Transmission to: SA
Comm ID: Kress
Subject: Recent patrol reports of Texas
I was informed about a pirate activity by Lt.Cmdr Magnum in Texas. A xeno pirate named Suraci was engaged by Magnum, and luckily I was not far away but able to engage the pirate who was fragged with my torp. While heading back to Houston, a contact occured with a helgast fighter who then ran to the Hudson jumpgate direction. I was cut in the mid lane and engaged him at the spot. Took his shield down but unluckily got fragged by a torp as well. After a while I heard reports that Magnum was outgunned and slightly damaged since the odds were 3v1 against him. Luckily he managed to retreat and we were on the virginia route both. But suddenly an outcast battleship appeared in Texas named as "Perseus" and absolutely outgunned me and I had to flee for likely 3 minutes then he lost me on the radar. However, unfortunately the bs which chased me diverted its route to Virginia and with outgunning him fragged Magnum's already damaged ship which was on way for repairs. After all, the outcast tagged battleship entered Texas again to chase me as well. I had to disengage and fall back because of being totally outgunned.
Financial account report: Currently have 90 million in my trader, and 25 million in the fighter. At your disposal for any kind of supply and orders.
This morning was just the same as any other some crazy pirate or terrorist whatever they call themselves these days was running amok in Texas LT.s Hank McDuff and Kress were quickly on the job i however took my sweet time when i got there i relized the target was Kathartic in a GunBoat he was laying mines everywhere and firing Missles like you wouldn't believe. His Barrage of fire had no affect as Magnum's evasion drills have really worked wonders Kathartic relizing he was outgunned and out matched by 3 fighters ran into the planet leaving the Navy to celebrate another victory.
-Incoming Transmission-
COMM ID: LtCmd. Adamson - LNS Thor's Hammer
To: SA Command
Report contact with a [N]-Atalawohisdi (Rouge-tagged fighter) who led us on a fruitless chase around TX. Pilot showed extreme...unwillingness to engage. Also report contact with <BH>-General-Hobson (Mollys-tagged fighter) during same engagment. Target was severely damaged but managed to escape. Suggest modification of our patrol routes. Adamson out.
-Transmission Terminated-
Financial report:
I currently have about 55 mil on my trader. Contact Adamson Bros Transports for more detailed status.
<span style="color:#CCCCCC">"BOLT FROM THE HEAVENS"
"Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country, you win wars by making the sorry SOB's die for theirs!"
I was hanging around with an old friend when i got a transmission from the Liberty Dreadnought Sir_Grumpy he had 2 bombers right on his tail. I quickly moved into Texas for the engagement that was sure to follow, when i reached Houston I quickly engaged the Helgast pilot blake. things soon escalated
as Asgidi of the [N] brought his Outcast destroyer to the scene. "That's the end of me" I thought but nearly right after Sir_Grumpy appreared. The two titans went at it but Blake wasn't done after the destroyer was rendered useless Blake fled to a location where i was engaged by both him and the helgast pilot Thunderbolt. it was a tough fight espcially when 2 of my guns fell off my mines and Counter measures but with 1 last shot my firestalker burried her self in blakes Hull and he ejected. As for Thunderbolt He Suffered a death at the hands of Sir_grumpy, and I are drinking on the Houston Bar as i transmit this.
Comm ID: Kress
Transmission to: Virginia HQ
Subject: Patrol report of Texas
Pirate activity was detected today in Texas. LNS_Kentucky was in command, and we made some sweep around the possible hideouts Suraci could be waiting nearby. After sometime I had a contact with him but he ran so fast and I lost him. In the second contact, he wasnt lucky as before and fell under me in a short succession thanks to the sunslayer.
After a while Decimator showed up in Texas. We were waiting near houston and the contact occured fast. He was using an eagle ship and it was a decent fight. Damaged my ship heavily and I was not only out of bats and bots but nearly half of my weapons were torn apart, yet thanks again to the torpedoes he could not resist no more and got fragged.
After initial shake down of the Gunboat Kentucky, I moved out to engage pirate units in houston. Upon contact Kress and I engaged Xeno and I finished it with a final round. Kress assisted in the kill. Good job. ooc: This thing rox!
Late on in the evening was still in the hostital wing of richmond from the encounter with the phantoms. The long range scanners saw Decimator skipping right past Battleship petersburg into the California system, no other pilots were able to take action so i siuted up. when i arrived in California i recieved a distress call from Sir_Grumpy. he was under attack by Kathartic, Decimator and Sauraci. Sir_Grumpy looked like a bear with his hand stuck in the bee hive. As i moved in to engage what's this? All 3 pirates were aiming at me within seconds of taking Kathartic's shields Sir_grumpy blew her to bits. Now i was dancing with Decimator and Sauraci first i took Sauraci's shields landed a mine and BOOM he was no more. All that was left was Decimator who luckily enough had his shield eaten by Sir_Grumpy so natrually i just gave him a yummy sunslayer, he uh kinda had trouble digesting it so yeah he died. The operation turned up 5 missing LPI pilots 6 missing Navy pilots and 7 of Liberty's top rogue criminals.