currently he's got a neutral id while i'm fitting out his Ravensclaw (if i see a cooler ship i may switch) and mapping out Sirius.
i have posted his origin and was wondering what category he fits in?
terrorist or pirate?
i'm leaning more toward terrorist as he just likes destroying stuff and getting money is kinda secondary on his priority list....number one being causing as much mayhem as possible.
i may save up and throw him into a bigger ship at some point....maybe
Terrorist ID is currently a little out of bounds to us mortals. Currently only sold on the Lost Battlestar. So back
to drawing board on that one.
The Junkers have the base for the Ravenclaw, so the Xeno terrorist option really doesn't hold water, as they hate each other.
Pirate then ? ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
I guess it depends on what kind of RP you're gonna base your char on.
Is he going to wreck havoc for some ulterior motive (like the Xenos, who attack pretty much everybody to rid Liberty of foreigners)?
Or is he just a crazy pyromaniac?
If you stay below level 40 with that char (is 39 with all the equipment you want possible?), you could just keep using the Freelancer ID, I guess...
Get rid of the Raven Claw so you could get a Xenos ID. IT would fit the best. OR maybe even get a different terrorist ID like the Gaians or something. BUt that wouldn't really work out to well.
Get rid of the Raven Claw so you could get a Xenos ID. IT would fit the best. OR maybe even get a different terrorist ID like the Gaians or something. BUt that wouldn't really work out to well.
Verginix Out
IT would work jsut as well as Xenos. Xenos have just as much of a goal as Gaians... if not more. you could apply for a Terrorist ID to the admins, but... you'd have to show some REALLY, REALLY good RP.
can you give me an example, in regards to Mon'Star, of the really really good RP? cause i can RP something fierce, just haven't yet cause i'm not done making the character.
also in addition can you specify what ship i should use...i thought the raven's claw would be good as it's a stolen design but i'm open to whatever.
Well, a half-mutant psycho-terrorist wouldn't be able to get his hands on much... just stick with the claw for now. Or maybe an Eagle. As for an example of good enough RP... Doom's prospector character. Admins gave him a Terrorist ID for his Xeno GB because of his great RP.