this can actually be more fun then taking 7 indo Rheinland Battle ships to liberty. First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.
Or is flood the new in-rp section, and I wasn't made aware of the change?
Sounds like oorp grudges to me, but again, I don't care.
Quite the contriar im just making fun of the fact that ALot of ppl who were not involved are now handing the corsairs there ass.
As i said before After some Complete Fleet Devastation they should be begging for some forgiveness
bauahahahahahahahahahah First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world. First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.