' Wrote:For the same reason people play BAF or pirates, the outcome of each battle isn't pre-determined, so there is incentive to log in and fight that battle.
If the outcome of the battle/event is predetermined, the only incentive to log in is to take some enemies down with you. Since there's no bonus for teking down enemies, either via positives to you or negatives to them, there is no incentive.
That is your opinion, that isn't fact. For a good deal of people, free PvP is incentive enough.
' Wrote:Just wanted to let people know that all of the commodities have been shipped over to the battleship.
Just a time saver.
Blame the barge.
' Wrote:I knew that [RM] was useless. Heh
Reaver's and Evelyn killed them all q.q
EDIT:Ye, sorry forgot to Kudos Cannon, great work... Perhaps putting goods that are harder to obtain, or limiting where they could be bought at?
Seriously great job.
Thank you Cannon. I love the implemented new system. If players can use it for their own bases, Disco will be a better place! I would have loved to participate, but it was over before I could. =)
Ciriticism after the first round and suggestions how to improve it:
Quote:And it's generating money.
It is not generating money for the key players in this events (transports) and it's not costing the faction that does it anything (still generates irp advantages). Freistadt's "Transport Hell" 3 hour event cost IMG| about 100 million, something that I see as a fair investment into irp change in your direction. Potential massive irp change should be "paid" for by costing money (to silmulate the effort) and with roleplay. The better your rp performance (on server and forums), the cleverer you invest money, the more likely you win.
For the transport captain, the reality is:
It is ridiculous to get not only nothing but also lose money... if viewed from an economic side.
Quote taken from one of the few rps about this event:
Quote:These companies are doing it out of their own pocket to assist the Republic and are asking for nothing in return. [...] you're more than welcome to do so - However, no compensation will be awarded except the thanks of a grateful nation.
Transport captains that take major risk are rewarded by loss. In reality no one would do it. Even soldiers are expensive, irply.
At least compensating the losses of traders financially (and create a cool open Drop-off Data base, nice player-player interaction, and some self-updating news automatically) should be imperative for the success of that mission, imo. Keeping a level of realism in the game should be a prerequisite to make the outcome count.
Why are people still doing it, even though you get killed and lose money in any way:
a) players are bored
b) players like the oorp thrill of trying "can I do it"?
c) players have an oorp agenda to make this event a success/fail.
Generally speaking: It should not be possible to gain irp advantages "cheaply".
Quote:Just wanted to let people know that all of the commodities have been shipped over to the battleship.
Too fast. 1st numbers/experience collected. =)
Cannon, can we try the same numbers again, only limited to a 24 h time frame.
The initial hype is over, let's see if the effort can be maintained.
My suggestions to generally improve it:
Define an amount of DAILY goods that have to be delivered to Westfalen. Gather experience on numbers while doing so. Each day's overall performance can count as +1 or -1 for the parties.
Define a "prime time" of 3 hours each day in which only 1 commodity can be shipped. If it succeeds, +1 score, if not -1. Factions can prepare for it, rp is created, contracts can be signed, etc.
Make RM and LN write massive RP on what is happening ingame. Read what they say and decide if e.g. successful strikes against Westfalen resulted in greater demand the following day. So RM gets a chance, too, to do anything and shape the outcome actively instead of beind passive only.
Set a final event that has +5 score (like in quiz shows where you can win by winning the last round)
OORPly set the time frage 5-10 days before you start the event, to enable rp to take off before the missions is done.
Set a demanding mission goal that makes factions generate rp, include mercs, smugglers, allies, and encourages player-player interaction outside of the actual action.
Of course people are whining and complaining again. Typical.
I find the idea original and fun. For a trial it was set up good enough. Now all it needs is some balancing/ tweaking. I for one appriciate the whole LD-14/ Westfalen bit. Good show.