' Wrote:Too bad I have the wonderful GMT +12. So on average I see maybe 70 people online, most of em in NY.
And for the scanner thing; do you know how boring trading is when you see no one? I'd rather spend more time RPing with the stuff that rolls up to Rochester or Omicron Minor.
My main use for a BS would be killing lolwuts in Minor anyway; ever since I joined the official Order faction my time on my Geb went right down and my time on a snub craft went way up.
You are joking right?
You are talking about RP of your characters but you would kill "lolwuts" with battleship in Minor?
Great RP ye, if I see doing/talking anything similar on your Order| char, we will have a serious talk, actually, we will have it anyway when I catch some time, such attidude of Order| member won't be tolerated dude. Have some respect towards people please.
You were once a noob too, did older players killed you around Minor with their battleships, don't think so.
Shape up man.
All I see in Minor are lolwuts. So if I had an Osiris what would I kill with it? What would have happened to the residents of Minor if the Repentance wasn't there when the LNS-Oppressor showed up huh?
And by lolwuts I mean people who don't RP with their Mako's and Dreadnoughts.
Geez, I know we're not meant to be attacking humans, I follow the directive to the letter.
When I said the purpose would be killing lolwuts, I didn't mean killing the newbies that want to join up, I'd use it for the rookie LNS and BHG that roll up in there battleships looking for a fight.
All I gotta do is make one comment that gets misunderstood and my thread turns into a trial by forum.
What I would suggest, if you don't do this already, is try RPing with passersby to see if they are or are not, in fact, lolwuts. I'll pass by one day soon on my Order AI Sekhmet if you want and we can RP a bit.