[incoming transmission]
[source.....................FltAdm Martin Bridge]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]
Allright lads, here are a few things to discuss.
Since this communication aborted due to your silence, we never reached an agreement so far. All we have for now is a cease fire. Quite a success though, and I am glad to congratulate both of us, and to push the matter further I am offering you a military cooperation. A cooperation with the BAF, nothing more.
However I was told some of you deceit people around by mimicking a licensing system or such. Maybe it is a way to fool people and to conceal possible criminal activities, but it worth to make it clear again : up to now, the mollies have officially no economical rights to tax mining activities. As a consequence mollies applying this unilateral measure will be shot as pirates, as it have always been.
That being said, I am still open to negociations related to the defense of our lands. Further talks may follow if we meet success on this early and critical steps, but not before, and not with me.
This was a waste of time. Don't think that anything in particular will change. Mollys are still disorganized and ununited.[color=#33CC00] The fact that these negotiations have been paused for this long, further confirms what I've just stated.
I... I just wanted to do something after Collin Breen has left. Call it a way of expressing my gratitude to him and his men, or what is left of them and this so-called Republic. They've helped my little organization so much when no one else wanted to.
Politics are so boring and inconclusive. I should have just started/continued shooting and blowing things up. People don't listen otherwise. That same people call me insane?
"Ha-ha... Ha."
Comn ID:Vice-Chairman Joshua Altman Location: Belfast Production Facility Transmission Begins:
It was of our understanding that the armistice and consequential cease-fire was a solid agreement, as the territorial divides in the Dublin system had already been made and agreed upon. Was this not the case? Further co-operation between our groups should be specified to the member groups of the Council and their leaders. The unregulated taxation exerted by Mollys inside the Dublin system is a matter to be resolved by the Seperatists.
The La Tene Council has taken the Bretonian Government's indisposition to discuss territorial claims (Discussion which is in the best interest of the Government, may I add) as a chance to prioritize it's internal development. We have already expanded our range of routes and expect to contact other Bretonian trade powers in the near future regarding possible trade agreements and perhaps a more intricate co-operation.
I will take this opportunity to state that we are still open to negotiation. I am sure that Tayport would be a valuable asset in the defense of the Dundee system.
And Joker, I assure you that we are quite organised.
Comm ID: Nick O'Flannigan, Molly Separatists Subject: The armistice
Now I know I ain't technically involved in the negotiations but seein' the Joker talkin' like this I tink' I should reassure him...
This armistice is in effect me' good mate. We've been cooperatin' wit' the squaddies in Dublin against Sair' baby eaters an' pirates an' we've even worked out a way feh' the Mollys teh' get a share o' the profits made from the gold wit' minin' licences. They might say it ain't official but the miners seem teh' like it a lot better than when we was spacin' em' an' we still got teh' make a livin' somehow after all. Jus' ask them BMM what they prefer. Us flyin' about spacin' em' feh' the bounty payments an' revenge or us chargin' em' a small fee teh' mine freely wit' Molly protection. Frees up the squaddies from dealin' wit' us too.
Feck! I'm even startin' teh' feel like the police in Dublin now! Protectin' miners instead o' spacin' em'!
Admittedly I had me' doubts feh' a while an' theres still a couple o' tings' I can fault the squaddies on but tings' have been grand recently an' it would be shame if ye' pulled out o' this little agreement Joker me' ole' pal.
O'Flannigan out.
---End Transmission---
Quote:Dublin Miner: I am Gallic admiral earning money in Bretonia.
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: John Felling
Origin: New London
I'm sending this message to cover two subjects;
The armistice and territorial division of Dublin still needs to be discussed, agreed upon, and signed to via treaty. While the Mollys and Bretonia national forces are currently in a state of cease fire, it's not yet official, and as such, no territorial claims by the Mollys are yet legally recognized by the Bretonian Government.
There are still reports of Mollys traveling throughout Dublin, including into areas where, even if an agreement was officially concluded, were not included into the Molly's territory, and trying to extort the miners operating there, claiming they need a Molly license to mine in Dublin. This is a warning that all such actions must stop in all areas of Dublin. After an agreement is reached and treaty signed, this requirement to miners will only apply in Molly-designated mining areas.
The Government will deliberate on the matter and draft a proposal sometime in the next week, possibly two, as there are many other matters as well that must be dealt with.