-=TARGET: WHOEVER LEADS YOUR GROUP OF MORONS=- *Linda appears on screen, leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed, sitting there for a moment before rocking forward and pushing what looks to be a bill in the camera.*
Five ships...five bloody ships..That's what you and your group of...gringos..have cost me. Now, I ask the latest person to take a ship from me what I have done for you to treat me as such, and his response? "Because you are a dirty Sirian who kills innocent people for a drink" *She laughs* Now, I don't know where you get your stats from, but they are wrong. First off, I am not dirty. I shower every single day. Second, I have never killed a single soul...*She smiles* So, what this transmission is about...ah, I remember...*She frowns* I want you to stop...and now. Right about now, I bet you're laughing at this. However, I know people. And they know people, and they know people....do you see where I'm going with this? And besides, if you accept this, and leave me alone now without favors being called, there may be some credits in it for you. *She grins* So, next time we meet, may it be your big gray ships shooting me, or you decide to talk to me peacefully, Adios! -=SIGNAL LOST=-
"Dear Sir or Madam, your ship was destroyed by the CPW Trotsky on the charges of Piracy, Murder, being unsightly, Capitalism and/or Imperialism.
We regret it has come to the point of destroying your ship, but if you continue to engage in the acts as stated above than our glorious Coalition Forces will have no choice but to continue destroying your vessel.
Should you wish to leave feedback or lodge a complaint kindly input your Comm ID and Firewall Password so we may send you a package that will make you feel better.
Captain Warner, Commandante of the Fighter Corps, Sirius Coalition."
-=TARGET: SENORA WARNER=- *She leans back in the chair, grinning slightly*
Buenas tarde Senora Warner. I have a few things to say. According to what you said.
"your ship was destroyed by the CPW Trotsky on the charges of Piracy, Murder, being unsightly, Capitalism and/or Imperialism." Let me get one thing clear...That big ship I was attacked by, the 'Trotsky', it wasn't by itself. It also had Senor Steele, and some ship called 'Unsocial Credit' or something like that attacking me in my single Imperator. This fight was because a Senor Juan, a friend of mine, was being attacked by them. That was the first ship your kind cost me. Later that day, I was in Stuttgart, having a nice conversation conversation with Senor...whatever his name was, when the 'Credit thingy', Senor Steele, and an Osiris showed up, and cost me my second ship. *She smiles, enjoying the story* The next day, I launched from my home on Cadiz, saw the fleet of SCRA ships right outside my doorstep, and once again, boom. No reason. Still not enough? I was flying through Omega-7, having a chat with some WRF guy, once again, Trotsky and Senor Steele show up, cost me my fourth ship. After waiting a few days for my new Imperator to be delivered, I was coming back from New Berlin, was close to Cadiz base, when some other cruiser looking thing attacked me. Not the Trotsky thing, a different one. As stated in my previous transmission sent to you, mi hermana. Now, as I have told you, this has happened multiple times, and they had no reason. They just show up, call me scum/dirty Corsair/thief, and shot down yet another ship of mine. I'm not sure about you, but I am not made of credits, and cannot afford the constant supply of ships I have to buy. So, I suggest that you reconsider my previous offer senora...
Know the funny thing about war? People die in it. Ships are lost. And we expect you to deal with it. By simply being a Corsair you put yourself on the firing line. I don't care if you're minding your own business, pirating, or smuggling; you are an enemy of our Revolution.
If you whine again it will only make our destruction of your vessel more out of spite than it is about you being a Corsair.
Do not waste our time with your petty ignorance.