From: Lieutenant Kentaurus Toliman, Liberty Navy
To: Liberty Police Inc.
cc: Liberty Navy, Liberty Security Force
Subject: Smugglers
Ladies and gentlemen, If I could direct your attention to Slides 1 and 2, it will show you 2 ships; Hawthorn, and FerisOlin, suspected of smuggling cardimine. As we all know this is a dangerous substance. These ships have been seen on several occasions with it. Intercept them. Until now we haven't gotten a lot of hard evidence. Please see me for more details on their route. I know we're all busy with the rhienlanders and what not, but if we are to succeed abroad, we must be able to succeed on the home front.
Thank you Naval Command for accepting my application for admission into the ranks of the Liberty Navy. Per Admiral Anderson's orders, I have acquired my Executioner fighter and, per standing orders, I am at present acquiring proper Guard IFF and ID. One question for command. Is it a normal day for recruits to participate in combat to repel a raid by Phantoms? I must say, the ad hoc fleet assembled was able to send those villanous fleas to ground, but it was truly a fascinating way to enter my new endeavor. *hehehehe*
To follow on from Recruit Red Bear's 2nd last report, we engaged several Rogues, with one of them exploding by his own stupidity.
After that, I focused fire on one bomber until my weapons systems suddenly and catastrophically...stopped working. I retreated to Manhatten and got to work fixing the damaged systems.
>Chatty Slave Driver.
Whilst in California, on board the Florida, we came across a slave driver by the callsign "Hawthorn". We chased after her but was unable to get within acceptable disruption range.
Once she'd well and truly escaped, we got an incoming communication from her. I managed to record the important part of an attempted bribery:
I questioned her and the motives for contacting me after she'd already escaped. Seems she was a little paranoid about me getting into her head - The comms cut out.
>Pesky gunships.
I should make a note of two gunships and a Sabre which I kept coming across in the Florida. The guncam shot below shows their callsigns. They disrupted the lane in California and New York.
I managed to take the shields off've one of the gunboats, only for them to flee into the badlands, where Ensign Backus was waiting for them. After a couple of failed ambushes on both sides, we made it out with a few blown fuses in the sensor department - So I went and swapped my Siege Cruiser for my Guardian.
>Another Gunship.
After grabbing my Guardian stationed at Manhatten (After the brawl with the Rogues), I went out and immediately spotted an Outcast Gunship not 10 k's from the planet. Ensign Backus was enroute with a disruptor as I started questioning the perp why he was holding some Police Officers hostage.
Eventually, we started fighting and with the help of Fleet Admiral Hale, we managed to down the gunship.
At the time we were just venting the atmosphere aboard the gunship, another gunboat came along, "The_Lucian_Alliance" and started firing on us. We chased it through to Colorado and destroyed that one as well.
Back in New York, a big brawl broke near the tradelane from Texas to Norfolk Shipyard - We were called to help out. Amongst the anarchy, an Outcast Sabre tried to make his escape. Luckily I caught him and shot hit down whilst he was having some sort of steering issues.
Signal Confirmed
I.D: Dante Villiers
<<<Request for Promotion>>>
After the required 8 hours of cockpit time in the executioner fighter, I formally request a promotion to ensign and permission to transfer to an avenger very heavy fighter.
Per Liberty Navy procedures, I have completed the required hours and training within the Executioner strikecraft. In addition, I have been accepted into the honored ranks of the Liberty Navy guard. My certifications and flight log are included in this application for your review.
--- Incoming Transmission ---
--- Location: Alaska Grid H3 Carrier Wrath of Liberty---
--- Security Code: 33141SierraDelta Captain Malone ---
--- Subject: Order Capital Ship ---
Well...where should I start...we finished our repairs at the Juneau Shipyards and started our test runs on the new Weaponary,which our Fighter- and Bomberwings had been equipt with.After the successfully passing of the Tests we set course back to Grid H3 to guard the Hole from any intruders.I ordered to put the ship in stealth mode with only a Minimum of Power left but all ready for a quick blow.Time passed by and nothing happend.So we left the Stealth Mode to do a fast Sensor Scan of the System.We became big eyes when we detected the Energy Readings of an "Osiris" Class Battleship directly at the Jump Hole.I ordered all Crew to battlestations and made the ship ready for combat.When that was done,the shooting began.We had luck,that the "Osiris" was busy with some of the Bounty Hunter - i wonder how they could operate in Alaska,noone knows the access codes exept navy - and our Bomberwings could land some direct hits on the "Osiris".But now we had their full interest and our Defense Turrets opened fire which was now returned by the Enemy.Actually through a direct hit in the engine Room by our Heavy Mortar - I ordered additional drink rations for the gunner crew - the enemy Battleship lost energy so our Defense Turrets could finish it off. Actually my ship was damaged as well and we had to return to Juneau again...hell they will curse when they have to fix our ship again *laughes* Additionally we add the sensor logs of the destruction of the Order Ship.
During my regular patrol on the tradelane from Manhattan to West Point, my scanners detected a trading vessel being pursued by an Outcast Gunship. I disengaged tradelane protocols and tried to intervene on the traders behalf. Unfortunately, the vessel suffered a hull breach and all hands abandoned ship. I sent a system wide alert for assistance, and engaged the enemy until support would arrive. Fortunately, a bounty hunter, Yellow.Touch, happended by in a much needed bomber. From that point on I was no longer a moving target. Yellow.Touch provided the power and I kept his shields down. I included combat video in this report for your review. In addition, I paided Yellow.Touch for his assistance, for it was sorely needed considering I am in an Executioner strike craft.
Lieutenant Maximo Valeri
[color=#FF7700]Myself and Commander Kapinos, or "Hanky" as I like to call him - were just hanging out at Baltimore Bar, taking a few shots of whiskey and checking out girls. The usual "man-stuff". He's a good pal as well, first high-ranked fella I know who doesn't have a stick up his ass.
[color=#FF6600]So on our first shift we stumbled upon some Xeno sitting in-between the trade-lane towards the Texas system. With the help of Ensign Smith we managed to successfully intercept this bastard and pin him down on his run towards the Badlands.
I bet he hoped he could shake us off. Tough luck, he happened to face the wrong pilots for that job.
During the whole encounter some random pilot told us to get lost, now I don't take orders kindly from some low-life scumbag so naturally I told him to shut the hell up. Funny thing tho', I was just about to head back as I made a quick sweep across his cargo-hold. That guy had a bunch of civilian and Navy pilots in his hold.
I told the guy to drop them all but he refused, so we started another chase. Unfortunately he managed to reach some hidden Rogue base. Then again he just revealed the location of it but it will probably be damn hard to back-track due to the heavy ion-storms in that area.
But this time he had already sold out the pilots to the Rogues. So we decided to fine him heavily for such a grave crime and then turn him over to the police. I expected the guy to make a run for it and he did, this time though, he met Mr. Magma Hammer. And Mr. Magma Hammer wasn't in a nice mood. I promise you that.
Firewall Status... [color=#33CC00]Online Verify Encryption Keys...Ok Confirm Identity... Thomas DeLonge Recognised Initialise Video Uplink...Established Subject:Patrol Report
I was ordered to join patrol wing and scout Liberty core systems. Our patrol started at Battleship Missouri in New York System. It should have been calm day and we took trade lane to West Point.
Everything seemed alright so far. We got transmission from California system.
The pirates were reported near Planet Mojave. We were the nearest forces to this place so we tried to get there as soon as possible. When we arrived nobody was there.
It was really weird, like somebody wanted to distract us.
After we got another transmission but now it was from Liberty Navy ship, pilot asked for help. While we were on way to California he was amushed by Lane Hackers at West Point -> Planet Manhattan Trade lane. We went there to help him. We found there 3 Lane Hackers ships ganging againts up Navy pilot. The battle started. Our ship suffered some damage but We managed to took them all down. I destroyed one Sabre.
Immediately after this battle we got another transmission not far away from us. It was near Planet Manhattan. Another LSF agent was under Outcasts attack. We flew to Planet Manhattan and saw few Outcasts ships. And again we defeated them all and I took down one enemy pilot.
After this busy day I contunied back to Battleship Missouri and I landed at Norfolk Shipyard where I took a little rest.
Thomas DeLonge
Department of Home Security
Visual Data:
Lane Hacker Killed:
Outcasts ship destroyed:
[font=Agency FB][color=#CC0000]
Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...
Former Official Member: Alliance),[TBH],XA,Ageira~ [AFA],Ageira|, Aoi Iseijin,=LSF=, [UC],[RM],[OPG]