Tharog: I managed to get your direction by looking at the nebula. I have determined the path to the system we call California. Here is the data which hopefully will work with your navigational systems as well.
*data is being transferred*
Unfortunately I don't know how fast your ship can travel without making use of Jump technology. And I am unable to send out a ship into deep space, as I can't guarantee that it would ever return. I don't know your distance and until I do I can't send help.
I also am afraid I have to inform you that earth no longer exists, in fact most of the system Sol is destroyed.
Also to prevent mass panic, you won't be allowed to go free after you arrived, until we figured out who or what you are and where you're from. We've had... trouble with beings from outside before. As soon as we have your exact location you will be brought to Willard Station, a medical team is ready, and we can also provide you with a basic ship. Your former life will only be known to me and my crew, unless I won't find it necessary anymore. There is no longer the possibility to return to earth, because it's gone. You can't go back to where you came from either as we don't know where it is, and we won't build a sleepership for just one person who wants to go to a place of which we don't know where it is and possibly is too far for us to reach.
You are now online with Mux Agent Youffis'Mak'aron Buffis.
Here you are, human.
*suddently, a giant ship of a few kilometers long exits hyperspace*
You have been a troublemaker... But I respect the law, me. Z'vvky nahu'fozz, tractor the human inside. You, human, called Marcus Barbatus, you will have a few forms to fill before we leave you again in the sirius sector.
*The huge tractor beam of the Intergalactic Fleet vessel activates, tractoring Marcus inside the ship* Aaah... And the Angel emissary has arrived to defend your rights in case of necessity. You will be escorted to the administrative section 34, deck 221.
You are now online with Mux Agent Youffis'Mak'aron Buffis.
*The huge tractor beam of the Intergalactic Fleet vessel activates, tractoring Marcus inside the ship* Aaah... And the Angel emissary has arrived to defend your rights in case of necessity. You will be escorted to the administrative section 34, deck 221.
*elevator music*
- I will not obey your demans and will not say any other word rather than: I'm Lt. Marcus Barbatus from Caldari Navy Registration Number NY-CA 1441
You can't hold me captive in this cave as I'm innocent. I will only talk to the Angel Ambasator himself.
Ye should do wha' thae say, laddae. I thought I could disobey them as well, a' now I've been here for as long as I can remember. Eons, decades, millenniums, I cannae tell.
"Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will, in fact, calm up."
Old Greg ! We already told you to not disturb the newcomers ! But now that I think about it, it seems we have lost the form again and we'll only have another CA-666E form in 17 years. We're sorry for the delay it's causing for your release, Mr. Greg.
Mr. Barbatus, Angel Pilgrim will soon be at your ship, he will escort you to the administrative sector to fill the necessary forms for your release.
Angel ambassador entered section 34. He was in elegant suit and looked professional.
"Greetings subject 32, case 369E4, called Marcus Barbatus. I'm here to protect your rights. You can call me Pilgrim. We are here because you broke several laws. You can not just make inter-dimensional and inter-galactical travels whenever you want. People from above do not like it. It always cause a lot of mess. I will tell you truth subject 32. Your chances aren't high. But we can try to play it on refugee law 54, articel 74, paragraph 7 which says that inter-dimensional refugees are allowed to settle in another galaxy or dimension if there is several threat to space-time continuum in your own galaxy."
So the Outcasts think they can retrieve technology from a ship that's gonna explode anytime soon. And there is ... something else there...? Well as long as this doesn't reach the common people.
' Wrote:Mr. Barbatus, Angel Pilgrim will soon be at your ship, he will escort you to the administrative sector to fill the necessary forms for your release.
Thank you. Although still I am not fancy with you, I see that you are a creature with honor and who respects to laws. I will fill the forms , I have nothing to hide about my being here