Comm id: SFC admiral Timothy Hawk Target id: Jumping Zoners high command Subject: Cryocubes delivery Priority: High Encryption: High
>>>Transmission Begins<<<
Hello, ladies and gentleman!
I hope you are don't mind of helping liberty navy for good reward. SFC base require 50000 units of Cryocubes. I am ready to pay 5000 sirius credits per unit, if it good for you then sent me your answer, place where you will deliver them and time when you will be there.
Comm ID: Black Whale
Subject: Jump Access
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Greetings, Admiral Hawk. My name is Andrew Allerton, I am the public relations manager and jump regulator of the JZ. I am glad that the Liberty Navy have taken interest in our services and, even more so, are ready to offer good payment for such shipments.
However, we cannot help the SFC with these shipments under the current circumstances.
The JZ require passage into Liberty space not only for our heavy transports, which I need to remind are incompatible with house space docking modules, but also for our jump ship, the Mother Whale, which is a carrier class vessel.
In order for the JZ to be able to aid the SFC with this delivery, the SFC need to:
Get a written permission from the Primary Fleet admiral, David Hale, for the JZ to be allowed to enter Liberty space with the Mother Whale.
Add a docking exception for the JZ- to the base for us to make the delivery.
The JZ respect the Liberty Laws and do not wish any incidents due to a lack of agreement between primary and secondary fleet units. Once we can sort out the mentioned issues, the JZ will be happy to aid your cause.
Andrew Allerton
Public Relations Manager
Jumping Zoners
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Comm id: SFC admiral Timothy Hawk Target id: Jumping Zoners high command Subject: Cryocubes delivery Priority: High Encryption: High
>>>Transmission Begins<<<
Greetings. Sorry for delay.
About your request for your mother ship to enter liberty territory i think it won't be necessary since i was planning to take cargo from borders. However your transports are free to enter liberty space so you can make it faster and deliver goods to Norfolk shipyard. About your request to deliver it directly to our station. I must deny it because station is in restricted zone. That is why i asked for time and place where you can deliver those goods. Hopefully you will understand my position and agree to help on this terms.
As a Zoner, I can't help but notice you requested Zoner vessels dock on Norfolk Shipyard. We cannot do this as we are not permitted to dock on bases in house space.
Ah, my apologies sir. Yes, that could work.
You will have to talk to Mr Allerton though. He's the boss. Good luck and I hope we can work something out.
Comm id: SFC admiral Timothy Hawk Target id: Jumping Zoners high command Subject: Cryocubes delivery Priority: High Encryption: High
>>>Transmission Begins<<<
G'day. I think i wait long enough. Is there any problems that should be settled from our side? If no then why you don't respond yet? I running out of time if it will keep going like that i think i will need to ask someone else to finish that negotiation or find someone else to deliver goods. Please answer yes or no.
Best regards, Timothy Hawk.
Huzzah Admiral, I am Lethis Khazar, Captain of the Flagship Mother Whale, as sir Allerton has said:
You must get us written permissions from the Primary Fleet Admiral David Hale, for the JZ to be allowed to enter Liberty space with the Mother Whale.
In the same time you must add a docking exception for the JZ- to the base for us to make the delivery.
We will not jump to Kepler or any other systems which will slow us down, there is no point for jumping in such locations when we can do it exactly to the location where we want to go.
I hope this is enough to make you understand, Admiral.