Ok well we are in need of a few things to make us look pretty.
Here is where you can help.
First off we need two avatars.
For the first I would like it to be a better quality version of this shield. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e77/Gold...hield12jpeg.jpg
Please remove the background as I only want the shield.
Next comes a Sig.
I need it to look all law enforcement/ bounty hunter like with the top shield in it.
I will also need the PSD. file for this image as it will be used as a basis for individual sigs.
Please leave enough space for a render to be added in somewhere.
Onto the communications bar
Well as long as it fits with the rest of the art work and looks good.
I will need the PSD file for this as well so I can put individual names in it.
And finally a banner.
Think letterhead or business logo, short and wide like to fit across the top of a website.
It needs the words Guardian Fugitive Recovery and the slogan, Putting people and property where they belong.
It will also need the top shield in it as that is our logo.
I know this is a big ask but there is a big payment for these services.
We will choose the best package as the winner.
Note: If someone is unable to create a good image with one item, we may choose an item from someone else and pay them a part payment for their services.
Percentage will depend on which item they complete.
To answer your first question, I would take a new shield looking like that one or, if you can enchance that image enough to look good feel free.
On to the second question.
We feel that we would like a common feel throughout these images.
The best way to do this of course is to get one artist to do the work.
If you can not manage all of the images then by all means please submit what you can do and if we choose it you will be paid for your effort.
I must say that we will be picky about what we choose, which is why we have put 200 million credits up for payment.
If we choose one picture from each artist we would probably pay more than the total of 200 but again we are after a common feel.
Well of course feel free to create a new shiled closely resembleing the first if you wish.
What is important is that it stays looking close to the one which I gave and that it is used on the other graphics as specified.