"I am a native of this planet. One of the few left.. And.. Well he died because of me. Heh."
He pauses, looks around the room, then back at the man.
"My people lived underground. Not too far underground, we knew our limits with radiation.. We had a vast tunnel system, and one of those tunnels just so happens to be right beneath us. But don't worry, we do not use them anymore. But we did.. And i did. I climbed up when i heard the noise of this bunker being built. I was able to fight them for a moment or so, but they came with weapons and technology we had never seen before. I was put into a tank. One of those.. experiment containers. Here. Let me show you."
Jacques moved his hand under the desk counter, and flipped a switch. Part of the wall faded away, and revealed one glass cylinder tank.
"Somehow i awoke. I suppose their chemicals weren't able to fully neutralize me. I was enraged, of course. I quickly dealt with the scientist that worked here.. "
He nods. "Good... humans are a vile race I must say." he says with a smile. "So what are you exactly then... if you like looking like a human then show me what you really look like." he challenges him again trying to get him to prove such a thing. "And fighting humans is a bit silly as they tend to be like that." he would look at the container and snicker. "That more looks like a prison to me, you must hate humans."
Jacques looked back at the container, then at the man.
"Oh yes.. Humans are foul creatures.. We will eventually eliminate them all. Heh. But right now we are weak, as a whole. When we grow stronger, gain allies, and have the proper tech. Then! We shall have our vengeance.. Wait. You speak as if you are not human. Are you?"
Christopher just takes a moment to think but not to long. "They know nothing but violence and it seems you don't either there for you might as well be human." he shakes his head a little bit taking in more cold air. "I'm not going to be one of your 'friends' and I look like one don't I so theirs your answer."
He would give a slight nod. "Ever come after me though and we will see if this little bunker can withstand a battleships fire and your tunnels, if any of you are in there... I will light its air ablaze, got that?" he narrows his eyes his hand on his gun still. "And you will never be any better then humans, you will be as corrupt and blinded as they are."
"No! You're wrong! We appear human, yes, but our ways are completely differe-"
Jacques's rant was cut short by a movement in one of the walls of the bunker. Like a door, the wall slid partially away, and out stepped the leader of their kin. Jacques's shuddered, and stepped back.
"Lui? Wh.. What are you doing here? Is there something wr.. wrong?"
Lui smiled widely at Jacques, making him smile as well, for all of them did in the presence of Lui. The leader stepped closer to the captain, bowed, and held out his hand.
"Why hello there, captain. My name is Lui. Pleasure to meet you."
Lui continued to smile, his hand held out towards the captain.
Christopher would just look at the hand then back to the 'leader'. "My names Chris, as I told this one." he indicates to Jacques showing now sign of touching Lus, his weapon slightly drawn and the metal object firmly in his hand. "And that pleasures a one sided thing, I was just about to leave after a rather disappointing talk with your lackey there." he motions to Jacques again his tone and emotions still all dead set.
He stood up now at full height looking to Lus eyes looking over the man his lip twitching a bit. "So far I've just learned your not better then a human." he shakes his head. "Which is an unpleasant fact."
Lui turns his head towards Jacques, whom backs up and hits the wall in fear. The leader looks back at Chris, and nods to him.
"Hmm.. Yes. Well. Here's the thing. We have to be human. It's the only way we will survive for the time being. Hand to hand, we would defeat any and all. But.. The Order.. They have massive ships that could destroy this whole planet in one blow. We have to blend in.. Or else we are doomed. And no, revenge on the zoners isn't our main goal. We, may look human, we may act a bit human, but i assure we are far from their level. Though.. Jacques seems to be forgetting who he is.."
Lui turns his head back to Jacques and points at him.
"Can't you see it in him? The.. Hopelessness.. The fear. The.. The human emotions. Look! Look at him! I can already tell he's getting mad.. Oh.. Now he wants to kill me. How pathetic."
Christopher sneers at the man his eyes very slowly darkening and the hazel intensifying to a almost lightened gold color. "Pathetic, but some one who believes they are above every one else is about the same, understate and disrespect you opponents and they will give you a sudden and so hard slap you'll be wondering what happened during the whiplash." he grits his teeth. "The Order is by far the least of your problems, If you take on the same DNA they do then you are as weak as they are and as strong as they are and no body knows how to fight a human better then a human, they've had more then enough practice to know their limits."
He would still have his hand on his pistol but the other would be clenching something Jacques anger seeming to fuel his own like a fire."You wouldn't want to mess with the humans unless you can dominantly crush them as they are one of the few mammals that are the master of adaption and survival, They band to gather becoming completely fixed and hell bent on survival they will be the hardest force you will know and have no problem with making packs with old enemy to ensure their survival so they can just get back to killing each other."
He would have stepped back from them."I suggest Jacques learns calm, because his attitude right now is starting to irritate me, you want to be hateful when you wanna talk about friends, you talk about wanting to befriend the humans then why expose this to one if you cant get that through your head then get the hell outta here unlike most people I am a weapon in my self, I am more then a advanced fighter and you'd do best not to judge me before you have seen the full extent of my ability's because humans learn to fight on their own individual grounds and good fighters have come from it, but when another is taught by them it only gets higher and higher they improve and improve until they beat their masters and surpass expectations and then their masters if smart enough get better from them and they both advance and straighten each other."