This channel hosted by... Zoner Ore Extraction Inc. |ZoE|
Money through Power, Power through Money
Alright People. Myself, Eric, and Chester have agreed that we need to keep better track of our operations. This is growing increasingly more and more difficult as we grow larger and larger. We've also agreed on some company policy changes. See below for more information.
As of this moment, All personnel are responsible for keeping track of their operations and reporting them here to us. So, after a hard day's work Mining, fill out the form below that matches what you're reporting and send it in to us over this secured channel. You'll find the forms attached to this message and categorized to make this easier on you as well. This will make our job a lot easier and less intensive, which means we'll have more time to spend on making sure you, the employees, are comfortable.
--) Executive Announcement (--
We've reviewed the payment procedures and we feel that we aren't providing you, the employees, very much legroom. So we've decided to scratch the old way of payment and replace it with this newer and much simpler one:
Any profits you make under the ZoE flag you can keep. If you wish to, you can donate parts of it to the ZoE Bank but this will no longer be mandatory. Any funds that go to the Bank, stay there until needed. We feel like we've gathered enough reserves to last us a while and we now want to give you more opportunity to make money for yourselves.
So from now on you divide the Profits between the Escort, Transport, and Miner. We'll leave no rules regarding this split.
There's just one footnote, if you are mining a mineral that we have obtained a contract to mine, you must help pay the amount designated in the contract for use of the field.
For example, We have an agreement with the excellent Neo-Terran Front to pay them 5% of the profits per run of Iridium mined in the "Tuttle-Creek Cloud," Kansas System. This comes to precisely 735,300 Credits per 3,600 units of Iridium (A full load on one of our Transports sold in Newcastle).
We now ask only that you send this amount per run to the Bank to be forwarded to the NTF. As opposed to sending in all of the profits for us to divide up.
This also means that the ZoE will not handle any Piracy Fees. Those will now be cut out of your shares.
Employees split up and keep all profits made in Mining Operations minus the amount needed to pay for use of the Mining Field used. --) Announcement End (--
Check back into this channel from time to time for other executive announcements like the one above.
Some General Information for ZoE Members:
ZoE Bank Neural Net Address (where to send money that goes to the ZoE): |ZoE|Bank-z00001
Remember to Fill in the proper forms attached to this message when reporting to the Executive Team.
[b][color=#ff9900]---) Your Name:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Name [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]---) Your Position:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Position [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]---) Current Date and Date of Operation:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] dd-mm-818 A.S. [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]--) Ore Mined and Transported:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Ore [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]--) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Price [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]--) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Station/Sytem [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]-) Name of the Miner:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Miner [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]-) Name of the Transporter:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Transporter [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]-) Number of Runs Made:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Number [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]-) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Number [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]-) Total Credits Earned:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Number [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]-) Any Profit cuts:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Number [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]-) Total Credits Sent to Bank:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Number [/i][/color]
Quote:[color=#ff9900]---) Your Name:
Claroke Goldenton ---) Your Position: Head of Public Relations ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 03-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 4085 Credits/Unit --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Scarborough Station, Newcastle
-) Name of the Miner: Drone #000 -) Name of the Transporter: Claroke Goldenton -) Number of Runs Made: 3 -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 10800 -) Total Credits Earned: 42,118,800 Credits -) Any Profit cuts: Was Pirated for 2,000,000 Credits by Joe.Pie-Rate -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 2,205,900 Credits (to send to the NTF) -) File End (-
[b][color=#ff9900]---) Your Name:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Name [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]---) Your Position:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Position [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]---) Current Date and Date of Operation:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] dd-mm-818 A.S. [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]---) Role Assumed:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Role [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]--) Description of Time on Duty:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Description [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]-) Total Credits Earned:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Number [/i][/color]
Quote:[color=#ff9900]---) Your Name:
John Smith ---) Your Position: Security Officer ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 03-03-818 A.S. ---) Role Assumed: Transport Escort
--) Description of Time on Duty: Smooth Trip. No Pirates or any other form of Trouble.
--) Total Credits Earned: 2,000,000 Credits -) File End (-
[b][color=#ff9900]---) Your Name:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Name [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]---) Your Position:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Position [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]---) Current Date:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] dd-mm-818 A.S. [/i][/color]
[b][color=#ff9900]-) Any Information you wish us to know:[/color][/b][color=#ffcc99][i] Information [/i][/color]
Quote:[color=#ff9900]---) Your Name:
Loran Hamburk ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date: 03-03-818 A.S.
-) Any Information you wish us to know: A guy called "Stone Rockford" continually tries to pirate us at the Iridium field in Kansas. Please keep the Security on their toes when he's around. We'd like some more security that stays with the Miners in addition to the Transport Escorts as well. -) File End (-
[color=#ff9900]-) End (-
-) Message Update Found (-
-) Datestamp: 12-14-817 (-
-) Loading........ Displaying (-
Useful Neural Net Links for ZoE Members to know what's happened before.
That is all. Claroke Goldenton of the ZoE signing off.
-) End of Message (-
Like Mining or Transporting RP? Join the ZoE. Interested in Corporation RP? Contact the ZoE.
All Signature Payments/Donations go to "SS.Lucky.Credit" (No quotes).
Posts: 8,522
Threads: 741
Joined: Aug 2008
Staff roles: Moderator
*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin
To: Claroke Goldenton; ZOE personnel
Encryption: Very Heavy
I normally don't chat with you gents but I thought you should have this information.
I was making a run into Newcastle the other day from Omicron Delta when I met some fellow traders outside of Scarborough Station. I thought you may find this transcript interesting:
I was offered by Mr. Ronnie Rayburn to join his crew in the Kansas iridium fields for mining and "easy money" as he put it. I declined on the basis that I remember how hard you all worked to obtain rights there from the NTF to mine and I felt it would be squatting.
I don't know if this is a big deal for you or not but I thought you should know. If you feel it necessary, pass this information along to the NTF as they too worked hard for the agreement. I don't remember the name of his associates but there was 3 of them total.
Greetings Dr. Holliday, Always good to hear from our friends and benefactors in the TAZ.
Indeed that is disturbing information and it is becoming more and more concerning. However, I'm afraid we really cannot do anything about it. Our friends in the NTF do not really keep us in the loop about who is supposed to be there and who isn't... Thankfully it is a large field and I do not expect it to run dry anytime soon. All the same, I'll talk things over with Eric, Chester, and Thomas as well as ask the NTF if we can do anything about it.
As for yourself declining, that was a thoughtful gesture however, unnecessary. If memory serves we made the treaty with the NTF with the TAZ's help. Indeed our contract includes TAZ in such a way that you can do all that we can do. Just be sure to pay the NTF their due and keep out of the Dodge Asteroid Field. In Fact, we'd be most honored if yourself or any of the other TAZ members would join us some time for some Mining and Transportation Teamwork.
Anyhow, Thank you for the information.
--) Executive Announcement (--
Attention all ZoE Employees and Security, we need you to sign into this channel. Use the "General Information" form in the first message. Follow my example as for what to include. Once you send the transmission, our home office, where this channel is hosted, will set up the comm system so that it will be easier to communicate with us in the future. The Firewalls installed on the system will prompt you if you want it to happen, just tell it to allow the contact. --) Announcement End (--
---) Your Name: Claroke Goldenton ---) Your Position: Chief of Public Relations ---) Current Date: 04-03-818 A.S.
-) Any Information you wish us to know:
Ship Names - Callsigns - Ship Class:
Golden Cargo - |ZoE|Golden.Cargo - Border World Transport
Golden Pickaxe - |ZoE|Goldent.Pickaxe - Hegemon Mining Ship
The Prospector - |ZoE|Claroke.Goldenton - Spatial
Cape Hope - |ZoE|Cape.Hope - Corvo Cruiser
Drones I oversee: Drone-000
-) End (-
Like Mining or Transporting RP? Join the ZoE. Interested in Corporation RP? Contact the ZoE.
All Signature Payments/Donations go to "SS.Lucky.Credit" (No quotes).
---) Incoming Transmission (--- -) Target:ZoE Secured Communication Channel (- -) Source:ZoE Ship: Beaconsfield (- -) Source ID:Head of Security, Thomas Mellows (- -) Encryption Level:High (- -) Begins (-
We need to check in I see. Apologies for the delay in my transmission, there has been far too much paper work the last week...*transmitting*
---) Your Name: Thomas Mellows ---) Your Position: Head of Security (Officer, Head) ---) Current Date: 06-03-818 A.S
-) Any Information you wish us to know: Ship Names - Callsigns - Ship Class:
Beaconsfield - |ZoE|Beaconsfield - Zoner "Aquilion" Carrier
Copper Clydesdale - |ZoE|Copper.Clydesdale - Borderworlds Transport.
Drones I oversee: Drone-z00172
Regards, Security Chief,
The Beaconsfield, Shasta Oribital Skyhook, Baffin
---) Incoming Transmission (--- -) Target:ZoE Secured Communication Channel (- -) Source:ZoE Ship: Beaconsfield (- -) Source ID:Head of Security, Thomas Mellows (- -) Encryption Level:Extremely High (- -) Begins (-
---) Your Name: Thomas Mellows ---) Your Position: Head of Security ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 06-03-818A.S ---) Role Assumed: Mining Operation Protection
--) Description of Time on Duty:This was the first real mining operation that the Beaconsfield was assigned to. Besides a few proximity warnings the operation went without incident. The Beaconsfield kept the area secure while it processed and packaged raw ore. NTF were encountered and a friendly exchange of communication occured. This indicates that our presence can be considered stable in the Iridium fields for now. As Security chief of the ZoE I have decided to donate all payments for my work to the ZoE bank. As I have alternate sources of income and would prefer the company to benefit from the extra credits
-) Total Credits Earned: N/A
Regards, Head of Security,
The Beaconsfield, Kansas Iridium Fields, Kansas
Alright. Blanket Report on today's highly successful mining operations. Most excellent Indeed. Not a single Pirate, Probably thanks to our Excellent Security Chief, Mr. Mellows
---) Your Name: Claroke Goldenton ---) Your Position: Head of Public Relations ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 06-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium --) Sale Price of Ore Mined and Transported: 4085 --) Sale Place of Ore Mined and Transported: Scarborough Station - Newcastle
-) Name of the Miner: ZoE Ship: Cuoti; Drones -171 -172 -000 -) Name of the Transporter: Claroke Goldenton; ZoE Ship: Ore Runner; Chester Copperton -) Number of Runs Made: 10 -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 36,000 -) Total Credits Earned: 147,060,000 -) Any Profit cuts: 0 -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: 50,000,000
-) End (-
Like Mining or Transporting RP? Join the ZoE. Interested in Corporation RP? Contact the ZoE.
All Signature Payments/Donations go to "SS.Lucky.Credit" (No quotes).
---) Your Name:Eric.Goldsteen ---) Your Position:CEO of Administration ---) Current Date:13-03-818A.S.
-) Ship Registry: |ZoE|Klondike ~ Jinkusu Class ~ Home Office
|ZoE|Lucky.Strike ~ Luxury Yacht ~ Company Recreational Vessel
|ZoE|Drone-z00381 ~ Malfic Drone ~ Personally owned
|ZoE|Goldsteen ~ Hegemon Miner ~ Personal mining vessel
---) Your Name: Drone-z00381 Property of Eric Goldsteen ---) Your Position: Miner ---) Current Date and Date of Operation: 12-03-818 A.S.
--) Ore Mined and Transported: Iridium
-) Name of the Miner: Drone-z00381 -) Name of the Transporter: OSI-Normandy -) Number of Runs Made: 1 -) Total Amount of Ore Mined and Transported: 3600 -) Total Credits Earned: 14,000,000 -) Any Profit cuts: 7,000,000 payment to OSI-Normandy -) Total Credits Sent to Bank: **Automated Message** Drone has credits deposited waiting on transfer directive. Do you wish to transfer.**Y/N {amount}