>>>File; "Subject Zero's Known Past" Selected, Opening file.
The Database will now show in video format as a re-construction of the willfull explanation of subject Zero's past event's that require him to be in the treatment chamber here today. Files will be drawn from "Subject Zero's Interigation Report's" and other files as and when neeeded.
He begin's to watch the computer's adduptation of the event's held within patient Zero's life up to this point.
a Blured image apear's on screen of a young boy, posing for a class photo, just a normal child, nothing differant that immedeatly meet's the eye.
The child, looking about eight years old is being mocked for his apearance, being mocked for his shabby clothing.
Subject Zero lashes out, takes a swing at the lead-Bully, knocked him to the floor in one punch, immedeatly jump's on the bully with one knee either side of the bully's chest and repetitivly beat the bully around the face. he paused and looked into the bully's eyes, the bully immedeatly soild himself and passed out with a whimper of pain.
Subject Zero then go up and pushed his way past the other bullies.
**(The screen goes blank, loading the next sequence of memories)**
Subject Zero is now a bit older, about Ten years of age, crying with no tears into the shoulder of his mother. crying about how he miss-treated a girlfriend and as a result of it, she had dumped him. His mother took him back and looked into Subject Zero's eyes, she, with a unholy whimper passed out.
Not knowing or believeing what just happend, Subject Zero panniced, called for a ambulance, but by the time the ambulance had arrived, Subject Zero's mother had recoverd. After a brief checkup from the ambulance crew, they couldn't determine what had happend, and simply left with a warning if anything of the sort happens again, she is to go into hospital for a more thourror inspection.
The mother looks down at Subject Zero, with a loving embrace holds her son close untill the ambulance crew leave, then in a trance Subject Zero's mother pulled him close and whisper'd in a voice that wasn't her own a few word's, then returned to normal. It was clear that from her actions she wasn't aware she was in the trance, or what she had said.
**(The screen falshes blank once more prepareing to show another memory)**
"That's it, how can i have been so blind before? Subject Zero's eyes are the reason for the death's.. somehow.. every person now i come to think of it that has looked into his eyes has commited scuicide claiming they heard voices.. it all makes sence now.."
The man finishes his cigar and looks over toward the observation window where Subject Zero is being held in icelation.
there is no light and he goes to turn it on, but it doesnt work, he walk's up to the glassand cup's his hands around his head to try and block out any other light to try and see into the room.
Out of nowhere, right infront of him a ghastly pair of red eyes apear, the doctor collapses, his body filled with a burning sensation, he then faint's.
Upon his awakening, he jump's up and hit's the red security button, gas poor's into every chamber of the research station and a squad of elite trooper's are dispatched to infiltrate the building.
The tactical squad sweep through each sector clearing and identifying each and every person within the reaserch facility, all is clear, the Doctor who pushed the pannic button just gain's conscoisness as the squad breack through the door
"Thank god you are here, are all the Subject's accounted for? did anyone escape? is everyone alright ?"
Dr Wilkins, everything is alright sir, what made you push the pannic button?
" Hmm, Nothing sir, it was purely a accident, Return and do another sweep of the facility, i wanta 100 over 100 scan"
Copy that sir, Let's move The insertion squadren leadermakes hand gestures to his men and they follow the order's stated by the hand gesture's.
"That was embaresing.. now let's take a look at the subject's apearance, i need to add a warning over those eyes...
The Doctor makes a few click's and selects the apropiate file, and looks in horror at what he see's.
The Database will now show in video format as a re-construction of Subject Zero's entire body from head to toe, showing all majot distinguishable features and pulling data from all files in memory banks using video datafeed to show how each potential feature was obtaind
**-{Under -No- Curcumstances are you to make Eye Contact with Subject Zero}-**
Birthmark's: None
Subject Zero's Height: 6 Ft 2"
Subject Zero's Hair colour; Jet Black
Subject Zero's eye Colour: Unknown
Subject Zero's Weight: 120 KG's
Subject Zero's Build: Weak, Thin
Subject Zero's Skin Colour: Pale White
Distinguishing Feature's: Scar to one side his face
**(The Database kicks in, the screen goes white then a video starts playing)**
Subject Zero walks into a bar, a drunk is trying to order another scotch, the barmen sizes up Subject Zero untill he looks into his eyes, the barmen immedeatly collapses. The drunk notices Subject Zero and what had just happen'd. the drunk smashes his glass on the counter and thrust's it at Subject Zero, catching his cheeck. Subject Zero hold's up his right arm a few unches from the drunk's throat, the drunk grabbing this own throught gasping for breath, then passes out collapsing to the floor with a thud. Subject zero pick's up a bottle from behind the counter, then leaves.
**(Account gain'd from eye whitnesses in the bar)**
Side note: The subject's mass is not warented by his apearance, he is almost Twice the weight he should be, with no explanation.
Muttering to himself in a scared voice "I checked this not less than two days ago and no information on the subject's eyes were posted."
He straightend up and began to look through the file again, seeing nothing new he looked at when the file was last modified. To the doctor's horror, it said the file had been modified whilst he was watching through the footage of the Subject's known past.
A voice then roar's within the head of the Doctor
***You Will Let Him Leave, or you will seal your own death***
{a pause inbetween as the ghastly voice gasp's for breath}
*** in the most painfull mannor concieveable***
The Doctor jumps and pannic's sweating profucely he goes to the bathroom and spashes water on his face, Looking up at the miror, a Reflection of theSubject Zero sttod behind him with a knife, poised to stab him in the back, as the knife enter's the back of the doctor, he let's out a shriek of pain, causing the guard's to rush to the doctor's aid. The doctor shtood there thinking he was dead, looked up once again at the mirror, the figer of the Subject had vannished, but there was blood pooring from the Doctor's back.
The guard's look confused as to why the doctor yelled, and asked him, the Doctoe exclaimed "There's Blood pooring out of my back, get me some medical attention Now"
Buuuuut.. sir, there is nothing wrong with your back, are you alright sir? maybe you should sit down.
"Yes...Yes, i'm fine.. i no longer require your presence, leave me be"
The doctor tossed from side to side, the image of Subject Zero's Burning eyes in his head, the thought of what happend in the bathroom, the knife felt so real, so painfull, yet, there wasn't a makr on his body to show for it.
Unable to sleep, unable to get the image out of his head, he mutter'd
"I'll do as you ask me, just leave me alone
I Prommise"
Almost instantly he fell asleap, his head filled with happy memories and satisfaction. The next say he woke up as any other day, he wonder'd if it had all been a bad dream, the second he started to believe it was, the emergency siren, Medium threat was going off within the facility. The image of Subject Zero flashed within his head once more, but this time it spoke to him.
"You Will obay, You Will die otherwise"
"I am Not joking, Your mind is Weak, I can infiltrate it as and when i like"
"Try and Harm me"
"I willpay that Misstake with your death"
"You know what you must do, now Do it, One shall die Every dayuntill you comply"[/color]
At this moment the guards were swarming,
Sir, we've got a breach in sector Five, one of your men has hung himself Sir
"Oh..Oh Right..Dispose of the body as fast as you can, Secure the perimiter"
Rodger that Sir! 10-4!
The Doctor walk's to his desk un-escorted, and call's through the comm's to his secutery
"I want to call a interogation with Subject Zerp, Do it, and do it Now"
But.. But.. Sir.. there are no guards availbe to assist with this right now, that is our most disturbed subject's, you Need at least four guards present whilst being in a room with the subject
the Doctor butt's in
"Do it, and Do it Now women, i'll be in there alone with the subject"
He shut's down the comm's device and proceeded tointerigation chamber one where the subject's sleeping cascet had been transfured to.
The cascet opend and the subject got out, and promptly sat down, like a normal person.
"Right then, all recording devices have been switched off, all defence mechanisum's have been switched off, all bar one, and that's the Neuro Toxin emmiter's at the first sighn of hostilaty"
Subject Zero began to speak "You.. Are either Dumb or desperite... You bow to what i can do before you even see a quarter of my ability, i was rather hopeing you were made of someting tougher.. i could have toyed with you a bit more"
The doctor put's his hand up to his chin, fixated on the subject's facial movement's that seemed to be non-existant
"Yes, i am inside your head, i can read your thought's, there is no need for you to even speak"
The doctor began to think.. what is Subject Zero, is it some kind of alien within a human form? what is his reason for such psycopathic reactions to th e univerce?
"Not even I know what I am, I was born a human, but I have the ability to do anything i want, if it can be imagined, I can do it...As for my hatrid, i hate being tested, i hate You, i hate the way other's within the univerce will only work to line their pocket's with credit's, to put themselves in a mansion in full knoledge that there people out there who have nothing."
The Doctor say back thinking these are quite rational hatrid's, yet wasn't sure whyyou go to such extremes, nor what right Subject Zero think's he has to police such thing's.
"I'll confirm my earlier prediction, you -Are- dumb, if you had such power, such a power as i do, which is both a curse and a gift.. you would use them to your ability"
a slightly angry thought passed through the Doctor's mind, thinking i wouldnt murder so many innoscent people neeedlessly.
"Again, you are Dumb, you forget i can see everything you are thinking, you are also deveating from the point here, when am i being set free? remember your life depends on it, ane i Won't make it pleasant
The doctor erupt's and shout's
" You know i can do nothing of the sort!"
"The thing is, Doc, you know how to set me free, and therefore i knowhow to set myself free, i'll give you at least the bennifit of holding your ground. you can take honour in your death"
"You will Die and have a Cheap funeral"
"Wrong again Doc"
Zero now looked at the Doctor, (the first movement he had made all this time since getting out of the chamber) opend his eyes wide and made the Doctor grab his own neck, he was using his mind to make the Doctor choke himself.
Zero stopped just before the Doctor was about to die.
"Get out of here, it's not even a challenge to kill you"
Without a word the doctor scuttled to his feet and franticly opend the security door, Zero's mind stepped in again, he got up and walked through the open door into the research facility.
"Why Thankyou, Sir, thankyou for cureing me"
This was in direct earshot of the Guard's, who stood there looking both scared and confused. Zero didn't bother infultrating the mind's of the guard's, the escort of the Doctor was enough.
The Doctor enter'd the clearance codes for his private ship, a Arrow, Zero promptly enter'd the ship and launched.
Zero now not having a clue where he was scanned the doctor's mind once more he was in Bastille research station. The most intence secure prison known to sirius.
Zero pinpointed the exit route and headed out.
Being that Zero hadn't been concentrateing on keeping the doctor's mind sedated, the doctor had chance to rais the alarm, stations guns and multiple squadren's of fighters and bombers were dispatched to hunt down and kill Zero.
Zero locked his mind onto the brain's of the death-squad's that were after him, inplanting words into their mind, telling them what to do.
"What are you doing? the getaway is inside the prison, Destroy the prison, Destroy it before he get's away!
Delta Squadren leader opens comm link with Zero;
Your mind-tricks wont work on us lad. give yourself in, it will be allot less painfull for you.
Zero thought, of course.. they haven't made eye contact with me...
Zero engaged a forced video comm-link with all of the pilot's, forcing them to see his eyes.
The figher and bomber pilot's mind's were too strong due to training in resistance and they didn't pass out. he implanted the command again
"What are you doing? the getaway is inside the prison, Destroy the prison, Destroy it before he get's away!
This time, all but one of the pilot's chasing him turned around, and started attacking the station.
Delta squadren's leader, being the onlypilot left in Zero's way got a lock on Zero's vessle, and began to fire.
Zero not having the firepower to shoot back himself order'd two of the fighter pilots who were attacking the station (which by now was at critical damage point) to engage their squadren leader.
Not expecting the attack frombehind, the squadren leader was taken by supprise and faild to respong in time, releacing himself in a escape pod, Zero tracord it and moved out.
Just before he was going to leave the system, he noticed in the rear view mirror the station explodeing, e felt all 430 souls within the station being releaced. This gave zero great pleasure and remorce at the same time for the female lives lost.
he proceeded to jump from Bastille, with no idea what was on the other side.
Upon coming out the other side of the gravitational annomally, a voice of a excruciatingly painfull nature fill's Zero's head, having no controll over it, he felt weak.
**(Come to me...Collected you must be...***
**(Forfill what you are Meant to be,..What you deserve)**
**(What you crave)**
{Heavy breathing, Ghasping for breath}
**(It's not like you have a choice anyway)**
{Ghasping for breath again}
**(you will now loose all concesnois, you will arrive at my feet)**
Almost immedeatly, Zero lost all concousness. The next thing he knew he was sprawled out on the floor, in a room that looked more cave-like than anything else,
Becomming more aware of his surrioundings, , but before he could gain the strength to move, a invisable force picked him up by the shoulder's, dragging his knees's along the floor with his torso upright allowing Zero to see around him.
Text of a language very bizzare to him is plasterd all over the walles and roof of the cave-like room's he was being dragged through, in absence of all noice but his knee's that were dragging along the floor.
It was now that Zero tried to reflect on what happend shortly before he ended up in this place, what had the voice said? how was it able to enter his mind and controll him? all this made him feel powerless.
A same voice is heard, the same one as before he pased out, sounding weak, in pain
**(You are in the Temple of the Revinant)**
{a painfull deep breath is heard}
**(I controlld your body, Piloting you here)**
" And what do you want from me, Why me of all people"
**(We have been monitering you from birth)**
**(Your body somehow contains pure evil right from the moment you existed)**
{ghasping for breath}
**(The rason for it i don't even know)**
**(You poses abilities that we have Not as strong, but you have them)**
**(You certainly have power over the common man)**
**(You also have the hate within you, a passion for destruction)**
**(Not for the reasons we do, but that's irrelivant)**
"So, you think i will just become one of you? just that's it i'm a phantom now"
**(Not Exactly)**
{A Deep breath is taken}
**(You will prove you are worthy, you will go fourth at my command)**
**(I'll be watching your every movement, but you will be controling you)**
**(Should your chances for survival be comprimised, i will take over)**
{Another deep breath is taken}
**(You will rein Terror on Liberty, you wll be provided with a vessle)**
**(The one you chose...is far from battle capable for the job you are going to undertake)**
"And if i Refuse?"
**(You already know the answer to that)**
**(Set you to your task)**
Zero finally had th strength in his legs to move, he got up and moved toward the vessle that had been laid out for him. Half fear, Half excietment swept through his body.
"How am i to know how to fly this thing? ive only heard of such craft in.. well.. i haven't"
**(You have part of us inside you, This is part of the test)**
Zero Gingerly got into the ship, immedealy pushing controll's without thinking, he somehow knew how everything worked.
**(Most Interesting)**
Zero set off, without a clue which way he was meant to be going. the at preseant man who had set him to the task, His identity was still unknown, Zero didn't even question it, it wasn't one of his concern's. He was one step away from having the power of the univerce in his hand.
I made my way to where he thought was liberty. I knew i was in house space, that's for sure, hate thick within me, so many corrupt minds swarmed around me within the system.
It was clear I was in Bretonia. the waves of pilots that were coming at me were wearing bretonian transponder's, I was causeing havvok, but not where I was suppost to be. From scanning the mind of a Universal pilot, just before I killed him, I was able to map most of sirius house space with his mind. At least this one had come of some use within the corruption.
I set path for Liberty Collecting pilots along the way who stood in my path.
Using the tradelanes, without a care for what i came across, if it was a corrupt soul, i'll clanse sirius one evil at a time..
"Such corruption...Such worthlessness.."
I was trying to goad the security forces into a fight, at the same time trying to spread fear.
The liberty security forces he could tell were trying to home in on his location. Zero promptly scrambled their tracking devices. He wasnted to cause trouble, but not be found.. just yet...
Concentrateing too much on the liberty forces, a hunter was able to locate my ship, he almost instantly engaged, he had to be silenced.
After a while, the hunter could see he was out-classed, and retreated, i was unable to stop his retreat.
It was at this moment that something completly unexpected happend.
a Vessle declareing everything in liberty was about to be sunk. Claiming that he was the captain of a Battleship, Here to avenge the eaths of the rheinland war.
This was where I took my oppertunity, it was clear the captain of the ship had a weak mind, More than enough I needed to take advantage.
There were many Liberty capital vessles and the Ghost ship tore through many of them, despite the massive onslought brought on by t ghost ship at my command, the Ghost ship was eventually torn apart.
Senceing i was to be the next target, I decided to withdraw before my small ship wascaptured.. i'm not going back.. never going back.
My thought's were only confirmed when a fleet of gunboat captains mutterd, all be it withfear in their voice, told me i had outworn my stay.
I made my exit swiftly as i could, dissapearing without a trace, all but the hundred's of crew from the capital fight floating in space, dieing or waiting to be collected. I took as many as i coulkd for interigation.
**(You have done well, my minion)**
**(You have shown yourself worthy)**
{Taking a breath}
**(You show that you use what is around you when your firepower is lacking)**
**(You will pass out again)**
I Awoke, this time not in the same grimey cave-like room, but this time in a gloomy smoke-filled room, under itchy blanket's. The room had the same mysterious marking that each time i blinked made more sence to me. The writing spoke of duty.. what happend.. almost like a diary, written on the wall's rather than on pages.
**(Ahh, your awake, forgive my toying with you)**
"You -Really- need to stop toying with me, What is wrong with just letting me fly back here?"
**(In-efficiantcy in speed, plus you minions tend to get too carried away with your attack's)**
{a Deep breath is taken}
**(It is time.. you are ready, you are worthy)**
**(You will be given access to any resource you need)**
**(You are to go and explore the rest of Sirius, you will know what to do)**
{Another breath is taken}
**(Take your pick of these two ship's)***
The figer whom i did not even see enter, vannished with just as much ninja-like prescision.It hadn't yet hit me of what i had just become, what or who i now work for, only that the only way out was death.
I walked through the corridor's of what apeard to be th temple again. not knowing where i was going but at the same time not taking a wrong turn, i ended up in a hanger. Before me, two vessles stood, a ship i thoiught only existed in Legend, a Shadow, and a Sabre.
Thinking again about what i had just become as i got into a ship, I had no intension of dieing.