Seymore stumbles out still slightly dazed and disorientated from the blast of the tazer. Whilst focussing on cursing Joe he fails to see the banana skin still on the floor from earlier trips, falls and includes the useless cleaning bots in his cursing... 'Not a good start to a patrol' he thinks. Max Durden just laughed... not too loud mind, Seymore would beat him senseless if he heard.
His muscles still twitched involuntarily from the jolt of the tazer. Painful spasms wracked up and down his back, making it impossible to stand up straight. His pants, ripped at the knees, revealed small wet spots of blood from tripping on that mysterious banana peel. However, when he looked up and saw the outstreched hand of The Cheif, Matt Myers, all pain became a distant memory.
In a warm-hearted tone, he said, "Once in, never out, boyo,"
Pride swelled within him, and with all the respect he could muster, he replied, "Yes Sir, Chief."
Kerry stumbled into the Cafe, his skin an odd shade of white. He looked like he had seen a ghost, and Myers probably would have thought so too.
The truth was, he was unfathomably hungry, and was experiencing Sunbucks withdraw.
No one else was there at the time, so he stumbled over to the counter, trying to steady his breathing, and said in the most human, most intelligent way he could...
"Can I order about three cups o' the good stuff with a glazed donut thrown in?"
"He who has one thousand friends will find he has not a friend to spare, and he who has one enemy will find him everywhere."
***"WE"...begin*** :Of the Tlaloc's meeting the Gleamshrike:
Quote:Welcome to the Corsair Customer Service Helpdesk; if you have a complaint, please <strike>press 1</strike> hang up and try again.
Kerry looked at Joe with a cold stare that could stop an incoming Sidewinder missile in its tracks...then softened his gaze slightly and returned to looking out one of the Sunbucks windows.
"Got locked in the Human Resources department for...weeks? Months? Years? I don't even remember. My watch stopped about two weeks ago."
Kerry sipped his Sunbucks. Joe then realized suddenly just how many Kerry had drank. There were about eight empty cups on the table waiting for the bartender.
"At least Harvie is off the gas..." he muttered before finishing off what must have been his ninth cup.
Joe, for a moment, questioned the possibility of Kerry even being human...
"He who has one thousand friends will find he has not a friend to spare, and he who has one enemy will find him everywhere."
***"WE"...begin*** :Of the Tlaloc's meeting the Gleamshrike:
Quote:Welcome to the Corsair Customer Service Helpdesk; if you have a complaint, please <strike>press 1</strike> hang up and try again.
John Kimble walked in and sat down at the bar. He looked at the bartender expectantly.
"I drink. Go on, do it NOW."
The bartender gave him a funny look, clearly annoyed with John's rude tone.
"That will be 6 credits."
John slid more cash than necessary across the counter, telling the man to "make it a 10."
The bartender gave him an odd look but took the money. The LPI were recruiting all sorts of weirdos these days, and Kimble's mannerisms were no exception. The bartender returned, handing a beer to Kimble, who took a swig and let out a sigh.
Seymore Justice stumbled through the glass doors of the Sunbucks Cafe, physically exhausted and mentally overjoyed all at the same time. He just finished a gruelling patrol, which involved Outcasts, illegally obtained ships, contraband smugglers and an overly annoying Ensign from the Liberty Navy named Jorge.
On the bright side, he got to work with the Chief himself while doing patrols. His morale always improved when Matt Myers got his hands dirty with the lowly grunts like himself.
Dropping into his chair with a loud thud, Seymore raised his hand for the waitress to take his order. "Shirley Temple", he declared with all seriousness. The waitress turned to get the drink with a bemused grin. He grabbed her arm and she spun toward him in alarm. "No ice," he bellowed. "It's been a rough night."
As the waitress left, Seymore looked up to see John Kimble, new recruit to the LPI. There was something vaguely familiar about this chap. Broad muscular shoulders, square jawed face, dark sunglasses and not a smile to be seen anywhere. Seymore didn't mind rude behavior. Heck, the LPI were entitled to it, what with all they have to deal with. Seymore stood up, extended a hand in friendship and stated, "Welcome to the LPI, Mr. Kimble. I'm glad you're on our side."
Kimble looked up to see Seymore holding his hand out. He gave it a good shake and offered a "Nice to meet you. Absolutely this time you can count on me!"