Please provide a truthful answer to blantent disregard of the rules from last night and why you couldn't simply tell the truth once called out about it.
Then once thats settled we can get to today's mess... ok?
Swift, Armageddon, someone with a clear head who isn't just going to run off at the mouth around flaming or ranting. Please. I would really like an answer before I go to sleep.
Please provide a truthful answer to blantent disregard of the rules from last night and why you couldn't simply tell the truth once called out about it.
Then once thats settled we can get to today's mess... ok?
Swift, Armageddon, someone with a clear head who isn't just going to run off at the mouth around flaming or ranting. Please. I would really like an answer before I go to sleep.
AFAIK, Outlaw didn't actually re-engage. He fled, and because he was confused he decided to err on the side of caution.
<3 BB
"Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will, in fact, calm up."
Please provide a truthful answer to blantent disregard of the rules from last night and why you couldn't simply tell the truth once called out about it.
Then once thats settled we can get to today's mess... ok?
Swift, Armageddon, someone with a clear head who isn't just going to run off at the mouth around flaming or ranting. Please. I would really like an answer before I go to sleep.
Some of our ships never engaged.
I too flew out of the jumphole against you. You whole lot decided to fire on me without a word, never dropped my shields below 50%, so I do not consider that engaged, do you? Except for your even bigger disregard for rules, just shooting on what is red.
Do not blame us right? Now you go ahead and accuse me of lying, and I will do the same.
' Wrote:I dont really care you know.
Dnicu, I would never make outcast character.
I have been fighting outcats since my first day on discovery. What I endured from OCs in general is beyond words.
It will never change.
Oh want some feedback on yourself?
make a OC char.. WHY?
- you will be flamed less
- you will see that Colonials is pretty much as bad as OC, if not worse at times.
- you will discover the joy of cardamine.
No honestly.
Due to my "OC ONLY" attitude, my opinions was ignored and objected by ANY corsair when it came to weapon or balancing suggestions. Or , Who is the biggest capwhorespammerlolwutnoob.
I got IMG chars, i got sair chars. and people still think im just plain "square" OC?
My "hate" and "blindness" is your rage, and intolerance to sharp, concrete feedback.
look at kaze, she replies in a CALM and SENSIBLE manner.
the first things you did:
- bring battleaxe
- shout and point fingers
- waive axe to look mean
if you had:
- asked for proof
- asked why/how i can say that
- asked what caused the situation
- told me calmly about other events that wasn't like that
then I, REACHER, and most likely, most of the community would pay more attention to you, not just try to flame you. Hate you, or ignore you.
IF you, TRY. to swallow your "pride" for 1 hour during "peak times". Try play as an outcast. Then lets see, how long it takes before you realise that its not "that easy".
PS: When this post has been replied to, admins/mods may remove it at their own discretion. It is not relevant to the Colonial Faction. But it is relevant in the matter of getting a less "flammable" feedback.
As a more recent inductee into the realms of the Colonials, I feel somewhat... bewildered as to the negative press the CR has been receiving.
From what I've seen, the Remnant's activities have been, for the most part, a defensive nature. In most actions, the CR have not been the agressors, but rather the defenders, being attacked by Cartel, XTF and/or Outcasts for our meer presence in 23.
There are exceptions, though, as I said. Mostly this occurs when Cardamine or Slaves enter the mix. As a faction near one of the main smuggling routes, we take it upon ourselves to ensure that the Cardamine is destroyed and the slaves freed whenever possible, and have earnt plenty of flak from the Outcasts and Cartels because of it.
And yet, a majority of those complaining about our actions here seem to be tied to the Outcasts in one form or another, sometimes directly.
Quote:Considering TIME spent in Tau 23, you dont really need a system of your own, you have basically, forcefully invaded Tau 23.
Your using all your time, sitting there, "teaming up" against smugglers (i was on my indy char, i KNOW you do it frequently). Basically your just waiting for a lolcast raid. Then you whine and moan about transports getting raped, either =CR= ISE transports or your indy/IMG| transports.
We sit in 23 as it is a major supply route for the Outcasts running Cardamine and Slaves, both of which we intercept. We also do it to protect IMG interests when they cannot, such as the Niobium fields and Java.
Just today, we caught an Outcast gunboat and 2 Blood Dragon fighters in the field, obviously not mining but looking for miners to attack. Although their intent is a matter of conjecture, their presence in a place with little strategic possibilities other than said activities is not.
Arms and Legs Guy Wrote:Don't tell them the truth : That in reality you are a potbellied german VW factory worker named Horst.
So please again, taking into account the above SSs (thus cutting through a layer of muck) please provide an explanation to why those four re-engaged and why you choose to prevaricate/beguile the facts of the incident.
' Wrote:...and most likely, most of the community would pay more attention to you, not just try to flame you. Hate you, or ignore you.
I wish that CR was made up of kaze's
Meep! Wrong answer. This was, let me look at that again, right, a classical own goal.
What? You cant handle the heat, cant stay calm when someone is 'flaming' and 'accusing' you, you say you will 'just try to flame' those but you expect them to stay calm and sensible themselves?
Dude.... we live in the same universe?... I sense you dropped through the bottom at some point.
Get up. Now. You can do it!
In general... less hate, more <strike>mudkipz</strike>... err, love I ment.
OC shout at CR for being idiots. CR shout at OC for being idiots.
Altogether show what great idiots they are on the forums by insulting and flaming each other for various yet prolly unknown reasons.
May I call that.... *looks in dictionary* ... pathetic?
Dnice was right with saying that the close minded attitude of some players in this community is a problem for the gaming fun of others here. Seen that from and on both sides, OC and CR, been there, done that all... wasnt happy. Left.
Yea, all in all... CR is doing a ****ing great job and from the last intels I got me, some of the OC I heard still too.
The same old issues, the same old prejudices, the same old game... that is what you all play here.
Be nicer to each other!
Anyone thought about solving such stuff in a Skypechannel? I mean... I believe to remember to have told the 101st and the CR multiple times that a chatroom just for both groups to talk under the lead of a 'calm and sensible' discussion leader about such topics may be a good idea.
Keep your kindergarten out of the forums.
Or move to Flood.
Here is a cookie.
We all like mudkipz, btw.
+1, The Game
//Edit: And Kaze is a guy. Oh and, my Love, missed Mirja much?
' Wrote:Just today, we caught an Outcast gunboat and 2 Blood Dragon fighters in the field, obviously not mining but looking for miners to attack. Although their intent is a matter of conjecture, their presence in a place with little strategic possibilities other than said activities is not.
please PM their names.
I suspect it was the same incompetent idiots who was 14k from my miner, shouted.
Such behaviour is not tolerated by ANYONE. I am sure that most outcasts would rather marry a corsair then allow such gunboat captains.
Atleast, Lolcast tridents is somthing you should ALWAYS report to the outcast commonwealth. The removal of such "players" are essential to improving the life in the taus. In turn, you too profit at it