An idiot junker by the name of Jacob. Someone deal with him please. These were taken yesterday, in Cortez. The idiot was transporting our slaves on the lanes, coming out of the California Jumpgate.
Chat logs. Doesn't even speak proper english. These are the logs of the first encounter.
And what's worse, I saw him again today in Ontario. I followed him to California.
Someone do something with this idiot, cause I swear I will make his life hell next time our paths cross.
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****Location: Yanagi****
I have an idea. Do you have any bomber pilots who need target practice. Actually in a ship like that and with that captain's level of intelligence, it would probably even make good target practice for a fighter. Have at him and there will be no complaint from the Junker Congress. If I see him I will definitely have some words with him.