Jeez, go tell him where it all is... even the TRAIN? It's not that hard to find, as everybody heads to Newcastle at least once, just to get a look-see.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
SirRed, you cant use the servers, so why bother really.
Also called disco for a reason, go discover.
fmr Lord Solar Admiral of the Helghast, fmr.RAHF-Olsav-[Cpt], fmr. {Helghast}(LSA-vhf)~Olsav, fmr.{Helghast}(LSA)~Olsav, aboard HCS. Kesselring
Red, you really are the limit, words to describe you are unfortunately not printable here. For Gods sake just
bugger off somewhere else will you, and stop spoiling this place for everyone.
Your lack of knowledge of the game, your vocabulary, and general arrogance, as seen in your signature, are
just about what we come to expect from someone stupid as to believe they will get back here.
You got banned from both servers, as I will continue to point out to everyone, and hell will be freezing over
when you get back on either.
Leave it now please, before I get a little ticked more off.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
If you wanted money fast and easy at start of game. alll i simply did was fly around geting dred kills in my starflyer at manhaten. selling the crusier peeps and stuff off at the junker base up north.
im jsut trying to help.
"before I get a little ticked more off" u meana a little more ticked off?
i dont see why i cant still help people here.
mark my words hoodlum.. *who were u in game anyway ?*
again in the immortal words of john cleese: PISS OFF!
fmr Lord Solar Admiral of the Helghast, fmr.RAHF-Olsav-[Cpt], fmr. {Helghast}(LSA-vhf)~Olsav, fmr.{Helghast}(LSA)~Olsav, aboard HCS. Kesselring
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
if i may point out i mearly tried answering his question. then im flamed for it. im done hear. good luck all startig out. could be hard in this server.
No, you gave one of the biggest spoilers I've seen to date, and furthermore you didn't even post SPOILER at the top of your post. Secondly, most people here REMEMBER how you behaved. THATS why they don't want you posting. I'm with that group.
Thirdly; Cut the BS. We know you weren't getting dread kills in your starflier. I saw you in your trader at the beginning trading like made, so you could grab Out of RP ships. So please, for the sake of our freaking sanity, LEAVE.
And cut the 'Nothing lives forever' crap from your sig if you are intent on posting here. We all know you think and hope Discovery will die. Yeah, go screw yourself, if you think like that, how about finding a NEW place to go? I'm sure the New Berlin servers running Discovery would be happy to ban you too. Go bug them.
Well Red did certainly spoil the best routes, but those are the most well traveled ones and you can figure what goes with high traffic....
There are allot of routes that make allot of money, more than the confu run if you are patient. I personally recommend tagging along behind, another transport. The scanner is marvelous, but most will tell you what they are running. Work with the other players, makes the whole game more enjoyable. Besides traders in traveling i groups ensures that one survives, and quite frankly, most pirates prefer hitting the trains, bigger bullseye.
Oh and don't make my mistakes...
1. Don't Download Datastorm (spoiled so much, but thankfully I am still able to discover things because it doesn't tell you everything)
2. Don't accept loans from players rounding up a posse. I know how enticing 50mil for a train is, but a ship truly tastes sweater when you payed for it yourself.