ooc: Im sorry guys, Ive been in HF for a total of 4 days, And now my home computer crashed...I wont be able to be on for a while. I am halfway there to having enough money for my own laptop. If you have any suggestions on where I can get good deals on laptops then please tell me. Hope to be back soon. Bye.
ooc: well, i can just tell you where you'd best not buy it: Dell
their computers are actually pretty good, but if you want to exchange parts or upgrade it later, you'll be in trouble. a guy in a computer store told me, that Dell switches terminals/poles (whichever is the correct word) in their parts - they're incompatible with most parts you can buy in normal computer stores. because i hadn't known that, i once fried my motherboard.
ooc: Awww, hate to hear that... hope you get back soon. As for laptops, don't get a Toshiba. They have terrible replacement batteries (either that or I just have the worst luck on the planet...)
Comm ID: Executive Commander Kaine
To: Grand Admiral Mori
I congratulate you on the command of the fleets in my absense. You have done a good job. I shall be retaking full command now.
On the subject of Lt. Gruber's promotion, let it be so. We can have the reception on America Base, on the house. The bartender there is a close friend...
I am extremely glad to hear that the Silverstorm (:)) is repaired. It has been worrying, knowing that Vespucci is open to possible attack due to her absense. We are safe once more.
For the Legion! Kaine out.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mori
Target ID: Lt. Frost
Encryption: Regulator 4
Hmm... First, capture those expelled Corsairs, but do not harm them. Bring them to me, and I will see what I can do. Second, the Ven'Gyr. For now, move it to Mactan Base. You are not allowed command of a Battleship at your rank, however, you are the only one who can control it. So, I will place a Lane Hacker in temporary command of it, and you are to give him a copy of the data needed to control the ship, and ONLY what is needed to control the ship.
Do you have any suggestions as to who should be the captain until you reach Captain?
Grand Admiral Mori out.
From: Lt. Aaron Frost
To: Grand Admiral Mori, Lt. Gruber
From: [HF]HFC-Sopho
Yes sir, Lt. Gruber has done an outstanding job by preventing the Ven'Gyr to escape. He is the most trustworthy at this moment. In my opinion, he should receive the command. If it is allowed, I will hand over the 'keys' in person when I see him. I am back on duty patrols, Sopho is in the Phoenix Shipyard receiving some repairs which will be completed soon, and I must attend to a meeting with my father John, who will probably try to persuade me to get lawful again.
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mori
Target ID: Lt. Frost
Encryption: Regulator 3
Thank you for your vote of confidence in Lt. Gruber. As for the ship, however, that is out of the question. Majors are not allowed command of a battleship either, except in the special case of Major Legeonation.
Grand Admiral Mori out.
ooc: Aaron, for future ref, your char can't read messages that aren't to him.
From: Lt. Frost
To: Grand Admiral Mori
From: Classified Location
Yes Sir... I have already handed over the controls to acting captain Daniel Frost, my younger brother, former commander of the Liberty Dreadnought LNS-Hauler.
Have a nice day, Lt, Frost over and out.
From: Captain Daniel Frost
To: All HF Members
Location: Battleship Ven'Gyr, Magellan System
I am acting Captain Daniel Frost, former Liberty Captain. I am more than happy to help the Legion in achieving it's goals, and defending it's interests.
I will not disappoint, and I hope to show you my valor in the battles to come.
Comm ID: Major Gruber
Target ID: Grand Admiral Mori
Subject: New orders and a new bucket
Sir, first and foremost I'd like to thank you again for the promotion.
I'm aware of the new responsibilities that come with it and'll try to do my best to perform accordingly in the future.
However, I would like to know if there are any pending missions or important patrols to be taken care of. I'm eager to serve the Legion.
On a side note, I'd like to ask permission to have Phoenix Shipyard build a new Cruiser.
I believe that we could use another heavy patrol ship. Threats like the Nomads, the Wild and frenetic Admirals call for bigger guns and stronger hull plating.
- End of message -
ooc: if you're okay with that, i'd get me a liberty assault cruiser (as far as i know, liberty cap ships are okay for us, since LHs are from liberty?)
the right name would be [HF]HFC-<name> right?
i'd call it the HFC-Fafnir:)
by the way, does anybody know where to get that ship? readme just says "somewhere in liberty"...
Martin Gruber
[HF]-Major, bomber- and fighter-pilot, awarded with the Silver Star, commanding officer of the HFC-Fafnir
Schmeling (for RP-purposes only)
Independent trader, owner of Schmeling Transport GmbH, Gruber's grumpy uncle
Employee of Schmeling Transport GmbH, transport-pilot
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mori
Target ID: Major Gruber
Encryption: Regulator 3
Missions? Right now, all we have is normal patrols. However, I will be sure to inform you if anything shows up.
A Cruiser? Most certainly. If you inform me of the type, I will have production begin at once.
Grand Admiral Mori out.
ooc: you mean Liberty Assault Frigate? Or Liberty Cruiser? Or Liberty Carrier? The Carrier is off-limits, being a Battleship, but either of the others is fine.
Naming... [HF]-HFC-shipname, not [HF]HFC-shipname.
Location... Liberty Cruiser is at Norfolk Shipyards, and I think the Frigate's at Baltimore.
Comm ID: Major Gruber
Target ID: Grand Admiral Mori
Subject: Re: Re: New orders and a new bucket
Thank you, Sir. I'll keep a comm channel open in case Command needs to contact me.
I guess the regular Liberty Cruiser would be adequate.
- End of message -
ooc: here, that's the one i mean:
Assault BCruiser 0/12 1000 300000 600 145,000,000 Liberty Assault Battlecruiser
says so in the readme. maybe it's outdated?
thanks for the locations.
[HF]-HFC-Fafnir it is, then.:)
Martin Gruber
[HF]-Major, bomber- and fighter-pilot, awarded with the Silver Star, commanding officer of the HFC-Fafnir
Schmeling (for RP-purposes only)
Independent trader, owner of Schmeling Transport GmbH, Gruber's grumpy uncle
Employee of Schmeling Transport GmbH, transport-pilot