You ever have those days where it just doesn't pay to get out of bed? Well I'm having one of those weeks. Mechanical problems keep plauging my fighter, my training runs have all been slow and sloppy, and to cap it all off my credit line with the quartermaster has been frozen. That stupid flight yoke and gimble locked up on me again and cost some major damage. I went to resupply my fighter today after the sneak attacks by Cathartic and the other guy and the dockmaster told me he couldn't find my records. So, no ammo = no boom. Then the Hammer's first mate sent a report that he couldn't resupply either and thier fuel reserves were almost gone. I need to get this straightened out. And I swear one more green rookie cadet demands I drop my cargo without verifying his scanner I'll shot him down myself. The little B@*tard actually shot at me. Now if you'll excuse me sir, I have a yoke to rip out with my bare hands. Adamson out.
-Transmission Terminated-
<span style="color:#CCCCCC">"BOLT FROM THE HEAVENS"
"Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country, you win wars by making the sorry SOB's die for theirs!"
Another good patrol it seems as another pirate was shot down with the help of SA applicant Tommy Decimator was quickly disposed of. hmm if i recall Decimator said something about needing one hand? Oh well he got his.
Well after recieving a distress call from SF forces in bretonia about an Enclave Outcast dreadnought NCC-1701 and I plotted a course for Cambridge. Now i couldn't care less about Enclave but this is what got me going. Lafamilia vessel. Liberty cruiser, Navy tagged, oh and what's this???? oh yeah Coalition ID. hmm yes i know intresting. and what does he do? He fires on two Liberty navy officers and is hooked up with some Coalition pilot and you can't even properly decifer what faction he works for. If i don't get one heck of an explanation soon I'll personally start gunning for both tags.
I think those are all we need to know as for now Enclave are KOS clearly Coalition and about LaFamilia I'll act after i converse with the rest of SA high command.
I've had my previous dealings with this La Familia... they claimed to be lawful and stay that way berfore... looks like their policy changed... Do not fire until fired upon. And if fired upon, carbonize their ships!
Looks like i followed your request to the letter and where does that get me shot up and nearly kill!!! yeah i didn't fire till fired upon thanks to the F.E.A.R made out of that in one piece and from now on I'm shooting on sight repairs are going to cost a fortune!
Atleast they both got my regards *kisses the RedBear* muhahaahahahha
Hi all. I apologize for being MIA recently. See IRL I'm disabled and haven't been doing the best recently. Just haven't felt like associating right now. I'll be returning soon, but then another break because of surgery. Just wanted you guys to know I am not leaving or anything like that. Love SA and am proud to serve in it. My operation is on the 29th.
Total hip replacement so it'll take me from 6-8 weeks. I hope to be setting in front of the computer before then. But if not you'll know where I am and that I'm busting to get on and play some Discovery with my brothers and sisters at arms!
I hope you guys understand.
OOC Ends...
Transmission begins.. garbled with static "Commander -----zr, taken serious damage. Appear-- out of no where-- Nomads, repeat Nomad ships sir!
Transmission breakup..
2nd garbled transmission-- --- Order intercepted escape pod, -- damaged, - think -- --gs are broken --- bad bleeding from hip ----. Space going dim---......
I keep my fingers crossed for you to get through your operation quickly and without problems. I have a friend of mine who had this done, and he recovered without problems. Just hang on tight and it'll be OK.
(ooc: youngman, you have my prayers for a quick recovery. I have enjoyed fighting against ya and hope to do so soon. You are a true credit to the South Alliance and this does not come lightly, ask around, hehehe. My compliments and Ol'man once of Liberty:)