I've devised another small tool for your Freelancing pleasure, though this one may cater to a smaller audience (or it might make the small audience grow!)
This is the Freelancer ADF to XML Converter, aka ADFtoXML. It takes an ADF or Accounts.dat file from FAM and turns it into an XML file (like accounts.xml) for use with Jongleur's Discovery Launchpad. I've tested it and it DOES work fine. *cough*FLKeyGen1.0*cough* For further information on ADFtoXML, visit its page on my site, but there's nothing there that you should need to know (other than the download link below!).
Please notify me if you find any bugs. The code is not open source, but the binary is released as freeware, so you can distribute it along with the copyright notice in the readme file freely.
EDIT: Balls, left some debugging messages in. Fixed and uploaded new version to the same filename.
EDIT2: Ghrahhgh, found another bug with the comments system. Fixed and reuploaded.
EDIT: MAJOR BUG, DOWNLOAD RECALLED. Will upload new version when this is fixed. It seems to be incorrectly specifying comments and dropping accounts.
EDIT2: Bug patched and released as v1.1. Converter will no longer drop null-comment accounts.
EDIT: Appears the launchpad has one of these buried within a few menus. Ah well. I'll find something to use this code for...