I have some VERY, VERY Special cargo that is HF's to keep. It will require a escort of elite fighters to keep the cargo safe until it reaches it destination.
Only Me and the commanders will know of its transportation time and destination.
Comm ID: Executive Commander Mori
Target ID: Supreme Commander Thastus
Encryption: Regulator 4
Sir, something's going on. Two different people have tried to kill me, and Major Phelps (ooc: That's Aralie's char's last name) was given a false mission to explore what turned out to be a star's Corona. I suggest you be careful Sir... If someone's trying to assassinate us, you are a likely target, and they would come at you with incredible force.
Requesting Advice and/or Orders Sir!
Executive Commander Mori out.
ooc: Tank, Flyer, please make your posts in my RP thread if you're going to. If not, please tell me... Mista, you need to post yours.
"Careful...the only people in danger here are the assassins. They must be incredibly stupid to even entertain the thought of attacking me..."
Kai out...
OOC: Denelo I am busy writing my own RP story which carries a great deal more importance at the moment than assassination attempts on Kai. Remember the ENTIRE Liberty navy is after the Hellfire Legion...
CommID: Major Gruber
TargetID: HF-Command
Subject: Fafnir: Repairs
the repairs on the HFC-Fafnir are coming along slowly. There was severe damage to the microstructure of nearly all hull compartiments. Even as we speak, atmosphere is still escaping into space, because we couldn't fix all the microfissures yet.
The engineers from Phoenix startet superheating, melting and restabilizing the hull, but it is a very slow process - the Fafnir won't be ready for any travels for another two weeks at least, let alone combat situations...
Another thing - there's been an increasing amount of equipment malfunctions. So far, nothing serious came of it, just a couple of bruises. But already two power couplings blew out in the last 24 hours alone. If it hadn't been for some extra precautions on the part of the repair crews from Phoenix, the whole ship might've been decompressed and the crew along with it.
I request another security squad at the airlock, to make sure no unauthorized personnel enters the ship...
Thank you.
Comm ID: Executive Commander Mori
Target ID: All members
Encryption: Regulator 3
Battle Report:
Three Brotherhood pilots and a SCRA attacked Pilots Corax and Carlos Quinten. The Silverfire and Aeolous were dispatched to assist. Joining us was Lt. Winston's bomber.
Targets were engaged near the Vespucci Jump Hole in Magellan. They quickly got support in the form of a Gunboat. Corsair bomber Morde was quickly dispatched by the Silverfire. (ooc: death, kill for me:))
The Gunboat Achilles was powerful; it managed to nearly destroy the Aeolous (ooc: one death). However, it was also destroyed. Pilot Corax claimed the final shot. (ooc: one death, Corax's kill.)
Montoya seemed to be having engine trouble (ooc: lag) and was difficult to hit. However, the Silverfire claimed that kill as well. (ooc: one death, kill for me:))
At this point, Lt. Winston's Bomber suddenly was forced to retreat to Vespucci (ooc: he had to log...)
The Silverfire suddenly lost power (ooc: had to go afk in-fight, oven was going off and didn't want to burn the house down...). RAHF Ares and Corsair Maniaco attacked it quite dishonorably (ooc: they missed that I was afk... attacked me while in afk, hurt my hull XD). While we were out of power, we could only watch helplessly as our pilots were defeated, one by one (ooc: Elder.Alexander[TBH] had shown up, and I THINK that they couldn't hit as well when dodging me, and could once I had to go afk... blame it on the oven.). When we got power back, there were several fighters sitting around us, and they instantly opened fire. While the Silverfire nearly managed to destroyed Maniaco and Ares, their torpedos and numbers finally got teh better of us. We were forced to retreat. (ooc: they killed me.. after they'd killed all the HF/Helghast guys (verg was there while I was afk). 4 fighters w/ nomad weapons and novas vs. one lib GB = bad for the GB.)
We may not have won this fight, but it was merely due to mechanical failure. (ooc: Blame it on the oven... we were destroying them before that. Absolutely slaughtering them.)
Incomming Transmission
From: Grand Admiral Marcus Williams
To: Executive Officer Denelo Mori
Corsairs attacking us now too? Guess they don't like our position with the Outcasts.
I will take out the Brotherhood members. I is going to be ready for this.
End of Transmission
OOC: @Denelo yea I need to get permission from QV first. If he says ok then ill post it.
Ah I'm gone for two days and things have changed already. I should be able to play a little tomorrow and more on Monday tho. Bro's graduation finished:)
@Aralie. LOL I like ur last name.. Now we share something in common. NOOO now you all know my identity. *Gasps*
"The Captain of the Aeolous, Captain Verceron was wounded during the attack and is recovering at Monterrey Base. Also the TBH claim that this was a revenge strike which conseqently makes me laugh. We never attacked them until they came after us (I know we went into Corsair space but I told a TBH member we did not want to attack the TBH and meant no disrespect. Only to avenge the attack on Vespucci and Magellan by the Phantoms, and that other that died...that was Dab an AW not HF). So The Brotherhood is a bit confused. Their dishonorable tactics in the recent battle cast a poor shadow on their reputation..."
Kai out.
OOC: That was brilliant, regardless of whether or not they "saw it" it was still said and I catch everything typed in a battle. I have seen many a person catch everything. So I want an explanation...why does everyone kill Denelo when he is AFK? Why? It is starting to make me very angry. And I don't like being angry and no one else will...