I have two questions. If I m KNF indie can I post i IRP report to faction about i.e. technology steal and Is there special registry for Kusari caps like libertonian or bretonian one?
I dont know about the first thing you asked but I know there is a kusari cap registry (or at least there was) and I know you can post in their message dump.
Yes, if you see someone breaking the laws of Kusari, or stealing their tech, send them a message in the Comms section of the forum to let the KNF know.
You can use KNF High Command or Action Report thread to send us an In Roleplay message letting us know you.
Perhaps include some informations about your character, his crew, his ship, where/when/why he received command and any other detail you think could be useful.
I will then update the individual KNF players list (scroll down) with your character's name. You can post inside our Action Report without problems.
Every on roaster in faction status at kusari comm have official tag befeore. If I introduce self in high command and I will be added here Will I have to wear official [KNF] tag and join faction or I will something like ???? befor name only?