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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Zoner Alliance Headquarters, Planet Gran Canaria
To: Leadership of Synth Foods
Encryption: High
Greetings Leaders of Synth Foods,
I am Ambassador John Henry Holliday and have been authorized by my fellow Zoner leaders to address this matter to you. I hope this transmission finds you well.
For quite some time now, we have had a great deal of trouble with keeping all of our facilities watched over and secure all over Sirius. Bethlehem Station, being surrounded by Liberty space, is the most difficult for us due to capital ship restrictions and other laws we must obey while there. The Zoners who live there, about 600 or so in number, are also increasingly finding it difficult to stay there with the piracy and such.
We also know that Synth Foods has maintained offices on planets around Sirius and even on our own Freeports without really having a place to call there own. Well, after some discussion, I think we can both solve some of our issues. We, the members of the Zoner Alliance, propose the sale of Bethlehem Station to Synth Foods. It would be one less security issue for us to deal with and give you a place to call home. The base itself has been well maintained and is in top notch shape with all defensive systems working and recently overhauled. Docking is also very available for the many comings and goings of trade ships and the crew quarters on the station are quite nice.
After some calculating, we are asking a sale price of 5 billion Sirius credits for the base and of course, we would like to continue to do business there as guests of the base. We can have all Zoner personnel off the base within a month's time so that the families of Synth Foods can move in.
As I said, we see this as an opportunity that will benefit both of our peoples. We hope you agree and hope that we can come to a mutual agreement on this. We look forward to your response.
For the Zoner Alliance,
Ambassador John Henry Holliday, M.D.
*Transmission Detected*
*Amplifing, Redirecting*
*Decripting Cypher*
*Comm ID Recognized*
*Redirected to: Chairman of Board*
*Backup Initiallization*
*Commencing Video Transmission*
I apologize for the delay in responding to this fortuitous piece of news. We were having new Optronics installed in the Stuttgart Neural net grid, and thus were unaware of this transmission for some time. Nor was this a decision for us to make lightly, so we consulted for a few hours before returning our own.
5 billion credits is, without a doubt, a fair price for such a high quality station. So far as we can tell, everything is as you have described it. The station is well armed, and fitted with ship sales facilities, which is quite a bonus. Its location in the heart of liberty is quite helpful to us, as it will assist us in maintaining a presence in the neighboring systems. It is also well placed, out of the way, but not entirely.
Of course, you may continue to do business there, after all, we have no plans to attempt to lock down such a well placed beacon of trade. While piracy may be an issue, I belive our paramilitary wing is more than up to the practice it shall gain, a valuable training resource for when they engage wanton terrorists.
However, one month certainly seems a short amount of time for them to leave their home that they have lived in so long. 2 months would be acceptable to us, if you have no qualms with that.
This is indeed an opportunity for the both of us, and we wish to continue our mutually beneficial relations.
Synthetic Foodstuffs Incorperated
*End video transmission*
*responce channel opened, reencrypting*