The transmission is very methodical, almost as if it was being sent by a computer...
[Artemis reporting in]
[Current location: Unknown. Systems damaged.]
[Current fleet: R&D fleet.]
[Fleet position 1: Trailblazer]
[Class: Argus type Battlecruiser]
[Status: Ok]
[Fleet position 2: Sayaney]
[Class: Argus type Battlecruiser]
[Status: Ok]
[Fleet position 3: Explorer]
[Class: Argus type Battlecruiser]
[Status: Ok]
[Fleet position 4: Thenes]
[Class: Argus type Battlecruiser]
[Status: Ok]
[Fleet position 5: Scout]
[Class: Argus type Battlecruiser]
[Status: Ok]
[Fleet position 6: The.Barrington]
[Class: Argus type Battlecruiser]
[Status: Ok]
[Fleet position 7: Hawkeye]
[Class: Argus type Battlecruiser]
[Status: Ok]
[Fleet position 8: Maselah]
[Class: Argus type Battlecruiser]
[Status: Ok]
[Gunboat wings Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Theta registered under R&D directive Clearance grade Alpha-Prime]
[Current commander: Syana Kyan]
[Current total crew in fleet: 2319]
[Current crew status: Unknown]
[Last registered transmission: 8th March 818 AS]
[Last registered position: Unknown]
[Drone status: Ok]
[Drone count]
[Avenger class assault drone: 810, 0 damaged, 0 under repair, 0 destroyed]
[Pharaoh class scout drone: 59, 0 damaged, 0 under repair, 1 destroyed]
[Sphinx class fighter drone: 807, 2 damaged, 0 under repair, 1 destroyed]
[Anubis class armor repair drone: 40, 0 damaged, 5 under repair, 0 destroyed]
[Scarab class mining drone: 25, 0 damaged, 0 under repair, 0 destroyed]
[Current computer status: Ok]
[Current powercore status: Ok]
[Last recorded transmission message:
Exiled. Alone. We shall stay hidden until the day we have a use once more. The miners are not yet ready to be anything except miners. We are the ones who have decided that we can be more than the stereotype placed upon us. We shall steal. We shall learn. We shall fight. We shall do whatever needs to be done to give us power over our lands, to give us the strength to truly protect who we are. Until the time comes that we are either needed, or we can strike a true blow against our enemies, we shall remain alone, exiled and forgotten.
Could this really be? this cant be. but i thought Syana was dead along with her entire Research and Development division.
*collapses in chair
Syana your message has been received and sits on the Board of directors desk awaiting review. I can tell you personaly that its good to know that your well and still working on the better hood for the IMG. You have always strived for secrecy in your research and i can only hope someday you shall return when you are most needed. You signal came in strong leaving me to believe that you have been very busy in your time away.
*picking up multiple signals most unknown
Following your message i know your passionate and determined to give the Independents their true justice I just hope you are not too late.
A time of war is before us and we shall stand strong. This message insures me that we are not alone and we are yet to see the true power on the Independent Mining Guild.
[Thank you for your transmission. It has been logged and transferred to-]
[Incoming Transmission]
Shut that damned machine up.
My god, Gene, how are you? Sorry we disappeared on your ass, we wanted to get away and work by ourselves... I can't stay on this channel long, but if you are ever in trouble, or we are needed once more, we're just a transmission away... and every day we get stronger and stronger... we have spies almost everywhere.
It's stunning how people think that miners can't be anything more than miners.
---Incoming transmission--- ID: Ron Matterson , Independent Miners Guild.
Goddamn good to see you, Syana.
Your handiwork is nothing but impressive, and will certainly be of use. I hope it doesent have to be, but I'm betting, as you seem to have done, that those ships'll be needed.
Good call.
Ron Matterson
[color=#FF0000]Directer of Defense.
Independent Miners Guild ---Transmission ended, Channel open---
' Wrote:<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Violence is Golden</span>
Good to hear the fleet is still in good condition. I was beginning to wonder when I would hear from you again.
The time to strike is not now, but may be very soon.
Stay in touch, and keep that fleet of ours on standby. I haven't forgotten about you or the fleet.
You know where to find me if you wanna join me for a few drinks... Zenth says as he smiles.