' Wrote:[12:58:51 AM] Ryan (pipboy): speaking of warm, long, delicious meat...
[12:59:12 AM] Ryan (pipboy): I watched Ironman 2 the other day
wait wait wait.. either its the fact ive not slept all night, or im really missing something, but how the bloody hell do you go from warm, long, delicious meat... to watching ironman 2? o.O
[1:11:42 AM] Turkius Lolipatorius: You really like your internal organs.
[1:11:54 AM] Justin (Durandal): I sure do.
[1:12:23 AM] Turkius Lolipatorius: Gies yer ovaries.
[1:12:52 AM] Justin (Durandal): Go ask Audrey, I don't have any of those.