Ben held the pistol there for a full minute after she stated her 'defense', allowing the pressure to build up before he suddenly turned his pistol slightly to her right, firing just behind her head, allowing the loudness of the gunshot to hopefully startle her, unfortunately his copy of Communist Manifesto now had a hole in it's spine.
"Good answer" He stated simply, lowering his pistol, now aimed at the floor harmlessly as he walked back behind his desk, putting the pistol ontop of it as he settled back into his seat.
"So, what do you know of the Coalition?" he asked calmly, almost as if he never got up and threatened to shoot her in the first place.
When the gun had fired she had not flinched, expecting somthing similar, one does not draw a weapoin without intent to use it.
She thinks, remembering what she knows, and nods.
"I know that the Coalition is a force dedicated to the overthrow of the corrupt governments, those formally known as the alliance. I know that the Coalition and its people have been declared terrorists by all the major houses, becuase of these efforts. I also know that the Coalition fights for the people, and maintains the dedication to fight for the people, wherever they are oprressed by corruption."
She pauses, trying to remember what else she had picked up.
"Unfortunatly, it is very hard to find reliable information that the governments and their corrupt beurocrats have not put a spin on or outright lied to their people. My knowledge of the Coalition is sadly lacking due to this."
Taking in her answer he nodded slightly, his clasped hands on the desk, the pistol to the right of the clasped hands, waiting for use. As he pondered her response within his mind, analyzing it mentally and observing her body language, trying to find a body-tell that she is lying.
After a minute he nodded slightly.
"An...Adequate answer, the Houses are desperate to keep the truth about the Coalition suppressed, I'm surprised you managed to get any information at all." he spoke softly, moving onto his next question.
"What do you think about the ideals of Communism personally?" he asked lightly, yet ready to snatch up his pistol and fire should he not like the answer...
She thinks for a moment, on how to phrase her answer.
"I think that everyone working toward the common good is frankly, an unmatched system, and i only wish the houses would take the same views, and stop opressing the people."
She thinks again for a moment.
"Unfortunatly, my overall knoledge of its diffrent forms such as marxisim, is rather limited, again due to the difficulty of finding information not tinged with corruption. Even if you should turn me away, i would ask for any information you can give me, so i may better understand."
Anastazia regained her composure. "Yes." She said. "The Hessians, the Unioners, the Landwirtrechtbewegung, they are allies of the Revolution and each other because they share a common.. Origin. Rheinland's violent and oppressive state has dispossessed it's own people. They are the vagabonds cast off by the fascist regime. Oppressed first by it's government and now it's military. They are who the Revolution strives to liberate. A place where no man is trod on by his supposed betters." She was so sure of her answer. She would be willing to take a bullet for her ideals. Her blond hair seemed to rise with anger at the injustice the impovershed faced at the hands of their government.
Her hand went for the gun, quickly leveling the weapon at the young woman's head. Angie kept an emotionless face, showing no care at what might come. "Would you die for the Revolution? Just as they would? If I were to pull this trigger, right now, would you feel any regrets?" Her finger slipped into the trigger guard, resting on the trigger of the ballistic weapon.
With a sigh he used his right hand to push the glasses to the bridge of his nose, his eyes shutting for several moments in thought, so she had little knowledge of Communism, a shame since knowledge of communism went a long way into allowing a pilot into their ranks.
As he pulls off his glasses, laying them on the table he opens his eyes once more, staring at her intently.
"I see." He stated, reaching into his desk and pulling out several papers and pushing them towards her with a pen.
"Especially since it'd be useful if you had knowledge of Communism, but should you be accepted that can be fixed with time and the willingness to learn, fill out these papers in the lobby and turn them into the Secretary once you complete them, once processed you will either be accepted in which case you'll be brought to orientation or you'll be...discharged" he commented, shouting past her in his firm voice,
She nods and takes the papers, closing the door quietly on her way out. Finding a chair in the main room, she begins to work on them, filling them out the best she is capable.
As Haruhi left a large marine in heavy armour walked past her from further down the corridor, walked up to Kostya, his helmet obscuring his facial features, almost giving him a demonic look, when the muscular marine spoke it was slightly distorted by the comm-unit attached to his mask.
"You, maggot!" he gruffly spoke, pointing to the man in question. "Come with me!" he stated, turning and heading down towards Ben Warner's office, knocking on the door with one large fist, on the other side Ben's voice could be heard.
Opening the door the Marine grabbed the man by the arm and shoved him in, closing the door behind him as he stood outside the door, waiting for them to finish.
Inside Ben was putting away the file folder of the previous applicant and rooting through his desk for another one.
Without looking up Ben spoke in a calm manner.
"Name if you would be so kind?" he asked politely.
In spite of his muscular build, Falsus stumbled in to the room at the shove of the marine. Looking at the professionally attired officer in front of him, pistol at the ready, he despaired. His life flashed before his eyes, and he cursed fate for the hand he had been dealt. Looking down at the floor, he opened his mouth, ready to utter some name he had been given years ago, one which he neither liked nor knew the meaning of. Yet, at that moment, the mangled face of the dead child of his dreams loomed in to his mind. He clutched his face with his hand, wracked by grief. His resolve had materialized, however. Straightening, he opened his hands and spread his arms out wide, the universal gesture of peace.
This universal gesture of peace, for all its grandeur, was rather tainted by his clothing. Still soaked in liquid cardamine and his own blood, (his hand had, for the most part, stopped bleeding) he presented a rather lackluster sight.
"I have been through hell and back, sir. I have seen people murdered, and I have even killed them myself. I am a destroyed, broken man." Looking at the officer, however, his eyes were set; unblinking. "Once upon a time, a man with my body had a name. That man did horrifying things; things unthinkable. I live only to atone for that man's sins; to try with all my might to right the wrongs he committed." He looked down at his soiled clothing, and back up at the officer.
"I want to help people, sir. I want to create a better world for ours and future generations, and I'm not foolish enough to think that I can do it alone. I have heard of this great and glorious coalition, and I believe it is the way to a better future for all of mankind. I'd like to volunteer my services."
"To answer your question, officer, I know of no name to go by." He looked up at the officer, gazing at him with steely, tired eyes. "I was rather hoping you had one for me."