..:: Incoming Transmission : The Order High Command ::..
..:: Signal Location : Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor ::..
Greetings Volksfront leaders.
We are here to finalize the conditions of the alliance between the Order and the Bundshuh.
The OHC is very pleased his diplomacy finally brought something between our two factions. For too long the Bundschuh and the Order have been separated by some others alliance. The old partners of the Nomad War will stand front against the alien threat together again !
Here are the terms of our alliance. They could be changed if something is wrong until all the terms are agreed by the Order and the Bundschuh sides.
For the Order :
- The right to dock on the Bundschuh bases with fighters, bombers and gunboats vessels. We understand your facilities are too small to receive bigger ships. We don't want to fly or dock in your guard system, Luneburg.
- The logistical and tactical support of the Bundschuh pilots against the Wilde and in a lesser extent, the Nomads in Rheinland and the Omegas.
- An Order-positive propaganda from the Bundschuh to the others Rheinlands freedom fighters (LWB, Unioners and Red Hessians). We want to operate in Rheinland and the Omegas without having problems with some Rheinlands factions that could perceving us as enemies, something we aren't. We wish to be at last neutral, at better friendly with those factions and we count on the Bundshuh diplomacy to reach this goal.
For the Bundschuh :
- The right to move and dock on the planet Toledo and the battleship Isis in Omicron Minor. Omicron-100 would be granted only under escort of some Order agents.
- The logistical and tactical support of the Order pilots against the Wilde, Nomads and the Bounty Hunter Guild. The Order will stay neutral against the Rheinland Military, the Rheinland Federal Police and the Rheinland Corporations.
- The transfert of technologies like some Order weapons : G19 "Death's Hand" Order Laser Cannon and H16 "Reaper" Order Neutron Cannon. We can also deliver some 015A "Nephthys" The Order Very Heavy Fighter to the members of the Volksfront.
This is not the definitive alliance treaty. We await the suggestions of the Volksfront members and the Primary Order Fleet about this.
Let's hope we will find something that could satisfy each of us and we will soonly celebrate this future alliance which will bring much for our both movements.
..:: Incoming Transmission : The Order Primary Fleet ::..
..:: Neural Identification : Admiral Tovig Kelt ::..
..:: Signal Location : Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor ::..
We want the opinion or the confirmation of the Volksfront leader about this alliance or it will not be official... Please warn your superior, Herr Raudi. It's pretty urgent. Thank you.