When will these Liberty fools see the light? When will they see that talk is useless and that only unmittigated force will cleanse Liberty of the plauge that weakes it. It disgusts me to see our once proud people suffering under corruption and greed. NO MORE!!! I will take back Liberty for Liberty and I will take as many people with me as I have to. The Liberty Government must be made to see the errors of their ways.
Today I was scouting for new targets in the California System when I was engaged by a navy pilot [SA]-Orion. Despite suffering moderate damage I was able to withdraw. He was a skilled pilot. Unfortunatly he is as blindly loyal as the rest. No matter, next time his a** is mine.
In the grand scheme of things I guess the last 24 hrs have been alright... At approx 2200 hrs last night I recived intel that the SA were conducting training ops in the Texas system. Now while I'm usually all for kicking those dan* smugglers in the teeth, I still owed the SA. I scrambled from Ouray and set course straight at them. I found them above Houston, a fighter we've never recorded before and a cruiser. As soon as I exited the lane I set on the fighter. He was so set on the puny Junkers that he ignored me untill it was almost too late. The look on his face must have been priceless, wish I could have seen it. Fortunatly for him the cruiser saved his a** and forced me to withdraw.
Now today was different. I met up with a few other Xeno's. Prospector, Kathartic, Tex, and Bernadotte. They were chasing a trader from the outside. He managed to escape but not before we got word that the SA were training in California. We split up and entered the system from multiple angles. We found two gunboats, the Corridor, and the Ironsides. After a brief and fierce fight one was wreckage and the other was hauling it to the nearest JH. Despite the SA escaping it was a good day. I returned to LA and severly damaged the Docking ring above the planet and even sent a few torpedos into the hull of the Dread there. I need more guns. But the damage was quite extensive. Decimator Out.
So far it has been a quiet day. I've been running weapons tests off of Alamo station and have been extremely pleased with the results. Thanks to the intel I gathered during the last encounted with the SA I am begining to see that our fight is not hopeless after all. I never doubted it for a moment. Soon I will have at my disposal the tools needed to bring down this farce of a government and send all these ******** parisites back to the **** holes from which they spawned. I just need to contact a few more allies to actually pull it off. You know what they say "the greater the risk, the greater the prize." We're talking about the soul of Liberty here. And I'm in the right side. Decimator out.
(OOC Note: Today I found the greatness of Discovery. Mad props to all I encountered today. It was super fun.)
--=OPEN LOG=--
Now that's what I'm talkin about. I scrambled from Ouray after the deck master told me my ship was ready (curse you LNS Las Vegas) and went to put phase one into action. I gave the slip to three SA fighters Milrick, Kress, and Anaese and procedded to Texas. I met up with Waterspout outside Beumont with three SA's behind me and Pvt. Mcduff in front. Waterspout had some difficulites and docked for repair. McDuff was patroling around Houston and was engaged with several outlaw ships. Good for me bad for him. To his credit he lasted untill the rest of the unit showed up, but finally fell to me. Despite heavy resistance (and lag, sorry if i fired at a helpless ship) I managed to down Anease before I was damaged beyond repair (one death)
I fled back to Beumont and quickly repaied. This was my one shot at this and I couldn't let it go. I returned to Houston and found the SA scattered. I used HF McCloud to confuse the enemy while I splashed Anease. But then the LNS Dallas showed up. I turned to my real targets, the COMM SATS. I destroyed (in game shot them with no resistance) two COMM SATS and a weapons platform. With time to spare I returned to Houston and torped LPI Huntsville. Hopefully some of those guys escaped. As I retreated I shot down Kress and delt some damage to the Dallas but she was too much for me. I made it out barely but the plan was a success.
Those Liberty ***** won't know what happeded until its too late. When they launch new satellites, my man on the inside will plant my bug and we'll have access to the entire encrypted comm network. Now I have to finish plans for phase two.
I need a beer. Today was absolutely pointless. It started off off with me trying to coax more them 350K/s out of my ships cruise engines. I suppose there is some immutable law of physics that says you can't faster then that. But I haven't seen a law that I didn't try to break so I wasted a few hours and whole lot of fuel to no avail. I wanted to go and hit the Liberty Navy in a few tender spots but in order for phase two to work I need to keep a low profile and not draw any undue attention. They haven't discovered my bug yet and the intel I'm gathering is priceless. Maybe I should sell it like my brother says I should. But that would be like a red flag, 'sides I can put it to better use. Later on, I was accosted by Inspector Night_Storm of the Liberty Police. I tango-victor'd him and went back to Ouray. Now I need a steak, a nice cold beer and about three days of uninterupted sleep. To bad I can't afford a potato too. Ah well it'll do.
Cathartic is gonna be the death of me I swear it. If he wasn't my brother then I'd... Ok I went to Houston to help him with his pirating. Honestly i don't see the harm in relieving these parasites of a little credit before blowing them into stardust. But when I got there all I saw on my scanners was a green hud Corsairs bomber tagged Zargon somthin or other. Since we have been trying to gain the favor of the stronger factions like the Corsairs, I held station and did not attack, untill that pr*** hit me from behind with three antimatter volleys and almost destroyed my ship right there. It was only my heavy modifictions that saved me. Zargon went down after that. May he rot. I hope this doesn't hurt or standing with the Corsairs. And what the **** is with all these low lvl gun bunnies running around Liberty. I swear this is the third whelp I almost shot down. (*More Ranting*)
Today was actually quite wierd. For starters, my business in Texas was almost complete when long range scans showed Officer William McQueen on station above Houston. Since I was going there anyway I thought I'd go blow him up. Unfortunatly he managed to get himself a Liberty Gunboat, fortunatly he doesn't know how to use it. I wasn't gonna stick around and let him learn on me so I sent two torpedos his way and left. So then he calls in backup in the form of SA Milrick, Tommy, and Steve Johnson. Scorpion-8 was also in attendance, and since I have no info on him I'll assume he's a do-gooder. Its a good thing that those guys are like the keystone cops. I slipped in behind Houston and dropped off my final "package" and laughed my way out of the system. Normally I'd have charged in, guns blazin but today I had a feeling that it wasn't worth it. "Sides I'm almost outta creds. Now that Texas is prepped its on to California.