' Wrote:I'd like to note that all of the Gallic corporations along with the Royal Police and Royal Navy are not very trusting of any Junker. Gallic Junkers play both sides and tend to try to remain neutral.
Your faction is clearly more loyal and lawful than the mainstream Gallic Junker populace.
I'd also like to point out that one of your main goals within your primary ZoI is all but impossible. Junkers cannot pirate in house space (as defined by the server rules). The Taus probably should be in your primary ZoI also.
While Junkers did bring Gate/Lane technology to Gallia they didn't understand nor did they construct the devices. Solar Engineering is the firm responsible for the Gates/Lanes in Gallia, they used what the Junkers brought back and created their own versions of the technology. I believe that EFL actually built them for Solar.
Rumor cards indicate that the Gallic Junkers might have started out as a special forces branch of Gallia's armed forces.
Quite clearly, Junkers are marked as lawful in Gallic space. Also, nowhere on the Junker guard ID does it state they cannot pirate in house space. It merely states they cannot pirate Gallic Lawfuls. Maybe that's an oversight on the admin or devs part but it's not against the rules.
That may be from Wiki but the in game ID is identical.
Other than that, yea, Gallic Junkers didn't develop the trade lane technology in Gallia, they merely stole it from Sirius and transported it back to Gallia for reverse engineering.
He will provide a thread that states from an Admin that Junkers cannot pirate in house space, it will be in green too. The problem lies in the fact that Sirian Junkers and Gallic Junkers are different and therefore the same rules need not always apply. Still, if what the admins say is true, as in ID trumps all, they will have to fix it. The ID I mean, which is a good thing.
Igiss' Lore Wrote:IDF Shipping is known to be one of the closest partners of EFL Oil and Machinery. IDF extensively participated in building the system of Gallic jump gates and trade lanes. Constructing the rapid space transportation systems was undertaken by EFL using technology borrowed from Sirius nations by the Junkers. IDF participated in the construction works and provided transport for huge lane and gate parts that EFL developed and built in its shipyards.
Pretty much everything canon regarding the Gallic Junkers in their natural state is in bits and pieces throughout Igiss' Gallic Factions post.
Which, really, doesn't amount to a whole lot at this point. I suppose that's where you come in, to fill in the blanks.
If you can keep the quality up, I'm all for having some Gallic Junkers about. I'm eager for a little interaction. Be courteous, be kind, be interesting. Good luck, Skullz.
However Deadric I would like you to prove to me that a Gallic Junker ID'd player cannot pirate in Kusari or Bretionia.
Hrm. You are quite correct. The ID doesn't prevent you from doing it. Commence the slaughter!
' Wrote:Quite clearly, Junkers are marked as lawful in Gallic space. Also, nowhere on the Junker guard ID does it state they cannot pirate in house space. It merely states they cannot pirate Gallic Lawfuls. Maybe that's on oversight on the admin or devs part but it's not against the rules.
That may be from Wiki but the in game ID is identical.
Other than that, yea, Gallic Junkers didn't develop the trade lane technology in Gallia, they merely stole it from Sirius and transported it back to Gallia for reverse engineering.
Exactly what does being lawful have to do with it? Just because you are considered lawful doesn't mean other factions have to trust you. In game rumors state that the Royal forces do not trust Junkers. In game rumors show that Junkers play both sides of the table.
Quote:504940 Junker Rumor
The minefields separating Gallia and the rest of Sirius have been breached, and now we might lose whatever support we had from the Gallic government. Now, since our secrets have been unveiled for all to see, we are no longer necessary. This whole situation is very dangerous for us.
Quote:504879 GRP Rumor
The Junkers are not exactly pirates, although they are heavily involved in the Gallic black market. Neither the government officials nor the pirates trust them completely, but their intermediate position grants them many benefits that they could never gain if they were allied with any one particular side.
Quote:504910 GMS Rumor
My colleagues are quietly spreading rumours about our senior managers entering into deals with the Junkers in order to protect our convoys from pirates. I don't know if this is the main reason why we get less pirate attacks than the other corporations. Probably there is more to it than that, though what it might be is anyone's guess.
Quote:504871 GRP
Many journalists say that the police are corrupt, that they make treaties with pirates and are involved in smuggling rings. I can admit that I have contacts among the Junkers. But how can you survive in space if you haven't got some backup from a direction that your enemies don't expect?
Quote:504898 Council
The Junkers are a faction trusted by no one, yet needed by everyone. By lawfuls, to gain information on pirates; by pirates, to gain information and goods from lawfuls; and even by us, to support our economy that has become an integral part of the Gallic black market.
Quote:504901 Council
One of the most unpleasant revelations that we have had is that the Junkers are present all across Sirius and that no one really knows of their true origins, not even most of the Junkers themselves. It is highly likely that the Junkers were agents of the Royal Dynasty. If so, the government has an immense amount of information on what is happening in Sirius right now, information they could perhaps use against us.
Quote:504902 Council
Some of the High Command suspected that the Junkers were related to the Gallic secret services and had a hidden agenda. Most others thought that the Junkers' only goal was attaining wealth by any means necessary. Somehow nobody seemed to realise that neither goal contradicts the other one.
Quote:504916 EFL
The Junkers sometimes help us against other pirate groups, for example, warning us about an ambush. I was once flying on a transport and saw our captain handing over a case to a Junker representative. Then we changed course. I don't even want to think what could have happened if the Junker wasn't there to warn us.
Quote:504925 Maquis
I hear rumours that the Junkers proved to be traitors who sold information on Sirius to our government. I'm not surprised at all. The Junkers are scum who should have been exterminated a long time ago.
Quote:504934 Brgand
Who are the Junkers? And why don't the Royal Police prosecute them, despite all the illegal activities they are involved in? I'm almost certain that the Junkers have ties to the Gallic special forces, but I have no way to prove it. They might even be spying on the other unlawful groups of Gallia, although again, there is never any proof.
Quote:504936 Brigand
The Junkers are shady characters with whom we sometimes trade and also occasionally kill for sport. Still, they have no choice but to trade with us. No one else has the capability to smuggle goods into the dangerous areas of Gallia like we do.
Just a quick rumor scrap. I'm sure some of it will be helpful.
I can support GRN in not trusting Gallic Junkers. It falls under the same arguement does anyone trust any Intelligence Agency. Do LN really trust the LSF, do RM really trust the BDM. No because they have there own secerts that there not going to share with the Navy, Military.
But please for anyone one else that will say the same thing here is a SS from in game that I just went to do after posting my reply to one of my mates Deadric.
Oh yes. I admit I was wrong. You can indeed pirate. I didn't look at the ID, I assumed it had the same clauses the normal ID had. That is the problem with assuming, you tend to be wrong sometimes. :P
' Wrote:Exactly what does being lawful have to do with it? Just because you are considered lawful doesn't mean other factions have to trust you. In game rumors state that the Royal forces do not trust Junkers. In game rumors show that Junkers play both sides of the table.
Just a quick rumor scrap. I'm sure some of it will be helpful.
It says, 'do not completely trust them?' Do you Completely trust your government or any of its legal arms? Nope, and that's what I mean. They are a lawful entity within Gallia even though the GRP and GRN don't 'trust' them enough to share bread and wine over a last supper. Also, thanks for those rumors they will come in handy and I don't mean that in a sarcastic way at all.
One thing with the ID and rumours you have found my friend is parts of those rumours roleplay cannot happen. Namely because with the Gallic Junker ID, you can't land on an unlawfull base in Gallia. So will openly say that part of the ID itself is flawed. But well as you can see in the write up i have adapted for the ID's Restriction by counting them at wart with all gallic unlawfulls except Council, who they can land on there bases.