Once again I send you a message, not of glad tidings, but of more disrespect from your pilots.
The following members of various wings repeatedly refused to disengage from combat in NY when asked. The trouble they have caused this day will echo for a number of days, causing our life as pirates and smugglers of your drug to be increasingly difficult.
To be ignored and pushed aside is not something I expect from allied pilots. This is not the first time we have had difficulties. Frankly it is getting beyond ridiculous. Reign your men in, I would hate to have to do it for you.
The pilots are as follows.
From [W] wing
Che Estaban
From [X] wing
Almando Mixel
From [V] wing
All of these men had turned up for the Sabre tournament that was due to start at 21:00 SMT. The fact that it did not occur is no reason for such a marked lack of respect for us, and our alliance with you.
Sylpheed Out.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
First of all, we wanted to depart from Liberty space as the tournament was not set in motion. However, as expected we were cut off and attacked by several Law enforcements.
And during this chaos where we desperately tried to defend ourselves, you had the nerve to tell us to "get lost?" Instead of helping your ally you look down upon our presence.
Not a single word from any of our Outcast brothers spoke negatively of the Liberty Rogues during this event, yet specifically LR-Wingclipper took the liberty to insult us, even death threats?
And after finding out the exact reason why you Rogues disliked our presence I was told this:
"By attacking New York (which we didn't good sir we were defending ourselves) you increase the security at the sectors of your attack, thus making cardamine smuggling that much harder."
Well let me tell you that by even creating an attack, we provide the opportunity for Smugglers to sneak by as the law enforcement are busy with other matters. Secondly, by destroying several vessels of the law enforcements, it will cost them more to replace them. So in all essence we ASSIST the Rogues, something that you didn't do in return, but instead insulted us.
Well if you are so keen about having your own little place for yourself then consider this message as a response of your "angry letter". I will no more assist any Liberty Rogue unless I'm being ordered by the high command of the Reapers of Sirius.
You're living in the now Almando, I'm thinking about tomorrow and the day after. You had the opportunity to leave, and you're rag-tag bunch of sabres chose to press an attack which will leave the rogues feeling the consequences for days. There is a reason that we ourselves do not attack NY. It is for security. Had a Cardamine convoy been incoming at that time, nothing would have been said, but there wasn't, so your attempted justification fails.
You did not assist us, you did nothing that will help us at all. Instead you have stirred up the hive. It is us who will pay the price for your foolishness.
And as for helping us in the furture I do not think you understand. We don't need it. I don't want fleets of RoS ships descending on my home with any pretense of aid. You want to be here for diplomatic purposes that's fine. Gontfreid himself has quarters on Buffalo for that very reason. But if you want the cardamine to flow let us do our job. It is part and parcel of why we are in the Outcast alliance. To conduct your affairs for you. So you can concentrate on more important things, like the war with the corsairs.
I do not wish for our diplomatic relations to be strained over this, but the marked lack of respect from Enojado. The missive, from two additional Outcasts, that told us to stay on our rock whilst the Outcasts do the fighting. How should we take this? I will not be bullied, I will not be made a fool of on my own turf.
Whilst you are in MY spcae, it would be nice if you followed MY rules.
Sylpheed out.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
Right laddie...ya say ya get attacked by lawfuls..but all i heard was ya pickin' a fight when ya have the upperhand..i dun' mind, just if we get gancked after that for yer doin's it makes our lifes harder.
***Uploading Comm Snip***
No lads, you were not attacked, you were attacking, and the only LN laddie who was there was assulted by six of yer ships... so
Quote:during this chaos where we desperately tried to defend ourselves
Ya be defendin' yerself from one lad.
Quote:Not a single word from any of our Outcast brothers spoke negatively of the Liberty Rogues during this event, yet specifically LR-Wingclipper took the liberty to insult us, even death threats?
So...ya say i disrespect ya?
Fine, then all i can say is ya get what ya give, lad.
Now im calm, lad, i dun' give a frek about what ya do, but if ya be the cause i cant get outside the field without havin' an assult carrier followin' me because of yer fights, i get pissed.
***Incoming transmission***
COMM ID:Grand Reaper Dante Todorio
Subject: Liberty Failure
I am very sorry for what happened this day, you have to realize no commanding officer was near at that time.
We will deal with this situation as soon as possible, RoS members are elite fighters, I do not want to see them around pirating and fighting in unequal fights. And on the side note, we have right to maintain in Liberty, but not in way those recruits appeared.
For disrespecting part, those pilots said their own opinion, that is not Reapers diplomacy.
And if you still want to disrespect us, the RoS, mainly the older members, then I can only say I am disappointed.
I will talk with [X] squad members. If there is any proof they were participating in those things, they will end cleaning sewers of Todorio Villa.
***End Transmission***
<span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms">Left 4 good. 8-|
Ah, "Wingclipper". I must say you are very skilled at taking out the communications that supports your favor.
Perhaps you forgot the grave insults you initiated with during our presence? Perhaps you also forgot the numerous times where you practically told one of our brothers to "shut the hell up"?
Unfortunately I don't have physical proof of these insults that I speak of, seeing as the Liberty Rogues are supposedly our friends, why would I spend my time log every word coming out of your mouths? I trust in that my allies treat me right as I treat them right, perhaps I have been proved wrong.
I must also applaud for your skills at expressing how the battle occurred through a single event. Yes, indeed one Liberty Navy pilot was attacked by six of our fighters. But you also forgot to mention the Gunboat, the two other reinforcements and also this Xeno Bomber who decided to join the chaos.
But I must assume you just "happen" to forgot to mention these hostiles, or would it be very insane of me to suggest that you just depicted the story to support your own arguments?
Also, I don't see how a war-cry from one of our Outcast Brothers Enojado would suggests that we are attacking? Using such communications logged as a supposed "evidence" to our position in this battle is a complete waste.
And for you Crime Boss Sylpheed, we would gladly follow your rules if your little Rogue friend here didn't initiate his requests with such a disrespectful tone.
***Reroure establishe, continue last transmission***
***Comm ID: Andrew Mort***
I am surprised ya cant keep an eye on yer own comms, lad, as i told the so called allie to, per quote, put a cork in it, as i was tryin' ta talk to the RoS at that moment, and his remarks that, because i cant dodge fleets, i should stay in my rock, were more than a reason for me ta tell him to do so.
I 'ave nothin' ta say, as, when im finished drinkin' this bottle ill forget who ya are anyway, and all i can say is the same i did.
If ya get attacked, ya run, ya had a chance to flee from that gunboat or whatever, but if ya want ta get trigger happy and gank on some fighters, ya have the chance ta do elsewhere.
Every time ya attack those pests, the problem becomes much larger, as those lads increese patrols over the lanes, that, must i remind ya, those smugglers still use.
We do things quiet, thats how we work and thats how we have done it for a long time and as ya can see, the cardi trade is safe. Only recently it has gotten harder, as the increse of outcast forces make the navy and the police reply with larger fleets to counter the falcatas, sabres and our own gunboats alike.
Its not good for the job, lad, if ya want ta walk over me just so ya can blow some git up, ya can try, but if the cardi trade slows and ya start to run out of money as noone will risk smugglin' then dun' tell me i didn' warn ya.
1) You will ensure that any RoS under your command do not stage attacks on Liberty unless distracting lawfuls from a cardamine operation.
2) That you will treat the Liberty Rogues with respect.
In return we shall ensure that we treat you with the same respect as we are treated with.
We will deal with the coming problems in our own way. Fight when we must fight, run when we must run.
If you are agreed to this, then this serves no further purpose. And this comm channel can be closed.
Sylpheed Out.
Transmission initiated...
Comm ID: Almando Mixel
Well I'm in no official position to say that all Reapers of Sirius pilots would agree upon this.
However, I personally do agree. You are a man who I could sit down with and discuss things with respect, unlike your co-pilot here who I will not further discuss with the issues that occurred during the battle in New York. I can't prove the insults this WingClipper expressed in the open comms, but what I do know is that our leaders will trust the word of six of our own pilots stating the same.
This is the second time in as many week i've had complaints of black op's being performed under the noses of RoS high command. You have all been warned by Lohingren. Now im telling you. There will be no more excursions into Liberty systems unless it is to protect our Cardimine routes and the mission has been cleared directly from me or Lohingren himself.