Allow me to introduce myself. You'll know me as Crux, for now. Actually, probably, I'll keep that.
If you haven't been notified already, there was a psychopath out in Pennsylvania. And, you know, he wa-
Wait, what am I doing? I lied about that! And, admitted to it, as well. So, we can get past that, alright? Good. So, let's see...ah, yes, about me.
Well, you know, I was...wronged, by people like you. Sent off to a place that I really didnt belong. Of course, I probably belong there now. After you spend so much time in one place, you...adapt. Im sure that's what all your recruits will learn, so it's beside the point.
Now, for my purpose...*he steps back to reveal a video screen. An image appears on it*
*the image fades away*
She's pretty, isn't she? Well, I'll give you a bonus; There's 4 other people, just like her. Civilians, that your carelessness left vulnerable. And, they're all locked up, right in my ship.
So, now that you know the object of our game, you can learn the rules.
Im going to name a price, worth the return of 1 of my 5 captives (that would be the lovely miss from before and her 4 friends). Here's where it gets fun!
For every hour it takes for you to make the decision of whether to pay me or not, I raise the price for each hostage by 50,000 credits. For every insult or threat you give me, I'll kill one of them, and the price of the rest doubles. Any attempts to track me, shoot down my ship, or trace my account will result in every last one of them getting their brains blown out.
If you get your heads out of your butts and save them, those paid for will be dropped off at Freeport 4's bar, on the date of my choosing.
Also, because I cant resist rubbing it in your faces, please remember that this is absolutely your fault. Or, moreover, that LSF named "Interceptor"...he was coy enough to buy my distraction. It was hilarious!
Let's begin my price at 5 million. Each. Direct all cash to the credit account known as "The.Silver.Wind"
You'll be kind of happy to know Ive changed the rules a bit. Maybe something that will get your gears turning a bit faster, eh?
So, new rules!
1) The price NOW goes up by 200,000, each, every 12 hours. Good discount, huh?
2) To make it more fun for all of us, Im gonna kill 1 of them for every 48 hours that goes by. Also, please rest well in the thought that the video WILL be shown on Liberty news networks all throughout the house.
3) Those old "No insults" and "No threats" rules still apply, and will be met with the same consequences for their infraction.
4) Dont forget, the price for each of them doubles every time you force me to bloody my hands.
And, as a general show of good will, your price is reset to 5 million each, and that last hour doesnt count. I know, I AM nice person, hm?
Let's see if you'll be a bit more...compliant, now.
[color=#CCFFFF]This queue of criminals trying to to extort the Republic is rather tiresome. No, it's not just you. We confess, we havent allocated a budget for it, so there's no money in it for you unless one of the forces spends part of their budget that they were granted for this financial year. Frankly, that's rather unlikely, especially when we consider that you've spent no time at all to build up your notoriety.
Paying you, or anyone else who wants to essentially pirate a house, Liberty no less, would open the flood gates for even more like yourself. This cannot be allowed to occur. We might point you to Rheinland, though they do not have nearly as many psycopaths on the loose for some reason. Perhaps you'll gain more from them than you will from us.
Oh, you pathetic imps...ANOTHER 12 hours? Well, if you really do care about these people, I'd suggest you either pay or talk, because doing nothing is going to get alot of people killed.
Also, actually pay some respect in the next 12 hours, eh? That template message has left a bad taste in my mouth, and Ive already given you 24 hours, to address your frikkin' problems, eh?
You know what's a nice vacation spot? Manhattan. So many people, too...
ID: Commander Zack Archer, Liberty Task Force Iota.
Location: Manhattan
Well, this is, lets not get you mad. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst...
That pic could have been taken in any prison for all we know, and doctored to look like your ship's brig.
Give us some real proof, and maybe we will take you seriously.
Now, excuse me while I make sure no half-arsed Rogue Gunboats or Outcast gunboats are attacking Liberty.
If you want to waste your own credits on hostages that may not exist, that is your prerogative. Just to clarify, the cost in credits, time spent and any other extenuations will be to you as an individual.
Negotiating with Terrorists is something we do not do as a house. It just encourages such behaviour further if their demands are met. And then, there's always the risk that such people will not hold to their word. What makes you think that this individual, or any other afterwards, is going to place value in their word?
The travel advisory will issue an upcoming policy change on the issue of space flight, as these incidents are, according to statistical data, becoming increasingly common.