" Class Rheinland Super Heavy Fighter. It was broadcasting a Interspace IFF yet he identified himself as a Freelancer. In his cargo hold he was carrying approximately 140 units of High-Temperature Alloy, and his weapon loadout was a mixture of Kusari and Molly pirate weapons. The contact appeared to be willing to comply with the officers instructions and it was deemed to be under his control. The ship was escorted to Newark Station.
0245 AEGIS-Iwo.Jima reported it had received information of possible Rhineland vessels in the Bering system.
Liberty Fleet assets AEGIS-Iwo.Jima, Aegis-Leyte.Gulf, WRECKER-MKII, *Nevada*-brightstar, and my Upholder bomber jumped to the Texas system, and proceeded to Planet Houston.
At 0249 , at Houston, I sighted a Rhineland Dreadnought, bearing call sign "V-Tirpitz-V" enter Houston orbit from the Bering trade lane, and also one 19-ARKM-N82 "Mjolnir" Rheinland SHF. I notified all on the Fleet channel of the contact. The Dreadnought and its escort passed the Mississippi and headed through the trade lane apparently to escape the range of the Mississippis' guns. At that point fleet assets had positioned themselves at the New York gate, preventing the Dreadnought from reaching New York. The Dreadnought dropped out of the lane, only one tradelane gate away from Houston.
At approximately 0252, Liberty Forces commenced firing. I moved my bomber into a position above the Dreadnought and began targeting with SNAC fire
By 0255 AEGIS-Iwo.Jima had sustained severe damage and reported it had to withdraw. I made four comfirmed hits on the Dreadnought, helping to bring its shields down twice and also inflicting hull damage in support of our larger ships, at which point the Rhineland gunners turned their attention to me. The vessel turned faster than I anticipated was possible, and I came under direct and sustained fire from the Dreadnought. My shields were completely downed in seconds, and mortal damage done to the bomber. My shipboard computer detected a reactor breach and activated my ejection system, and I punched out only an instant before the bomber exploded. The Dreadnought was brought down by the remaining Liberty ships a few minutes later.
I was later retreived by rescue personnel from the Mississippi. The bomber issued to me was completely destroyed and is not recoverable. I have been notified that the circumstances of the loss of my bomber are under review, and I may be found liable if I am found to have recklessly endangered Liberty Navy Property.
------------Incoming Transmision-----------
----------- Source: LNS-Pacific--------------
----------- {ID} Captain Georgi Dimitrov------
-----------Lication: Texas System Sector 4F ----------
Today was an intresting and a sad day for me my and crew i enjoyd some R&R on Huston when my Fighter Whing Patrol Gamma 18 Contactet me for a Rhenland armada in the Hudson System. On the second i Heard armada i Calld the Crew and We Launcht from Planet Huston. I startet Callin in Ships From All over Liberty and tho our aid came 3 Liberty Sige Crusers several Fighters, 2 LSF Bomber Whings , One LIberty Assalt Battle Cruser, And Last LNS-Darungo Under the Command of Fleet Admiral Hale Himself. The Rhenland Foces were in sight we imidietly set a corce to intercept. The Darungo and the Pacific Opend Fire whit the Mortars all of them a Direct Hits in the Tripitz the Tripitz and the Crusers Faced a Dilema to Start Opening Fire on the Darungo or on the Pacific Thay chose the Darungo becase Admiral David Hale was on board. The Battle was in it color the Darungo and the Pacific keept Firering on the Tripits untill we maneged to take it out. But unfortenetly the Darungo was very hevily dameged We tryid devert some of that fire but the Tripitz Had a crash whit its engines and we lost helm control for some thime .The RM Crusers opend fire on the Pacific but ofter 1-2 mins thay were all were nutalised. After The Capital vs Capital Battle Ended. Comodore Christina Robinson Told me to leve the battle becase no BS were in a need we put a tractor beam on the Durango and startet pulling it out from the battle we Trasferd the Crew and Admiral Halle Himself on to the Pacific Medicall center. Acording to the Report from my Medicall Officer Admiral Hale only injery was a Broken Arm that my Doctor Pacht up and whent to help the other patians. After 10 min we were at Planet Huston Mooring . The Durango moored and Admiral Hale Was Transfert to the Hospital there. From our side we sufferd 36% hull damege and 50 Crew members were killd one of them my First Officer. The Brige was Comprimised to Space and he didnt hold on very well and he disepeard in space before the Emegency Blocades can respond. The Memorials Will be Helt Tomorow in 1500 hours. Today Was a Gread and Sad day for all of us we lost good friends, but we took out 1/3 of the rheinland fleet. Our Back Box was Dameged During the Battle so we have little data.
Be advised, due to severe damage to my vessel, a considerable amount of data was irretrievably lost. Support technicians aboard Missouri were able to recover some of the information.
I commenced my patrol, leaving from LNS Missouri at 0300HRs SMT.
-0315HRs Received contact from a civilian trading vessel advising me of heavy pirate activity in the California System.I moved to investigate.Upon entering the system, my long range sensors detected the presence of Liberty Navy Siege Cruisers LNS Hammer, and LNS Champion. LNS Hammer held position near the New York and I linked up with LNS Champion in the Tahoe ice cloud, to act in a fighter support capacity. The Champion was acting on reports of a pirate vessel who was also engaging in acts of cannibalism towards his victims. At this point, the Champion and the pirate contact (Call sign "Solari", which after action reports confirmed as a "Sabre" class fighter) engaged in a fairly long exchange.As the Solari was not in sensor contact, I assume the Champions commander was attempting to lead the pirate into revealing his position.After several minutes of mostly irrevelant communications, the contact stated his position as grid coordinates D/E 4/5. The Champion immediately moved to that location, and I followed in support. As we arrived, we came under attack by several Dagger class light fighters, which the Champion engaged in self defence, downing several. We did not pick up the Solari contact. At this point LNS Hammer no longer appeared on my scopes, apparently leaving the system.
-0354HRs We were addressed by a Bayonet class fighter, call sign "VR-Abacus.Ibanez" who ordered us to leave the area, despite the clear fact that we were Liberty Navy vessels. I detected the vessel charging his weapons, though he did not fire. He told us flatly to leave the area, though he had no authority to do so.
-0356HRs Several additional vessels were detected on scanners, coming to support the original contact. New contacts were Id'd as - VR-Dwight.T.Barnes[Ba], VR-John.Petrucci[OL], VR-02[AI], Valentine.*, and the original pirate vessel that we had sought earlier, Solari. (More Detailed information on contacts appended to this report.) Scans of the ships indicated that they didn't necessarily pose a serious threat to the Champion, so the Commander on scene attempted to defuse the situation.
The Commander of the Champion inquired of the vessels who their commander was, and he was identified as John Petrucci. At this point I believe there may have been secure comms between the Champion and the contacts leader.At approximately 0358HRs the Champion yawed sharply to bearing 350 (Towards Planet Mojave) and began moving at speed. One of the contacts placed his vessel in a position blocking the Champion from continuing.
-0403HRs The contacts, having had time to scan our ships, demanded the Champion release several pirates it was holding in its custody.
-0404HRs At this point, the AI designate "Vergil" of the Champion seized contol of the Champion and Liberty Command codes were used override the controls of my fighter.My fighter was placed in a formation pattern with the Champion, but at that moment we held position.
At approximately 0405HRs , I picked up a new contact, call sign "VR-VCS-Systematic.Chaos" approaching our position.
-0413 Call sign VR-VCS-Systematic.Chaos arrived on the scene and I confirmed it to be a Sarissa Class Battleship of Outcast construction. Several of the hostile fighters were requesting persimmon to fire on us.
-0417:09 I intercepted a transmission from the Battleship to commence fire on the Champion.We were immedtiately under extreme fire from the combined hostile vessels, including the Battleship.
-0417:37 The AI link to my fighter from the Champion was severed, and I worked to regain control of my ship.
-0417:45 The Champion took a critical hit, resulting in apparent loss of all power, weapons, and communications. That assessment is based on what I could determine visually , as by this point, my fighter had lost most of its scanning equipment. Now under fire from possibly as many as seven ships, including the Battleships' guns, I determined there was zero chance of success in attempting to defend the Champions hull, and I was forced to retreat. At this point, the hostiles apparently divided their forces, sending ships to pursue my fighter, and the remaining units apparently turning on the contact "Solari", requiring the vessel to surrender its datalogs.I has unable to ascertain anything else as the incoming fire was extremely intense.
-Every attempt to dock with a trade lane was met by my pursuers targeting and disabling the lane before I got there. I maintained an erratic course to avoid fire, but eventually lost all shields, and sustained heavy damage to all primary and secondary systems.
-0425 The amount of fire on me seemed to have lessened. At considerable risk, I turned my fighter around for a quick look, and found only one of the hostile fighters still behind me.I do not know if the other pursuing fighters lost me, or if they were simply called elsewhere.
(It should be noted, that there were two additional contacts, call signs "Omaha" and "Gouger" who were observing my retreat, and seemed ready to support the hostile forces. I was unable to conduct any scans of these vessels, and no additional information is available.)
-The remaining hostile (call sign VR-Dwight.T.Barnes[Ba]) was clearly underclass compared to my Avenger, and why he still pursued me after the others disengaged, I do not know. I had lost my shields, and had taken severe hull damage. If he had continued, I would have certainly been killed; so in defense of myself, and the data I was carrying, I fired on him, crippling the ship. I did not stop to see the extent of the damage, and I am unsure as to the fate of the pilot. I retreated though Virginia and docked with LNS Petersburg for emergency repairs, and reported incident to the Petersburgs commanding officer.
-Returned to LNS Missouri
Recovered call signs and ship classes of the hostile vessels.
Partial scan of weapons loadout of contact "VR-John.Petrucci[OL]"
Parital scan recovered of Battleship weapons loadout
Valentine.*- Additional information on this contact has been deemed CLASSIFIED, and I am unable to include it in my report.
Notice how Lt. Lock complements me on the killing shot. He was drooling all over me. I am so awesome.
Then I wen to manhattan. At newark station, a weapon dealer was floating around. he was quite rude.
He insulted me on several occasions. But I did notice some faults in his craft.
- 1 of his taillights was broken
- the shade of his lights was 1 tint too light
- he had a stolen garden statue glued to his bow
- he had a trashcan with a turret glued on top of it dusctaped to the hull
- he smelled
- the windows on his bridge were dirty
- the bottom fin was 30 cm too long
- he smelled
I suggest the LPI hunts him down and fines him to no end. I'm not being bitter here, no sirree.
After that I got a call form J. Adams, an Universal bomber pilot. some Rogue bomber was being nasty in Californa. So we went there and chased him away from the lanes.
Then I proceeded back to New York, where 2 Rogue Gunboats were tearing stuff up near the colorado gate. I hopped in my bomber and went over there. After verbally abusing them, they left the lanes alone and ran.
Liberty Navy Secure Transmission
Origin: Battleship Missouri
Subject: Reporting for Duty
Encryption Code: Delta
Public Key: COM02242010
From: Commander David Hastings
To: Liberty Navy, Space Forces Command
Classification: Report for Duty
/file extraction-reconstruction complete/
/start file/
Greetings Command,
I am reporting, as ordered, for space forces duty. My administrative leave to support my family and work in ground ops went well, but I have been itching to get back in my fighter.
It has been reported to me that I will be reduced in rank back to Ensign pending skills review and medical check-off.
I am excited and look forward to being assigned to a fighter wing and being back in the black.