*Erich offers a slight smile as the video begins feeding*
Friends and Comrades, myself and Herr Iain Jamieson of Bretonia have found our ways through a lopsided battle into a stunning victory.
---Uploading attached files---
I had run into Herr Feldwebel Martin Stamek while on my way to Bruchsal at the Westersede Dust Nebula, and he stopped me. We conversed for what seemed to be nearly half an hour, before it began to turn sour with such declarations as this one. Faced with this hostile prospect and with no other alternatives towards breaking them free of their Rheinhartische haze... Herr Jamieson and I commenced an attack on their vessels with the intent to destroy them.
I initially feared us outmatched by their somewhat heavier vessels, but we were still within the Westersede. In this harrowing dust nebula, we were at a decisive advantage. The Feldwebel's escort was the first to fall. Feldwebel Stamek himself regrettably had his vessel detonated by what I believe may have been a nuclear mine. Whatever it was, my guncam was jarred by the explosion and failed to register the Wraith's destruction, but all credit to that hit goes to Herr Jamieson.
Immediately prior to the Feldwebel's destruction, another vessel joined the battle on the Rheinswehr's end, piloting some fighter that I have never seen before. I leave it up to you to determine its origin.
The agile fighter lasted far longer than the comparatively ponderous Wraiths, its antimatter cannon clipping Herr Jamieson's vessel at one point. It could not best our combined might, and exploded as the others did.
We ventured back to Bruchsal afterwards for our well-earned rest, but of course not before tractoring in their life-pods and ejecting them towards the direction of Stulingen Moon. With any luck, it will enter orbit within the next several hours and carry them within view of Mainz, where they will hopefully reconsider their career decisions.
And with that, I bid you the best of luck. Continue fighting the good fight, mein fruenden. For freedom, social equality, and democracy!
- Incoming Transmission -
Priority: HIGH
Encryption: HIGH
From: Iain Jamieson
Subject: Disturbin' Development
Hello there comrades. I've come tae bring news o' Herrs Klugmann, Zillich and my own encounter wi' a strange vessel in the clouds o' the Omega-7 system.
Investigatin' some weird energy readin's tae the south, the three o' us spread out tae track down what- or who-ever was givin' them off. Bein' the first to get close enough tae the anomaly, I called the others over.
What we found was a Humpback freighter wi' no visible signs o' damage, but nobody answerin' the comms either. Zillich recognised the thruster on the ship as a Nomad design and proceeded tae attempt tae get a response outta the ship.
The pilot o' the freighter suddenly started tae talk, actin' all dazed an' that, just as a Military bomber showed up. We then had a little chat wi' this agent o' Rhienland while tryin' tae piece together what had happened tae the freighter. From his know-how concerning the Von Claussen files, Zillich recognised the pilot's story as one o' bein' infected. In his stupidity, the agent didnae listen tae him and wanted tae 'investigate' the ship back at base. Left wi' no other choice, I put the poor pilot outta his misery while Zillich kept the Military stooge away. The full log o' the encounter is attached.
Although Herr Zillich is the one tae talk tae about our future actions, if Wilde are showing up, I think it might be time tae talk tae The Order again...
***Incoming Transmission***
Priority: High
Encryption: High
ID: Matthias Zillich
Zillich here.
Ja, our worst fears have been confirmed, the Wilde have started infesting Rheinland again. I will not comment much on the action, as it brought me great pain to order an execution, but we did what had to be done, for our Vaterland.
What made me certain was the scan of the thruster, which I will forward to you all.
I am certain that the "officer" was aware of this, and that he himself was either infested, or collaborating with das Wilde. After the... execution had been done, I followed him to the nearby Omega-5 jump hole. He kept mentioning how we are throwing away a gift, then how we were undeserving of it, before he jumped, telling me that I shall see the light too, soon.
- Incoming Transmission -
Priority: MEDIUM
Encryption: VERY HIGH
From: Iain Jamieson
Subject: Rheinland-Liberty War
Greetin's again comrades. Submittin' a report on our operations against the invaders from a coupla days ago. Herr Klugmann and I found several Libertonians in the Hamburg system, searching for some Military boys tae mess around wi'. Erich tried tae convince 'em tae leave peacefully, but they wer'nae havin' it. Chatlog
After gettin' some ae the authorities involved, we dove in and managed tae take out the ships one by one before
headin' back tae base. Guncams - 123
Later on, I was called in again tae search for another ship hangin' around. Although he scarpered, I had an interestin' chat wi' an officer o' the BDM. Seems they'd be willin' tae gi' us a little leeway if we were to continue supporting 'em in defence like this. Could be an interestin' point in our future... Chatlog - 12
Transmission source: Vogtland Base, Dresden - Aboard the Wallgau
Transmission ID: Michael Hermann
Encryption: High
Priority: Medium
Transmission begins:
Meine Herren
Today I will not be presenting you any photographic evidence, as I must have gotten hit by some debris in the Lavafeld in Dresden and my camera seems to have some malfunctions at the moment. The engineers in Vogtland are working on it as I record this message. *turns around and barks at a Hessian who then leaves the cockpit*
I am over here in Dresden at the Moment in order to get to know some of our Hessian counterparts and to get our reputation with them going a little more so they know that we are trustworthy allies and ready to go when the fighting gets tough.
Also while I am here the Wallgau is getting some minor upgrades from the Hessian engineers on Wolfsburg Shipyard.
What I am actually reporting is one big issue that many of our members have seen in the past weeks.
The Wilde is getting stronger and present everywhere.
As I said my bord computers are going crazy, so all you will get for now is my testimony. There were 3 occasions, 2 of them Military, 1 of them Hessian (which is very disturbing) , where the people who I was attempting to talk to didn't reply and just hovered over jumpholes that led deeper into the Omegas. It was mostly around the jumphole in Dresden leading to Omega 11, which might be a coincidence or a gathering of infected.
Upon talking to them, people didn't reply at all, or if they did in short sentences, or a very agressive manner.
This resulted in the destruction of the RNC-Volkswagen, a Rheinland Gunship, which started going offensive once some Red Hessians showed up on the scene.
The ships on the other 2 occasions remained silent on the comms and finally moved away to Omega 11. I wasn't going to follow them in fear of an ambush, because they must have been getting my messages. A captain sent me an audio some time later speaking of a comms malfunction, but he sounded weird and a comms malfunction wouldn't make too much sense considering he magically managed to send that file to me later.
Now I don't have evidence of their infection, but the whole behaviour of Rheinlanders down here seems to be different, a lot stranger, and very suspicious.
These are concerning news my friends, and we need to think of a way to protect the Fatherland from this plague. We will soon be falling apart if we don't watch out and keep our ranks clear. I ask you all to watch your backs, to not trust anyone, but the very core of our faction. We have managed through one of these crisis once, and we will do so again, for we are the Bundschuh.
For the Volksrevolution, Michael Hermann Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee
Transmission source: Bruchsal Base, Frankfurt System - Home sweet home (The Bar)
Transmission ID: Michael Hermann
Encryption: High
Priority: Medium
Transmission begins:
Meine Herren
I have some announcments to make.
The Wallgau has completed its journey to Dresden and has finished its mission with the Red Hessians. The modifications with the ship have been completed and the Hessian engineers on Wolfsburg Shipyard have done great work. The ship now spits red Flammen and will strike fear into all our opponents. The computers have been updated with the Hessian database and the only main piece of old equipment left on the Wallgau is probably the foward gun, good old "Sasha" as our crew calls it. We will probably never give up that piece of history.
The Hessians in Dresden are doing great and their control of wide parts of the system is firm, even though the Military seemed to have stepped up their game a little bit, as they tried to establish some sort of presence with frequent patrols through the system.
Apart from that the Wallgau had a safe journey back. We encountered some Military and a Daumann vessel. Getting one of the military vessels follow me to Frankfurt enabled us to have a little chat about the terror Regime of the so called "GOTTKANZLER" and his hounds. He seemed to comprehend, but he was a lost cause. Years of propaganda have made him conclude that we are a danger to Rheinland and traitors.
I made him aware of many problems though and I think deep inside he might have actually understood. He knows where to find us, and I am sure one day he will come to learn more.
Anyway, all I am interested in is this Drink in front of me and to hear some of the stories of what happened up here while I was gone. The crew seemed quite restless, as this was their first visit to the Hessians, and now they are happy to join in the jokes with their Kameraden on Bruchsal again. All crewmembers are wohlauf.
This means that for now, our flagship, the Wallgau is ready to join the fight, even though the computer is gonna take some time to get used to, which for a few weeks might still limit our weapons and fighting potential.
For the Volksrevolution, Michael Hermann Commander of the Wallgau Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee
- Incoming Transmission -
Priority: LOW
Encryption: HIGH - Open tae Mollys
From: Iain Jamieson
Subject: Molly Tradin'
Hello comrades.
Since settin' up our little agreement wi' the Mollys, I've got meself an old Pirate Train. Namin' it the Verkehr, it's proven quite a ship for getting past our boys back home (managed tae outrun a Military Gunboat) and I've managed tae carry out a coupl'a runs.
Thought you'd like tae know, so here's a few pics I took, for the memories o' course: 12345
Haven't bumped intae anyone I know, other than the Arranmore barkeep, but we are still fairly welcome I'm sure...
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///////SOURCE: Klaus Strausburg///////
///////LOCATION: ((!@#$%^&*))///////
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Greetings, comrades. I have finished the repair work on my Sabre, and it will be ready for action soon. As well, I am about to begin working on my Thor and Odin - thank goodness so many of the parts are interchangeable between the two! They should be ready to fly within a week, give or take a day or two. Some of these parts must be replaced entirely, but thanks to the junkers, acquisition is easy.
As well, the Bandschuh is still out there somewhere - perhaps we should contact the radio operators and ask them to start working with us?
*Erich frowns slightly as he peers into the video screen*
Rheinhardt's indoctrination knows no bounds, my friends. I met a green Flieger today who went to great lengths to prove that he and others like him are what the Bundestag has in store for us as "the future generation of Rheinland".
Despite his clear eagerness to "put me in my place" and "keep me in line", this altercation did not resolve itself in bloodshed today. A Libertonian had been prowling around the Stuttgart system of all places, and both the Flieger and my*sarcastically*good friend Feldwebel Klaus Weiss accused me of collaborating with him.
I will state immediately that I had not even known of any Libertonians operating in the Western End of Rheinland, but fortunately I talked my way out of the entire situation. I compared the accusation that they had made against me with Zoners and Red Hessians being within the same system. Just because they are there, would it immediately mean that they were collaborating to bring down the Federal Republic?
This was enough to satisfy the Feldwebel, who left stating that there were "more important targets" to busy himself with. A volatile situation that I had defused all the same, but I possess the greatest worry for the Flieger.
In a prior altercation, the Feldwebel had confided in me of all people that he himself worried about what he termed the "savagery" of those soldiers under his command.
*Erich is silent for a moment, gazing off in the distance with a sigh*
Sometimes my fatigue gets the better of me when it comes to effecting change. Were it only that I could wish things to be different.
*Erich turns back to the video screen*That is all I have to report at the moment, my friends. Thank you, and continue fighting the good fight. For Democracy.