Mostly everyone does this, and it is very plausible in-RP that it can be done, especially with systems under the close scrutiny of the IMG and the CR, who, yes, do help each other out with various things, including pirate activity.
It'd be a funny fact if the IMG would not constantly monitor traffic through the Tau 39 and assorted Tau jumpholes, just like the Colonials do, in-RP, because A) It is not a difficult feat to do, and requires little resources, and B) It is very much needed.
The players list is simply a means of achieving that kind of roleplay in reality. Now, I don't see why people should speak like this:
"Ahah! Through our clever use of stationary probes which monitor jumphole traffic, I have concluded that you are located in this system, so come out, because I know you are here!"
It'd be very awesome if we had near a thousand players on the server and the roles of reconnaissance and stationary guard checkpoints could actually be done, but I think it'd be a bit too much to ask of people who come here to have fun, and not work work work.
Though, truthfully, there are cases when people on the server use this kind of RP when it comes to basically any other system which, in some cases, like say, an independent pirate "knowing" there's currently a ship passing through system X, and monitoring his travels in real time, but there's no problem with using one's contacts to get information about spatial traffic, especially considering that, in-RP, you cannot traverse the whole length of Sirius in a couple of hours, like you can do in "reality".
Just remember Trent's neural log and his two week trip to Manhattan aboard the rescue ship.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
Mostly everyone does this, and it is very plausible in-RP that it can be done, especially with systems under the close scrutiny of the IMG and the CR, who, yes, do help each other out with various things, including pirate activity.
It'd be a funny fact if the IMG would not constantly monitor traffic through the Tau 39 and assorted Tau jumpholes, just like the Colonials do, in-RP, because A) It is not a difficult feat to do, and requires little resources, and B) It is very much needed.
The players list is simply a means of achieving that kind of roleplay in reality. Now, I don't see why people should speak like this:
"Ahah! Through our clever use of stationary probes which monitor jumphole traffic, I have concluded that you are located in this system, so come out, because I know you are here!"
It'd be very awesome if we had near a thousand players on the server and the roles of reconnaissance and stationary guard checkpoints could actually be done, but I think it'd be a bit too much to ask of people who come here to have fun, and not work work work.
Though, truthfully, there are cases when people on the server use this kind of RP when it comes to basically any other system which, in some cases, like say, an independent pirate "knowing" there's currently a ship passing through system X, and monitoring his travels in real time, but there's no problem with using one's contacts to get information about spatial traffic, especially considering that, in-RP, you cannot traverse the whole length of Sirius in a couple of hours, like you can do in "reality".
Just remember Trent's neural log and his two week trip to Manhattan aboard the rescue ship.
Don't defend him, Swifty. The bugger just wanted to defend Dutch. He was in a group with Dutch, Dutch got pirated, Dutch told him about it, so he contacted the pirate. :/
"Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will, in fact, calm up."
Wait, I don't quite get what you're saying, Politus... Could you explain one more time? (Seriously. And say what kind of character people were flying, not who was flying them, please.)
In any case, I was defending the use of the playerlist to monitor spatial activity in one's ZOI. Anywho, Politus, if a member of ours did something with no RP in mind, that is, his actions being fueled by metagaming, feel very encouraged to file a report on it on our forums and his rear end will be met with the striking of a piece of sturdy footwear.
Anyways, a good explanation of the exact situation, plox?
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
' Wrote:Wait, I don't quite get what you're saying, Politus... Could you explain one more time? (Seriously. And say what kind of character people were flying, not who was flying them, please.)
In any case, I was defending the use of the playerlist to monitor spatial activity in one's ZOI. Anywho, Politus, if a member of ours did something with no RP in mind, that is, his actions being fueled by metagaming, feel very encouraged to file a report on it on our forums and his rear end will be met with the striking of a piece of sturdy footwear.
Anyways, a good explanation of the exact situation, plox?
From what I can tell, the accused was online on his CR character, in a group with Dutch, who was on an IMG miner char I believe. The IMG miner sent the accused a message, in-game, about being pirated, and who did it. Then this happened. I believe that's all. Could be wrong. May have my facts off.
"Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will, in fact, calm up."
Well, if it was an in-RP call for help, I don't see much wrong about it. Last time I checked, the IMG and ourselves were friendly, and even if that weren't so, our policy is that any pirate activity is illegal activity, hence punishable.
If it was a "this guy pirated me, go take care of him", and then he goes off and does it - I suggest sanctions for the offender(s). (Not of the adminey kind, but of the factioney kind)
EDIT: After reviewing the current situation, unless there's a different story on the way to me, I conclude that the following happened:
Dutch's IMG indie who is in a group with a Colonial pilot gets pirated.
The aforementioned indie character contacts its Colonial friendly/ally, asking for assistance.
The Colonial pilot investigates the situation and hunts the pirate down.
Hands are clean.
If I've got it wrong, correct me with sensible arguments.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
And here's a double post, not because I am spamming, but because I need the following statement to stick out of the crowd.
The following is not related, but if this proves out to have been wrong, then it is related to the current issue. In any case, here it is:
If any Colonial player is caught metagaming, rulebreaking, acting in extreme unsportsmanship, or doing conscious actions which embarrass this faction, send the precise details with the character name to yours truly or Baal, whom you know by the forum name Atreides2, and proper action will be taken, if it checks out.
Think of it like rule violation reports, only they are aimed at us about our pilots, follow, besides ALL the rules of the server, also any kind of action deemed extremely inappropriate, including heavy metagaming.
If they do something along the lines of anything that is punishable by the rules with a ban of any kind, especially harsh insults via swearing or on a personal basis, and you have my word that I'll do everything I can to get them kicked out of the faction, though that is not much in terms of official power, but is in the terms of nag power and the fact that I believe that deep down the leadership wants to set a good standard.
With the current score of obvious bad seeds in an otherwise good crop, I feel that this kind of action is necessary. Lately, we have been stepping up punishment for offenders, but I feel that we need to do it better and with absolutely NO exceptions.
Now, do note, however, that this is not a free license to start an all out OORP attack on our membership. I am being polite here, being fair, and trying to improve the ongoing situation, but do note that I intend to be without bias here, meaning that I will not actively seek out random punishment, nor will I overlook any evidence of 'crap that goes on'.
To the Colonial membership, there is a lot of good people among you, heavily outweighing the bad ones, which only enhances the importance of getting rid of the ones who refuse to adjust their behavior. Do not be angry at me, and do not feel like I'm performing some kind of personal attack against anyone. I want what's best for the faction and the Taus in general, and if it means that those who will refuse to adjust in the future have to go, so be it.
The end result, I hope, will be a rulewise and RP wise clean faction. How very naziesque of me, I know.
And at the server, do not think that by doing this I am stating that my faction is in such deep problems which, truthfully, are not much worse, or even worse, than a few other groups involved, but the difference here is that I am not ashamed to admit any shortcomings.
This is not a personal invite for your grudges and childishness to come out against this faction.
Also note that I will discard most messages containing obvious lies, perfidity, and targeted attacks at individuals. Feel free to be angry if you have the evidence to back it up.
Also note that I expect the truth, so note that when I realise that someone's lying to me, future PMs shall be binned.
Thank you very much.
Yes, I am aware that this will most probably backfire and that my PM box will either remain empty or filled with non-coherent drivel, but I hang on to hope.
Let the attacks and/or ignoring me begin.
' Wrote:Really now?
Last time I checked, yes.
Sorry for the double post.. That last one was being written for quite a few minutes. Oh wait. Now I realized what I'd written.:lol:
You know what I meant. Confuzzled.
EDIT referring to the lower post: I did.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.