1: Restriction of Role Play can only be applied through admins. All other restrictions on RP are void and moot, regardless of Faction status.
2: None Player shalt control the entire RP for a particular item of a game, unless pre-approved with Admins (like Necrosis and others). Items that are shared between factions (Liquid Cardimine, others) and are availible through multiple means are not considered.
Quote:Idea 2: Discovery is built by the players. Their actions change the role play environment. This means that the actions of some players will definitely hurt other players. For an extreme example, should the outcasts overrun Liberty the LN and Liberty factions will cease to exist. This idea is a kind of mini-EVE.
This is obvious to me, Discovery must be filled with either riteous -I wont gank because I am more holy than thou art- or people might be just plain dumb. (not pointing fingers. cough)
War is NOT FAIR. RP is NOT FAIR. You will never make it, so for the love of satin stop trying. It will NEVER happen.
Equal Circumstances = Bickering about whose ship/weapon/eyeball is better.
This leads to nerfing of eachothers ships/eyeballs.
Realistic Unequal Circumstances = Mature people, while bitching may be prevalent, everyone actually had a good time. Click the respawn button. Yes, there it is. Dont ragequit. Very good.
I dont know what to say exacly cannon but i believe thata the example you used in level 2 is bit too extreme.
I would have to say that i am for choice number 3.
The admins are there to guide the players who want to participate in changing of the systems and changing the roleplay.
Going with pure number 2 you tend to create problems we cannot adjust to yet. We all know that outcasts are more popular than LN and we all know that those battles would turn into capfests for no reason, and that in meantime there would be no roleplay drawback for OC that their entire fleet is in liberty.
I believe we are not ready for pure level 2 but that admins need to work hard with the community that wants to be independant. For example we still do not have a fully developed and organized house, with payrolled military and police, with developed judical system or things like that. My primary concern atm for this server is buffing the lawful activities, and that should be done purely trough roleplay and not game mechanics.
As i said before, keeping them on payroll and allowing them profits from confiscated smuggling (cardy, artifacts) would allow them to get profit and even become corrupted. Corrupted cops arent a big problem, actually they breed more roleplay and they give secret police something to do. To police the police.
The static universe (1) - only to be changed by the dev team and admins - is the safe approach. It is on that recipe, that the game has stayed alive - well beyond it's expected life span.
However it is important to attract new players - and ensure that players do not get bored in the long run.
A totally dynamic universe (2) will - I fear - chase people off, because hardcore gamers will simply gang together and outlive their own dreams. Already I feel, that the game is too much dominated by players, who just wants to fight PvP-figths - in order to demonstrate their skills. This is a killer to the RP-game.
So I favor a solution in which some elements of the game can be influenced by the players - but also leaves the main structure of the game in the hands of the dev team and admins.
This "1.5"-solution could be:
- Some bases in contested systems (which have to be defined) can be destroyed by a hostile faction already represented in the system.
For instance: The system Alberta holds a LPI-base and a LR base. The LPI-bae - or perhaps both bases - could be destroyed by the opposition.
- When the destroyed base respawns after server restart, it reemerges as belonging to the opposition.
- So both the LPI and the LR will now have something to fight for. It should off course not be an easy task to detroy a base - the defense should be fearsome - but it would give the major warships something meaningfull to do - attacking the enemy bases - or defending their own bases.
- If needed a destructable base should be introduced into certain contested system.
- Owning the base should lead to some sort of benefit - for example access to certain very valuable commodoties, that are sold cheap on the base.
- Fight over bases should be a possible task for any of the following constellations of enemies:
- Houses at war (f.x. Rheinland vs Liberty, Outcast vs Corsairs)
- Rebels in houses (f.x. Red Hessians vs. Rheinland Military)
- Lawfull companies against each other (f.x. IMG vs. BMM)
- Lawfulls against unlawfulls (f.x. IMG vs. Outcasts)
- Unlawfulls at war with each other (f.x. Red Hessians vs. Corsairs)
- RP-rules should apply - but it should be understod, that a general state of war exists - and KOS-kills should be allowed in these contested systems.
- Ships on a base, that is destroyed, should automaticly be transferred to the closest allied base - stripped by cargo, bots, missiles etc.
Another approach to add to the dynamic of the universe is this: boost trading by introducing "trade-missions" - in the same way other missions works. The purpose of the mission should be transporting a highprofile objekt to a certain location. Only a player with the same ID, as those who gives the mission, can fullfill it.
When the mission is taken, it is announced thoughout Sirius - which will attract any opposition. Or the ongoing mission should leave a certain marker in the Nav-map off all players.
Once taken the mission does not respawn, until serverrestart.
Fullfilling the mission should be very profitable. Also it should be very profitable to prevent the mission.
Everyone favouring idea #2 please go play Eve. Especially masternerdguy. If you don't like the way disco works, don't play it and stop trying to change the game into eve without fees.
Leave us who want to apply common sense and fairplay alone. Idea #2 would result in people ultimately ganking the other side to achieve their victory. This would leave the losers with a very sore feeling and a personal grudge against the 'winners' who have taken away their fun. In the end the amount of factions around would constantly decrease, wiping out diversity and making the game utterly boring.
Leave it with #1. It's Igiss' mod, so he should determine the story development. Make your suggestion, support them with RP and ingame-actions and maybe he will listen to you.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
It will always be 1 and we can't change it sadly, no matter how hard we try. The Admins/Devs are the one setting the rules of the game, and we are the ones playing the game.
In my opinion, I would also maybe pick a mixture of the two, 1.5. But the thought that occurred to me with option 2 (1.5?) is that Outcasts could lolwut swarm New York and annihilate everything, so, no thanks.
a mix of both... we cant implement every single player RP in mod but events yes and so on and so on
make more events like the GRN/KNF or the BHG/ORD/NOMNOM events but not the way we done them this time...
not: we have our story... now play it... BHG will win HAHA!
this way: SOOO!!! RM and LN shredder each other, have fun... the end of the event will show how the storry goes
' Wrote:Here's the problem with this:
The story has to be written in a completely unbiased, neutral manner because who knows what is happening between the four or so active servers. Who is going to keep tabs on that? Which server is more important than another server? Why should some other server take precedence over this other server? There's a reason why ingame events have don't have an effect, and that's it. Who knows? The BAF on USA might just be too caught up with Corsairs and the KNF might always catch them off guard. Why should that be disregarded for what happens on our server?
EDIT: And I put that in big letters because it's kind of important and I've said it about 30 times.
[color=#FFFFFF]Yeah we are not the only server
we are the official one and sorry if that sounds hard, but only the official server matters in that thing (my opinion)
' Wrote:In my opinion, I would also maybe pick a mixture of the two, 1.5. But the thought that occurred to me with option 2 (1.5?) is that Outcasts could lolwut swarm New York and annihilate everything, so, no thanks.
Don't worry. Before it could happen, Malta would be overrun by lolwut swarms of the surrounding factions.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
I think Idea 2 is possible with the right amount of control. People need to understand that losing a war or fight isn't always a bad thing as far as RP is concerned. Say Planetform got found out that their entire theory on terraforming got found out to be a hoax. They either dissolve, or go underground, maybe even hold Harris, Ayr Atka for randsom. An underground faction always makes flying for them more interesting. Seeing a faction like the IMG obliterated where they stand and pushed into the hands of other factions or changing their faction's nature completely is just, cool.
Any faction that loses a war can easily be turned into a faction as hard and sinister to find as the order was in vanilla.
Both factions need to agree what happens to their bases and systems outside of the RP environment in order for the new changes to occur. If they keep bitching for a longer than normal period of time then simply nothing happens.